On December 24, 1968, William Alders, Astronaut for Apolo 8 space mission looked up from the surface of the moon and saw the most majestic view he would ever witness. He saw the earth rising across the horizon of the moon's surface. After being told to wait by the shuttle commander because the picture wasn't a scheduled photo, Alders grabbed his color camera and snapped the below picture which would today, be known as the most influential environmental photo ever taken. But to many Christians, it may be one of the biggest examples of proof of God's handiwork in creation, ever. To believe that THIS could come from a BANG instead of the tender care of a Master's hand is insanity.
This week, the first chapter of Genesis tells us of how God carefully and orderly orchestrated His creation in six days and on the seventh day, rested. And in no less than 7 times did our Creator look at all He did and proclaim "it was good!" In fact, the last time, the sixth day, He proclaimed, "it was VERY good!"
Just looking at the picture below, one can see it is not only good, but it is indeed, VERY good. And looking at this incredible picture, taken on my birthday in 1968, I too, believe without a doubt, it is VERY good.
You see, our Creator doesn't do things half way. He doesn't do things any way but the VERY best. He is orderly, precise, intentional, complete and all He does, He does without reservation. He created the VERY best and He gave His VERY BEST for our redemption. My question is, how do I do the things He calls me to do? Am I orderly, precise, intentional, complete and do I give Him my VERY BEST and serve Him without reservation?
What a beautiful reminder Earthrise serves for each of us. A reminder of the BEST gift our Creator has given us...redemption through the blood of His son Jesus Christ!
I am grateful for such a beautiful birthday gift!