Okay, it's now 5:10 am and I have been up since 4:30 am. No, I am not sick. No, I have no where to go until 11:30 am. I just couldn't sleep I am soooo excited! Today is the day! Yep, today is the day Jimmy and I leave to take Huston to Disney World. I know, I shouldn't be this over excited...after all, I AM an adult. I HAVE been before. I've SEEN Mickey and Minnie up close. I've even gotten their autograph! Taking that first step down Main Street USA is like walking into a movie. It just makes one's heart sore with excitement!
You know, Jimmy and his family were at Disney Land on opening weekend in 1955. He actually prefers Disney Land to Disney World. We've been to both and I am the opposite, but I think it is just remembering that wonderful moment when he first arrived that takes him back in time and puts DL as aspecial place in his heart.
Jimmy and I spent most of Friday evening and yesterday preparing for the trip. We had loads of errands to run, things to buy, books on Disney World to purchase to prepare for the trip and lists to make for packing and planning. I was speaking with a friend last night and I told her I forgot how much work it was to plan and prepare to take a pre-schooler on a trip. One doesn't only have to pack their own bag with all the essentials, and I do mean essentials (i.e. war paint for us women, along with hair equipment and other assorted hair products), but then to think about all the things a little one will need for just the travel days. Since we are flying Southwest airlines, and they serve no food, we have to worry about meal times, hand wipes for the plane, juice cups so Huston won't spill all over himself, games to play and DVD players so he can watch his Disney movies in the air. And that's just the beginning! AND THEN...poor Huston, they took him to the doctor yesterday and he has pink eye! Now we have to deal with that! Man....it's hard work taking a pre-schooler on a trip.
But man...will it be worth the effort the first time I see his face when step off the monorail and walk straight out onto Main Street USA. He will be in LOVE!
As I lay in bed before getting up this morning, I got to thinking about all this excitement and preparation. We've planned this trip for a while now. We've planned our days to revolve around what we would show Huston. We planned where we will eat so he could see the characters and be a part of the whole Disney experience. We love this child so much, this trip is really planned around him. Our joy is not so much what we see or do, but watching and feeling the joy he will get seeing and experiencing this adventure.
I heard recently a saying...The proportion of our obedience is the proportion for which God experiences our love. You see, we spend all our time preparing and planning for things we enjoy and want to share with others. Yet when it comes to our relationship with God, we fail in our obedience, because we are not willing to do what it takes to keep His covenant. If we committed to spending time with Him, getting to know Him, talking with Him daily, seeking His counsel, seeking His comfort and loving others they way He loves them in the same amount of time we do in preparation of other things in our life...to that proportion would God then experience our love for Him.
So today, I am thankful for time. Yes time. Time to plan and commit. Time to obey and experience. Time to seek and time to love. Time spent with the Lord is never time wasted. So Huston, my sweet precious grandson, our time together will be filled with fun. It will be filled with new experiences and it will be filled with love. I hope God will be right in the middle of it all, experiencing the the fullest proportion, my great love for you and Him.
WDW...here we come!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
You are sooooo not going to believe this. It SNOWED here in San Antonio. No, I am not crazy. Nor am I seeing things. No, it was not manna from heaven. It was SNOW!!!!!!! No, it did not stick to the ground nor did it look like snow once it even hit the ground. But yes, it was SNOW!!!!! I was sitting in leaders meeting at Bible Study, looked out the window, and there it was, floating in the air. Now it has never been this cold in San Antonio since we moved here approximately six years ago. In fact, there was never even snow in the forecast that I know of since we moved here. But today, it was forecast and it did snow.
Now those of you who live in the north - or even north of us (i.e. Dallas) probably think I'm insane. You wouldn't call what I saw snow. Yes, it sleeted before it snowed, but it was definitely SNOW! For those of us in the central and southern part of Texas, this would have been a holiday if it came anywhere near sticking to the ground. It was beautiful! Did you know that each snowflake is different? There are no two snowflakes exactly alike. Isn't that mind blowing? And...it's sooooo beautiful. It's actually made up of dirty water/precipitation. Yet, when the temperature gets a hold of it, it freezes to just the right temperature, and flakes of soft, almost weightless materials form into beautiful shapes and float through the air, landing on the earth, building mounds of white powder around the shapes of things it lands on. To me, it's heavenly! I love snow.
It makes me think of us. We are like the dirty water/precipitation hanging around, pushed from place to place. But when God touches our life, shapes us, reshapes us, molds and chips away at us, we become formed into the person we were created to be. We then are able to float through our families, neighborhoods, communities, churches, schools, businesses and friends and partner to make life beautiful and pleasing to God and man. Like the snow, we can't become snow/beautiful people without the help of something/someone more powerful than ourselves. Unless we allow God to change us to the person He created us to be, we will just stay like the dirty water/precipitation that moves with the wind and falls to the ground.
