My precious granddaughter is spending the afternoon with me. She has had lunch and now it's one o'clock and it's nap time. She's never slept in "big girl" bed before. She still sleeps in her crib. Since she's almost 3, I decided it was time she could take a nap in the queen bed in our guest room. I put bumpers along the side so she couldn't roll out and placed her favorite blanket on the bed for her. I told her it was a "princess bed", just like Sophia's. She LOVES princess Sophia! She was really excited to sleep in our 4 poster "Princess Bed" just for her!
She actually, ALWAYS goes to bed for naps or at night, GREAT for me. She just a little angel! And today was not different. She usually plays a few minutes in bed before settling down and taking a good long nap.
I guess there was a lot of pretty things in the room, things she had really never seen. The night stand had a little gold clock with open hands sitting at the far end. It was a while before I checked on her because I heard her talking to herself and knew she often did that sitting up in bed for a while. When I peeked through the door, she was standing at the door with the small minute hand of the clock clutched in her fingers. Her eyes her looking down and wee small voice said, "it broke".
Catastrophe! She wasn't doing what she was supposed to do. She was distracted by the worldly things she was seeing around her that were soooo attractive. Though she knew she would get her long awaited popcorn if she settled down quickly and took a good nap, she just couldn't resist. I knelt down, took the tiny minute hand from her, hugged her and said, "Lovey will fix it baby. I still love you very much. I know you didn't mean to. But let's take a nap so you can get that popcorn when you wake up."
Isn't that a picture of me when I take my eyes off of Christ? Catastrophe! Nothing goes right. I mess up, I am broken and my relationship is severed. But he leans down and wraps those arms around me when my eyes are downcast and says, "that's okay baby...I died for those sins....I love you anyway....let's get back on track now....Jesus will help you!
I'm grateful for the gift of a child who can remind me to keep my eyes on Jesus!