Wednesday, February 11, 2015


About four weeks ago, we had a small slab leak under Jimmy's bathroom lavatory.  The water leaked into my closet and almost into his study. It took a couple of weeks to get it repaired and returned to normal but finally, everything is complete.  While repairing the damaged line, the two faucet valves under this sink had to be replaced.  They were old and rusted and broke off when trying to turn them to shut the water off.  The project was quite and ordeal.

Two weeks ago, Jimmy had a complete knee replacement.  His knee was damaged for many years and therefore needed the surgery.  Yep, even our bodies get old and weak and need repairs or replacement parts.  He already had a hip replacement 25 years ago and now the opposite knee was having it's turn.

It seems we are a country of throw away parts and items.  Things break and we replace.  Some replacements are needed, some wanted and much is frivolous desires.  Things get old and not working as well and we throw away and replace.

Our master bath is our next upcoming project.  It's time for updating and we are currently working to gut it and remodel.  Does is absolutely need it?  No. Might it help the resale in the future?  Yes. Do I have grand ideas for a lovely, new design?  Yes.  Will it cost?  Yes.  But really, why am I replacing everything? Because I want new.

I began thinking about all this "replacement".  Even the necessary ones like Jimmy has had.  When our hearts and souls become rusty, damaged, not working properly or envious, jealous and materialistic, does God just replace us? Does He believe that He would be happier if He had someone "New" to take our place?  As detestable and broken as we are, is it necessary for Him to do away with us and begin again?  No!  No!  Though we truly deserve it, He loves us and restores us like new.  He doesn't just bandage us up and return us to our previous state. His love and mercy restores us like new.  He loves us so much that He would never throw us away when we are His.

Do I throw Him away, look for another "god" who will "meet my needs" when He doesn't answer my wants and desires?  Do I blame Him for the difficulties in my life?  Remembering God is Good all the time helps me to understand that even in those difficult times that aren't working like I want, and the times I feel He isn't there helps me understand that no matter what, He has my back and will never forsake me.  He is with me through thick and thin and.

Are you replacing Him with something or someone else?  I am grateful He doesn't reject me, forsake me or replace me.  God is Good all the time.