So today, I am thankful for the SNOW! Oh come on now...it was snow! And I am thankful for the reminder that like the snow, I am only able to become beautiful, unique, different than the world and a joy to others when I allow the One person who is able to change me according to His will. So, Happy Snow Day everyone!
Now those of you who live in the north - or even north of us (i.e. Dallas) probably think I'm insane. You wouldn't call what I saw snow. Yes, it sleeted before it snowed, but it was definitely SNOW! For those of us in the central and southern part of Texas, this would have been a holiday if it came anywhere near sticking to the ground. It was beautiful! Did you know that each snowflake is different? There are no two snowflakes exactly alike. Isn't that mind blowing? And...it's sooooo beautiful. It's actually made up of dirty water/precipitation. Yet, when the temperature gets a hold of it, it freezes to just the right temperature, and flakes of soft, almost weightless materials form into beautiful shapes and float through the air, landing on the earth, building mounds of white powder around the shapes of things it lands on. To me, it's heavenly! I love snow.
It makes me think of us. We are like the dirty water/precipitation hanging around, pushed from place to place. But when God touches our life, shapes us, reshapes us, molds and chips away at us, we become formed into the person we were created to be. We then are able to float through our families, neighborhoods, communities, churches, schools, businesses and friends and partner to make life beautiful and pleasing to God and man. Like the snow, we can't become snow/beautiful people without the help of something/someone more powerful than ourselves. Unless we allow God to change us to the person He created us to be, we will just stay like the dirty water/precipitation that moves with the wind and falls to the ground.
So today, I am thankful for the SNOW! Oh come on now...it was snow! And I am thankful for the reminder that like the snow, I am only able to become beautiful, unique, different than the world and a joy to others when I allow the One person who is able to change me according to His will. So, Happy Snow Day everyone!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tomorrow is my baby's birthday. Yes, my baby will be 28 years old. Man...I guess that makes me really old! It seems only yesterday that Clark and Graham were just two little boys, playing ball in the yard, swimming in our pool in Grand Prairie with their friends, on soccer and base ball teams and involved in a variety of church activities. Then there were the three years Clark attended a 5 week camp in Kerrville at Camp Stewart. There were couple of years Graham took piano lessons and the year they both took private art lessons. Looking back...the years flew by.
As they grew, their friends changed. They had girlfriends, jobs, cars, proms, graduations and college experiences. Then came marriages, carriers and even babies of their own. Life doesn't stand still - it just keeps moving forward.
There is this great animated movie called "The Robinsons". In the movie, the main character, a young orphan and budding inventor has a saying..."keep moving forward." When experiments fail or even when they progress to the next step...he would say "keep moving forward" until your dream becomes reality.
Sometimes life is like that. All through life, we experience great joys, sadness, mundane and even stressful times. Some times we aren't sure how we can carry on. Others, we just plod along from day to day without noticing how the time flies. Still others, we experience great joy or sadness that stops us in our tracks. Yet, for most of us, we keep moving forward. But what many of us don't realize is, it is but by the grace of God we are able to even take a step at a time, moving forward through each day. It is His grace that comforts us in our deepest sorrows. It is by His grace, we experience the greatest joys of family, friends, protection, job security, and provision for our needs - physical, emotional and spiritual. It is by His grace we move through those days when we don't even notice Him at all - those days of rest and peace when life just moves along. And it is by His grace, when we worry and stress over things we cannot control, we are able to make it through the day. It is by His grace we are able to keep moving forward.
So today, I am thankful for those days of joy, sadness, mundane and even stress. Because I know that during each and every situation, God's grace is allowing me to keep moving forward, trusting Him in every situation.
So, look up my friends and keep moving forward.
As they grew, their friends changed. They had girlfriends, jobs, cars, proms, graduations and college experiences. Then came marriages, carriers and even babies of their own. Life doesn't stand still - it just keeps moving forward.
There is this great animated movie called "The Robinsons". In the movie, the main character, a young orphan and budding inventor has a saying..."keep moving forward." When experiments fail or even when they progress to the next step...he would say "keep moving forward" until your dream becomes reality.
Sometimes life is like that. All through life, we experience great joys, sadness, mundane and even stressful times. Some times we aren't sure how we can carry on. Others, we just plod along from day to day without noticing how the time flies. Still others, we experience great joy or sadness that stops us in our tracks. Yet, for most of us, we keep moving forward. But what many of us don't realize is, it is but by the grace of God we are able to even take a step at a time, moving forward through each day. It is His grace that comforts us in our deepest sorrows. It is by His grace, we experience the greatest joys of family, friends, protection, job security, and provision for our needs - physical, emotional and spiritual. It is by His grace we move through those days when we don't even notice Him at all - those days of rest and peace when life just moves along. And it is by His grace, when we worry and stress over things we cannot control, we are able to make it through the day. It is by His grace we are able to keep moving forward.
So today, I am thankful for those days of joy, sadness, mundane and even stress. Because I know that during each and every situation, God's grace is allowing me to keep moving forward, trusting Him in every situation.
