Friday, July 18, 2014


We had an enormous rainstorm last night.  The lightning and thunder woke me up with a bang!  It lasted a long time and I was worried our new umbrella would blow away in the wind.  We didn't realize we would get this terrible storm and would need to strap it down.  The violence of it all is what struck me as odd.  I wasn't expecting it.  I knew yesterday there was a possibility of rain during the day.  But since we had none, I thought we missed it and would have to water the lawn and hand water our deck plants.  I even took an umbrella with me on all my errands.  

Isn't it funny how when you expect the rain, it never happens.  But when you don't expect the rain, there seems to be a violent storm!  The good thing about this storm is that it provided such good water for our yard and beds that were so thirsty for nourishment.  As you can see from the picture above, this morning's view from my back window is lush and pure.  Funny, how just at the right moment, a little water can cleanse and nourish a dry, ugly, wilted body of ground.

That's what God does with me.  Some days I feel dry, ugly, wilted and in need of a flash flood to wash over me and sanctify me.  Cleanse me and make me pure, clean, lush and beautiful like Christ.  When He does that....I am new again!  Beautiful, just like my yard!   I feel fresh, clean, pure and right with Him!  

There's a rainbow in my heart today....a reminder never to destroy again....but to give life!  I am grateful for the sanctifying rain and rainbow in my heart!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I've been disgusted with my pantry for the past several months.  You of those places in your home you need to get to and clean up, organize, but just can't get the UMPH to get started?  Well, my friend is in town staying with me while attending some meetings.  I need to be available to deliver her to and from and therefore knew I would be home for several days.  Therefore I decided to tackle the job.  Now to be very honest, I have to give credit to my sweet daughter-kin-law Alix.  After seeing her new and beautifully revamped pantry, I was inspired to do the same to mine.  Yes, I copied hers.  Thank you Alix!

We had not painted the pantry when we moved in 11 year ago.  I knew painting must be done.  Just organizing shelves over old dirty shelving with dirty walls would not do the trick.  I needed to add additional shelving to accommodate additional space for larger items we have acquired for storage through the years.  I would need many 39 gallon trash bags to  purge the many expired items that had been hanging around that pantry for a while - YUK, and would get to do a little shopping therapy on the side for baskets and jars to accommodate similar pantry items (that always makes a job a little more fun)!

I started out by emptying the entire pantry and purging everything that was old and no longer usable.  Things that had been lurking in the back corners and things that were stale and out of date.  I got rid of unusable kitchen items - appliances we no longer used, items that I could no longer find their cords and things that weren't good for me, like those wonderful candy corn pumpkins (oh darn!!!! Sigh!!!).

Then, on for the shopping....first to the hardware store for paint then to Walmart and Target for storage items and labels.  I always like to take a big break after the dirty work and before the real work begins.  I painted, I organized, I packed baskets, I labeled and then carefully arranged on shelves according to how I would use them.  I even rearranged a few kitchen cabinets to better suite pantry items (aka... coffee and spices).  Behold...the transition is complete!



The Inside of my pantry is now clean, new, fresh, organized and is a pleasure to not only me but to Jimmy.  It's a delight for him because He can find things and enjoy not only the cleanliness but the beauty of it.

Isn't that the way God feels when we repent and purge our hearts, minds and souls from the old ugly sins that lurk in our dark corners?  Our Insides are made like new.  They are the same, but with a freshness like being painted over and made to look new again.  God does the work and we are His pleasure as He steps back to look at His handiwork deep within our souls.

My new pantry gives me great joy.  How much more does God delight in MY new pantry?  I am grateful for His work in me.  Time to get on my knees again so He can get to work!  :)