May is such an unusual month. It always seems to be such a busy, busy month for everyone. No matter what, perhaps because the weather begins to be so nice, people are out and about, busying around, involved in outdoor activities, children's outdoor sports are in full gear, people are shopping in outdoor malls, joining classes for the summer, making summer vacation plans, preparing for end of the year activities at their kids schools and so on and so on. The list is endless and our schedules seem to get tighter and tighter as the month gets later and later.
However, one day in the month of May always seems to be protected. It's a special day were moms can take the day off. They usually don't need to cook, don't need to do dishes, don't need to do housework, and are encouraged to sit back, relax and are sometimes even served breakfast in bed. That special day is Mother's Day. Being a mom, it is the one day out of the year that makes me contemplate the two things that bring some of the greatest joy in my life...my children, Clark and Graham. My sons.
You know, you hear a lot about moms and their relationships with their children. Mother's with daughters often talk about sharing tea parties, dolls, painting finger nails and toe nails, bows and ribbons, and later, clothes, shoes, hair products, makeup, etc. You hear how girls argue with their moms, or use their mom as their sounding board when things are tough. A daughter's relationship can turn from sweet and tender to volatile in a matter of seconds. Yet no matter what, as they get older, like when a daughter is pregnant with her own child, it is her mom that she wants by her side in those tender moments. Her mom she wants by her side because mom can understand what she is going through. Her mom by her side when the children are driving her nuts and she needs advice. Her mom who comforts her when her day gets nuttier and she needs a break.
But sons...that is different. Mothers with sons have a very different bond. It is special, different, strong, silent, dependable, trusting, something that is unexplainable. A mother of sons loves deep and silent. She must be strong with out gushy, love deep without verbalizing too much, able to extend tough love when necessary without the tears inside overflowing outside, share the deep love she has with her sons with other women without jealousy or pain, support her sons when they are hurt or troubled without showing her own emotion and still letting them know she has their back. Yes, a mom of sons must appear to cut the apron strings with ease, letting them fly alone and to another while looking on with pride and yet mourning her loss inside. This mother-son bond is deep and strong.
One beautiful picture of this is that of our Lord Jesus. When Jesus was hanging on the cross, our Lord looked down and saw his mother, Mary, standing at the foot of the cross next to the apostle whom he loved, John. Jesus said to his Mother Mary, "Dear Woman, here is your son (John)," and to the disciple, "here is your mother (Mary)." Jesus cared so much for his mother. Even in his final moments he wanted to be sure his mother was cared for. Though it is believed Jesus had other brothers and sisters, it was believed they were not believers. Therefore, He wanted to leave His mother in the hands of someone whom He loved and who believed Him to be the Savior - John. He knew John would care well for His mother. Can't you see the special love our Lord had for his mother, Mary? This Son/Mother relationship? It is still like that today. Mothers and sons have a very special relationship that is hard to describe.
So today, a couple of days before Mother's day, I am thankful for sons. Thankful for the two special sons my Lord has given me. Thankful for Clark, who not only loves me, but loves his dad and his brother as well. He loves his younger brother so much that he often forgets he's not his father, but his brother. Clark, who watches over his brother, even from a distance, taking careful note to be sure he is okay. And I am thankful for Graham, my baby. Graham, who loves each of us, even if he is what seems to be a zillion miles away. Graham who too, loves his big brother and seeks his advice and wisdom when things get tough. I am thankful for two sons who love each other, for I can be assured that when the time comes, and I will no longer be here for them, I will KNOW they will have each other.
Thank you Lord for sons...in particular, my two sons. I am so thankful for Clark and Graham. Thank you boys for allowing me to be Mom!