So, look up my friends and keep moving forward.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Today was a very long day! Many know that I HATE to shop. But Jimmy and I had to do many errands today that included shopping till we dropped for our upcoming trip to Disney World. It's been a while since we've taken a trip with vacation time included, but Jimmy is speaking at a seminar and I am going along. We decided to bring Huston with us to introduce to Mickey, Minnie and The Magic Kingdom at Disney World. We are really quite excited. I even bought a new camera today with a "sports" feature included so that I can capture Huston at any moment. He doesn't like his picture taken (hates to pose). So therefore, it will be vital that I have a camera that snaps in a continuous mode to get a decent shot.
We aren't telling Huston about our trip until the night before. Since he's only 4, if he has too much time to think about it, the excitement of going will fade with the realization that he will be away from mommy and daddy for more than a day. At this age...timing is EVERYTHING!
Isn't that true with us too? Timing...doesn't it hold true when we want to break the news about something uncomfortable to someone else? Doesn't it hold true when we want to ask a favor of someone and want them to say yes? Doesn't it hold true even when we want to announce some wonderful news, like an engagement or a pregnancy? Yes, timing can be a very delicate thing. It was even important for our Lord Jesus. He was soooo in touch with God's perfect timing. Even to the very end. He waited to reveal his ministry until the time was right - when He told his mother at the wedding that his time had not yet come (remember, she wanted him to take care of the wine when it had run out?) His timing was perfect when he answered Mary and Martha's request to help their dying brother Lazarus. Even though he was "dead" when he arrived...Jesus had waited a day before leaving and took a days travel before arriving. He knew Lazarus was dead but he also knew God would get the glory when he raised him. He even waited to reveal his true deity at the very end before giving himself up for Crucifixion. It was all in God's time.
How often do I jump ahead of God's time? How often do I forge ahead with matters, wanting to take care of things immediately, when sometimes waiting would be God's choice so he would get the glory for the outcome. How often do I forget to go to Him for His timing in a matter? Yes, timing is everything. It's something I need to work on.
So today, I am thankful for waiting for the right time to tell Huston about Minnie, Mickey and The Magic Kingdom. I am thankful for the reminder to stop, think, ask and wait upon God before rushing in to do, fix, handle or fumble a task He has given me to do. So Huston...I can't wait to tell you about our trip. I can't wait till it's the right time to break the news. Yes, the time is near. Here we come, MINNIE, MICKEY AND THE MAGIC KINGDOM!
We aren't telling Huston about our trip until the night before. Since he's only 4, if he has too much time to think about it, the excitement of going will fade with the realization that he will be away from mommy and daddy for more than a day. At this age...timing is EVERYTHING!
Isn't that true with us too? Timing...doesn't it hold true when we want to break the news about something uncomfortable to someone else? Doesn't it hold true when we want to ask a favor of someone and want them to say yes? Doesn't it hold true even when we want to announce some wonderful news, like an engagement or a pregnancy? Yes, timing can be a very delicate thing. It was even important for our Lord Jesus. He was soooo in touch with God's perfect timing. Even to the very end. He waited to reveal his ministry until the time was right - when He told his mother at the wedding that his time had not yet come (remember, she wanted him to take care of the wine when it had run out?) His timing was perfect when he answered Mary and Martha's request to help their dying brother Lazarus. Even though he was "dead" when he arrived...Jesus had waited a day before leaving and took a days travel before arriving. He knew Lazarus was dead but he also knew God would get the glory when he raised him. He even waited to reveal his true deity at the very end before giving himself up for Crucifixion. It was all in God's time.
How often do I jump ahead of God's time? How often do I forge ahead with matters, wanting to take care of things immediately, when sometimes waiting would be God's choice so he would get the glory for the outcome. How often do I forget to go to Him for His timing in a matter? Yes, timing is everything. It's something I need to work on.
So today, I am thankful for waiting for the right time to tell Huston about Minnie, Mickey and The Magic Kingdom. I am thankful for the reminder to stop, think, ask and wait upon God before rushing in to do, fix, handle or fumble a task He has given me to do. So Huston...I can't wait to tell you about our trip. I can't wait till it's the right time to break the news. Yes, the time is near. Here we come, MINNIE, MICKEY AND THE MAGIC KINGDOM!
Friday, February 19, 2010
What a night! It's rodeo time here in SA. It has been so long since I have been to a rodeo. We took two of our children, Clark and Alix, to the San Antonio Rodeo and had a great time. When we drove up, I couldn't believe all the activity! There were carnival rides everywhere! I haven't seen this type of activity since the South Texas State Fair in Beaumont when we were children. There were people everywhere outside the AT&T Center. There was the area reserved for food with, what else, but my VERY FAVORITE....funnel cake! What could be better! I was a kid all over again. Saw dust, carnival rides, funnel cake and large smelly animals. Man...the life!
We made our way into the indoor arena of the AT&T center and upstairs to the restaurant, of course. Funnel cake is about the only outdoor food product I will eat now unless I am in New York and want a street vendor's hot dog with sauerkraut - YUM! After chowing down on a buffet and delicious warm apple cobbler, we made our way to our seats, located behind the bull pens at one end of the arena. They were great seats and we were set to watch the first event - bronco horses. It really was fun. But mostly, I was waiting for my very favorite event - the bronco BULLS - Yeehaw!
As the events went along, I soon discovered I would prefer another event even more than the bronco bulls. Yes, this event was much more fun than having the bull buck a man off his back and then flip him in the air from behind onto his head and/or behind (yes, it did happen last night). This new event had fast riding, young men and women, terror, excitement, holding on for dear life and brought cheers from the entire crowd. I can't remember the name, but it involved young children (young men and women), ages 5-7 riding the backs of sheep and holding on for dear life for a certain amount of time. The sheep would be let out of the pen with the kid on their back and run for their lives. The crowds (including myself) LOVED IT! It was hysterical! The looks on these little kids faces were a scream! All I could think of was that could be Huston and Emery one day. Emery would probably win! Huston would be screaming, "Help, get me off this thing!" I was having so much fun watching I forgot to take a picture. Oh well...you'll just have to go to a rodeo and see for yourself.
Rodeos are really like life. There are times of thrill and cheers, happiness when things go great and you are on a high. And there are times of pure terror. When things go so wrong, you are holding on for dear life, or you are even hit from behind and flipped into the air and land flat on the ground, hurt and mangled. Pure terror or great joy and jubilation. You never know what it will be - it just comes out of the blue. That's where our Lord comes in. He's there to celebrate with you. Rejoice, and say well done, my good and faithful servant. He's also there when times are bad to place that arm around you to comfort your loss, heal your wounds, wipe away your tears, calm your fears and keep you under His wing and close to His heart. Yes, rodeos are fun and exciting to watch from afar, but they are also a symbol of what life can be like. And they are a reminder of our constant need for our heavenly Father to be close at hand.
So today, I am thankful for those rodeo experiences in life because they remind me to keep hanging on and stay dependent on my Lord. So to you our little rodeo cowboys and cowgirls....YEEHAW!
We made our way into the indoor arena of the AT&T center and upstairs to the restaurant, of course. Funnel cake is about the only outdoor food product I will eat now unless I am in New York and want a street vendor's hot dog with sauerkraut - YUM! After chowing down on a buffet and delicious warm apple cobbler, we made our way to our seats, located behind the bull pens at one end of the arena. They were great seats and we were set to watch the first event - bronco horses. It really was fun. But mostly, I was waiting for my very favorite event - the bronco BULLS - Yeehaw!
As the events went along, I soon discovered I would prefer another event even more than the bronco bulls. Yes, this event was much more fun than having the bull buck a man off his back and then flip him in the air from behind onto his head and/or behind (yes, it did happen last night). This new event had fast riding, young men and women, terror, excitement, holding on for dear life and brought cheers from the entire crowd. I can't remember the name, but it involved young children (young men and women), ages 5-7 riding the backs of sheep and holding on for dear life for a certain amount of time. The sheep would be let out of the pen with the kid on their back and run for their lives. The crowds (including myself) LOVED IT! It was hysterical! The looks on these little kids faces were a scream! All I could think of was that could be Huston and Emery one day. Emery would probably win! Huston would be screaming, "Help, get me off this thing!" I was having so much fun watching I forgot to take a picture. Oh well...you'll just have to go to a rodeo and see for yourself.
Rodeos are really like life. There are times of thrill and cheers, happiness when things go great and you are on a high. And there are times of pure terror. When things go so wrong, you are holding on for dear life, or you are even hit from behind and flipped into the air and land flat on the ground, hurt and mangled. Pure terror or great joy and jubilation. You never know what it will be - it just comes out of the blue. That's where our Lord comes in. He's there to celebrate with you. Rejoice, and say well done, my good and faithful servant. He's also there when times are bad to place that arm around you to comfort your loss, heal your wounds, wipe away your tears, calm your fears and keep you under His wing and close to His heart. Yes, rodeos are fun and exciting to watch from afar, but they are also a symbol of what life can be like. And they are a reminder of our constant need for our heavenly Father to be close at hand.
So today, I am thankful for those rodeo experiences in life because they remind me to keep hanging on and stay dependent on my Lord. So to you our little rodeo cowboys and cowgirls....YEEHAW!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Well, I did it again. I re-joined Facebook. Yes, I swore I wouldn't do it but I did. I love blogging. I really dislike FB. However, everyone is on FB. It's the only way I can keep up with pictures of my grand kids, nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews. It is beginning to be one of the must have tools I will just have to deal with.
One good thing did come out of rejoining FB. I was reconnected to an old (I guess I shouldn't say old, but rather long time) friend from high school. She was one of what I would call our "Three Musketeers." There were three of us that really hung out together and at class reunions, found each other again, took pictures together (which I have hanging in my "space", I recently spoke of) and caught up on old times. Though it seemed we only saw each other about every 10 years...nothing seemed to change between the three of us. There has been one change though, since I've seen the other two Musketeers. One is now gone and I do miss her so. I often look up at the pictures and think about we three "longtime" friends. I think a better name for friends like us are "pocket friends." Yes, pocket friends are those longtime friends one doesn't see often, but those we place in little pockets in our hearts to keep forever. When we see them, we simply bring them out and pick up where we left off. And then, when the moment is over, we tuck them back away in the warm pockets of our heart for safe keeping and tender moments when we contemplate and recall those precious moments together. Yes, this friend is one of my pocket friends.
I wonder if that is what many people do with the Holy Spirit? I wonder if they treat Him as a pocket friend? I wonder if they only bring Him out or call upon Him when things are rough or sad, to carry them through tough times or for comfort? Yet, He's not just a pocket friend. Yes, He does indwell us, but He's present, alive, active, encouraging us, counselling us, comforting us, motivating us, inspiring us, warning us, loving us and loving others through us. He's so much more than a pocket friend. He actually fills the empty pockets in our hearts so we are full of His love and joy.
Yes, I am so glad I was able to hear from my pocket friend. I have missed her so. I have missed her huge smile, her laughter, her ballet competition in gym class each day and the camaraderie of the Three Musketeers. But what joy I have in having her tucked in the pocket of my heart, to bring me joy each time I look up at the picture in my space and remember the wonderful times we had together.
So today, I am thankful for Pocket Friends, and their reminder of the Holy Spirit who fills the empty pockets of my heart, not just to be brought out occasionally, but alive and abundant within. I love you pocket friend!
One good thing did come out of rejoining FB. I was reconnected to an old (I guess I shouldn't say old, but rather long time) friend from high school. She was one of what I would call our "Three Musketeers." There were three of us that really hung out together and at class reunions, found each other again, took pictures together (which I have hanging in my "space", I recently spoke of) and caught up on old times. Though it seemed we only saw each other about every 10 years...nothing seemed to change between the three of us. There has been one change though, since I've seen the other two Musketeers. One is now gone and I do miss her so. I often look up at the pictures and think about we three "longtime" friends. I think a better name for friends like us are "pocket friends." Yes, pocket friends are those longtime friends one doesn't see often, but those we place in little pockets in our hearts to keep forever. When we see them, we simply bring them out and pick up where we left off. And then, when the moment is over, we tuck them back away in the warm pockets of our heart for safe keeping and tender moments when we contemplate and recall those precious moments together. Yes, this friend is one of my pocket friends.
I wonder if that is what many people do with the Holy Spirit? I wonder if they treat Him as a pocket friend? I wonder if they only bring Him out or call upon Him when things are rough or sad, to carry them through tough times or for comfort? Yet, He's not just a pocket friend. Yes, He does indwell us, but He's present, alive, active, encouraging us, counselling us, comforting us, motivating us, inspiring us, warning us, loving us and loving others through us. He's so much more than a pocket friend. He actually fills the empty pockets in our hearts so we are full of His love and joy.
Yes, I am so glad I was able to hear from my pocket friend. I have missed her so. I have missed her huge smile, her laughter, her ballet competition in gym class each day and the camaraderie of the Three Musketeers. But what joy I have in having her tucked in the pocket of my heart, to bring me joy each time I look up at the picture in my space and remember the wonderful times we had together.
So today, I am thankful for Pocket Friends, and their reminder of the Holy Spirit who fills the empty pockets of my heart, not just to be brought out occasionally, but alive and abundant within. I love you pocket friend!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What is it, or who that inspires you? Have you ever thought about it? I mean really inspires you. Well, this week, I'm inspired. The Olympics are on and I'm hooked. I LOVE the Olympics. Summer and Winter...it doesn't matter. I love ALL of them. The ice skating, the snow boarding, the luge, the downhill and the BOBSLED! I'm so disappointed this year...the Jamaicans don't have a bobsled team! Cool Runnings didn't show! How can that be? It's not a Winter Olympics with out Cool Runnings! I'm inspired by Cool Runnings. Think about it...sun, sand, water, dirt, tans, flowers, runners and bobsled...who would ever think???? But JAMAICA did! I always root for the Jamaican team. They inspire me! This year...who will I root for? I'll have to look up the team furthest from one's mind to figure out who was crazy enough to put together a bobsled team from a country where sun, sand, tan and running is their logo.
Thinking about the Jamaicans, makes me think about us. I wonder if that is what God thinks when He chooses us to represent Him? Are we the Cool Runnings of God's team. Are we the least likely people others would expect Him to choose when they think of God's choices? His disciples were. It always leads me back to the phrase I have shared with others who question themselves when called by God for a task..."God doesn't call the equipped, but He equips the called." When God chooses us to represent Him, work for Him, love the way He loves and stand strong in Him, we ARE like the Jamaicans...usually the least likely suspects. But He's there rooting for us, urging us on, cheering for us and equipping us with the best equipment available...Himself.
Yes, I miss my Jamaican bobsled team this year. But I am thankful...I have the movie! I can get inspired by popping that DVD in. And, I am thankful to be God's Cool Running team!
Thinking about the Jamaicans, makes me think about us. I wonder if that is what God thinks when He chooses us to represent Him? Are we the Cool Runnings of God's team. Are we the least likely people others would expect Him to choose when they think of God's choices? His disciples were. It always leads me back to the phrase I have shared with others who question themselves when called by God for a task..."God doesn't call the equipped, but He equips the called." When God chooses us to represent Him, work for Him, love the way He loves and stand strong in Him, we ARE like the Jamaicans...usually the least likely suspects. But He's there rooting for us, urging us on, cheering for us and equipping us with the best equipment available...Himself.
Yes, I miss my Jamaican bobsled team this year. But I am thankful...I have the movie! I can get inspired by popping that DVD in. And, I am thankful to be God's Cool Running team!
Monday, February 15, 2010
What a weekend it has been! The Olympics have begun. It was Valentines day yesterday. We played golf in a collegiate, Collegiam Tournament at our club and were teamed with some Baylor Bears - Yeah! Sic-Em Bears! And today, Jimmy and I took in a movie and dinner. Jimmy had a four day weekend and it was really nice. We even baby sat with Huston and Emery to let Clark and Alix have a Valentine evening Saturday night. The weekend couldn't have been nicer!
With schedules busy all year round, I guess many couples find it hard to just relax and enjoy each other in a nice slow pace. I know Jimmy and I often find it that way. But boy how I so appreciate those times when they come along. You know, you never really realize they are here until after they are gone. It's those quiet still moments, when the two of you just enjoy each others company with no agenda and no time constraints. I guess this is what retirement is like.
I always worried about what it would be like when Jimmy retired. His only real hobby is golf and I can only play two days in a row at most. If he were bored, what would it be like around here? I guess I just found out. Yes, I can say now...it will be nice...just us...hanging out...no agenda, no time constraints, no one expecting us to produce if we don't want to.
I wonder if that is what it is like in heaven? Just hanging out all the time? I know the Bible tells us Jesus went ahead of us and has prepared a place for us. It says there will be no sorrow, no pain, no sadness, no hurt feelings, I assume no boredom or frustration. Just great joy. The joy is being in the presence of the Lord. The most majestic of all beings. So, if retirement is "bliss" to speak of...just think about heaven!
So today, I'm thankful for those days of "bliss" when all our worries, all our pressures, all our time constraints and expectations by others placed on us are all out of thought and mind for the day. It is those times of "bliss" that is one tiny incling of what it could possibly be like when we get to heaven, in the presence of the Lord. More than "bliss", more than "unbelievable", more than...."whatever"! Yes...BLISS +
With schedules busy all year round, I guess many couples find it hard to just relax and enjoy each other in a nice slow pace. I know Jimmy and I often find it that way. But boy how I so appreciate those times when they come along. You know, you never really realize they are here until after they are gone. It's those quiet still moments, when the two of you just enjoy each others company with no agenda and no time constraints. I guess this is what retirement is like.
I always worried about what it would be like when Jimmy retired. His only real hobby is golf and I can only play two days in a row at most. If he were bored, what would it be like around here? I guess I just found out. Yes, I can say now...it will be nice...just us...hanging out...no agenda, no time constraints, no one expecting us to produce if we don't want to.
I wonder if that is what it is like in heaven? Just hanging out all the time? I know the Bible tells us Jesus went ahead of us and has prepared a place for us. It says there will be no sorrow, no pain, no sadness, no hurt feelings, I assume no boredom or frustration. Just great joy. The joy is being in the presence of the Lord. The most majestic of all beings. So, if retirement is "bliss" to speak of...just think about heaven!
So today, I'm thankful for those days of "bliss" when all our worries, all our pressures, all our time constraints and expectations by others placed on us are all out of thought and mind for the day. It is those times of "bliss" that is one tiny incling of what it could possibly be like when we get to heaven, in the presence of the Lord. More than "bliss", more than "unbelievable", more than...."whatever"! Yes...BLISS +
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday night is the night Jimmy and I like to eat out if his day hasn't been too hard. It also depends on what type of lunch he had that day. Last night was no different. He had a late lunch out at the new Marriott Hotel where the new TPC course is here in SA. Therefore, he only wanted to eat "light", as he explained it. Jimmy's "light" consists of a large burger of some sort with tots or fries or onion rings and a soda. For me...that's a rather "heavy" meal. But...a "light" dinner was what his meal of choice was last night.
Jimmy and Clark LOVE the Longhorn Cafe here in SA. It is a hole in the wall burger place right around the corner. Very trashy looking but known and loved by all. Paper towels on the tables for napkins, booths without cushions, plastic dinnerware, etc., AND everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is fried! Of course, I only had an egg sandwich for lunch so I decided that nothing would do unless I had a chicken fried steak sandwich and shared Jimmy's tots with him. Yes, it was heavy...and I really wanted to eat light...but who can turn down a WONDERFUL chicken fried steak sandwich, deep fried with tots on the side? YUM! Of course, I HAD to have that root beer on the side to boot!
Well, by the time we got home...I stomach looked like a loggers. And I was nauseated all night because I ate so much. I didn't finish my complete sandwich or even half the tots. But, the way it filled me up was unbelievable. I even had to get up in the middle of the night to take a nausea pill (thank you mom for those wonderful "gold" (i.e. expensive ones) you passed on to me. I still feel the affects this morning. Man, I told Jimmy that we couldn't eat at Longhorn any more. Jimmy acknowledged that our stomachs were not what they were 20 years ago. I didn't need to hear that! In fact, he could have gone all day without saying that! I hope his golf game sucks today for saying that. Age is an inappropriate subject when one is feeling bad. There is just something seriously wrong with it.
As I thought about how good this really bad, greasy sandwich is for us, and how bad those really wonderful greasy tots were for me, it made me think about other things in life. How often we love those things that in reality, aren't good at all for us. Yes, we all have heard the saying..."it's not good unless it's really bad for you." What about other things in life? For instance, gossip (it's bad, but fun and often uncontrollable once we start), spending money we don't have (we use it to console our emotions, yet it doesn't get to the root of the problem or fix anything), bullying a service person to get our way (yet we really only make a fool of ourselves when it wasn't the service person's fault at all - they were only doing their job), constantly demand to be the center of attention (when others may need our attention because they are going through a difficult time - it's not all about us). We like or participate in lots of things to satisfy ourselves, our wants, our desires, or to fulfill some deep seeded need when really, what we do or say is not good for us at all. It is just like that huge fried steak sandwich. I loved it, was hungry and wanted it to fill my empty stomach. Yet when I got it, it made me sick I had so much. Yes, I must be careful for the things I ask for, the things I demand, the things I MUST do are participate in that seem FUN or make me HAPPY. I must be careful that they are what God has planned for me or that they are not things that would hurt me or another. Sometimes the things we want the most are the very things that are not good for us - the very thing that tempts us and the very thing God is telling us is bad for us.
So today, I am thankful for my chicken fried steak and tots last night. Not because they were so good, but because they made me feel bad. Yes, you heard right...because they made me feel bad. They showed me to be careful and wise in my choices. Careful and wise in the things I participate in or ask for. Be sure I ask God what HE has planned for me or what He would have me do in a situation. Be sure to ask HIM to fill my needs or those hurting or hungry places in my life. YUM...What would God have me order next?
Jimmy and Clark LOVE the Longhorn Cafe here in SA. It is a hole in the wall burger place right around the corner. Very trashy looking but known and loved by all. Paper towels on the tables for napkins, booths without cushions, plastic dinnerware, etc., AND everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) is fried! Of course, I only had an egg sandwich for lunch so I decided that nothing would do unless I had a chicken fried steak sandwich and shared Jimmy's tots with him. Yes, it was heavy...and I really wanted to eat light...but who can turn down a WONDERFUL chicken fried steak sandwich, deep fried with tots on the side? YUM! Of course, I HAD to have that root beer on the side to boot!
Well, by the time we got home...I stomach looked like a loggers. And I was nauseated all night because I ate so much. I didn't finish my complete sandwich or even half the tots. But, the way it filled me up was unbelievable. I even had to get up in the middle of the night to take a nausea pill (thank you mom for those wonderful "gold" (i.e. expensive ones) you passed on to me. I still feel the affects this morning. Man, I told Jimmy that we couldn't eat at Longhorn any more. Jimmy acknowledged that our stomachs were not what they were 20 years ago. I didn't need to hear that! In fact, he could have gone all day without saying that! I hope his golf game sucks today for saying that. Age is an inappropriate subject when one is feeling bad. There is just something seriously wrong with it.
As I thought about how good this really bad, greasy sandwich is for us, and how bad those really wonderful greasy tots were for me, it made me think about other things in life. How often we love those things that in reality, aren't good at all for us. Yes, we all have heard the saying..."it's not good unless it's really bad for you." What about other things in life? For instance, gossip (it's bad, but fun and often uncontrollable once we start), spending money we don't have (we use it to console our emotions, yet it doesn't get to the root of the problem or fix anything), bullying a service person to get our way (yet we really only make a fool of ourselves when it wasn't the service person's fault at all - they were only doing their job), constantly demand to be the center of attention (when others may need our attention because they are going through a difficult time - it's not all about us). We like or participate in lots of things to satisfy ourselves, our wants, our desires, or to fulfill some deep seeded need when really, what we do or say is not good for us at all. It is just like that huge fried steak sandwich. I loved it, was hungry and wanted it to fill my empty stomach. Yet when I got it, it made me sick I had so much. Yes, I must be careful for the things I ask for, the things I demand, the things I MUST do are participate in that seem FUN or make me HAPPY. I must be careful that they are what God has planned for me or that they are not things that would hurt me or another. Sometimes the things we want the most are the very things that are not good for us - the very thing that tempts us and the very thing God is telling us is bad for us.
So today, I am thankful for my chicken fried steak and tots last night. Not because they were so good, but because they made me feel bad. Yes, you heard right...because they made me feel bad. They showed me to be careful and wise in my choices. Careful and wise in the things I participate in or ask for. Be sure I ask God what HE has planned for me or what He would have me do in a situation. Be sure to ask HIM to fill my needs or those hurting or hungry places in my life. YUM...What would God have me order next?
Monday, February 1, 2010
I admit...I am a craft lover. I love working on crafts. Lots of different types of crafts. I love needlepoint, card making, party planning and making the decorations for it. I love scrap booking, making things with beads hanging off and I even want to try making beaded Christmas balls. I love CRAFTS! In fact, I love crafts so much, when we moved to San Antonio, I made Jimmy let me have one of our extra bedrooms for my very own work space. I love my space. It's MINE! We built a table, 6 x 7 feet, for me to do my crafts. I have my computer, printer, TV and all my craft STUFF well organized throughout the room. It is all neat and organized.
My space is sooooo cool, when I have a party or shower, my friends take other people up stairs to my room to show them my cool space. It really is awesome if I do say so myself. In fact, I spend most of my days in this space. I work on my Bible study here, work on my computer and do whatever project I'm involved in in this space. It's my sanctuary. It's very quiet up here. I can't here anything that is going on downstairs. It's a great place to pray and study. It's insulated from everything else going on outside and in. Jimmy could have a ball game on all the downstairs TVs and I wouldn't know it. I LOVE my space. I even have my own little "college" refrigerator in my closet. I never need to go downstairs if I don't want.
My friends tease me. They say my space is a virtual craft store. I have a wall of ribbons, papers, ink pads, scissors, stickers and accessories. I have a closet lined with stainless steel shelves holding stamps, books, sewing machines, punches and etc. I've collected a lot over the years. I've done a lot of crafts over the years. It seems though, most of what I have done, I've given away. But isn't that the point? Isn't that the fun of doing anything? They joy we get from giving it away? Whether it's making something or buying something or cooking something or just doing something special. Giving what we made or bought or cooked to someone, or doing it with someone (sharing the experience) is really the great joy of it, right? I don't know that I have any of my needlepoint that I've done. I send the cards I create. The scrap booking I've done...well, I've kept my travel ones but I love sharing them with others and I've made lots of small blank scrap books and given them away. And I love to cook special meals and have company or give my special "Frost on the Pumpkin" pie to others as gifts. It really is the joy of giving that is greater than doing or keeping what I've done.
I'm thankful for my special room, my place of sanctuary. But what I'm really thankful for, is the opportunity it provides me to do things, or make things that I can share or do for others. So, today, I am thankful for my SPACE.
My space is sooooo cool, when I have a party or shower, my friends take other people up stairs to my room to show them my cool space. It really is awesome if I do say so myself. In fact, I spend most of my days in this space. I work on my Bible study here, work on my computer and do whatever project I'm involved in in this space. It's my sanctuary. It's very quiet up here. I can't here anything that is going on downstairs. It's a great place to pray and study. It's insulated from everything else going on outside and in. Jimmy could have a ball game on all the downstairs TVs and I wouldn't know it. I LOVE my space. I even have my own little "college" refrigerator in my closet. I never need to go downstairs if I don't want.
My friends tease me. They say my space is a virtual craft store. I have a wall of ribbons, papers, ink pads, scissors, stickers and accessories. I have a closet lined with stainless steel shelves holding stamps, books, sewing machines, punches and etc. I've collected a lot over the years. I've done a lot of crafts over the years. It seems though, most of what I have done, I've given away. But isn't that the point? Isn't that the fun of doing anything? They joy we get from giving it away? Whether it's making something or buying something or cooking something or just doing something special. Giving what we made or bought or cooked to someone, or doing it with someone (sharing the experience) is really the great joy of it, right? I don't know that I have any of my needlepoint that I've done. I send the cards I create. The scrap booking I've done...well, I've kept my travel ones but I love sharing them with others and I've made lots of small blank scrap books and given them away. And I love to cook special meals and have company or give my special "Frost on the Pumpkin" pie to others as gifts. It really is the joy of giving that is greater than doing or keeping what I've done.
I'm thankful for my special room, my place of sanctuary. But what I'm really thankful for, is the opportunity it provides me to do things, or make things that I can share or do for others. So, today, I am thankful for my SPACE.
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