Sunday, October 12, 2014


It was a nail biting game.  Down to the 4th quarter and we were behind 3 touchdowns.  Defense had trouble the first three quarters.  The other team was reading our offensive plays and it was a fight to the end!  Our hearts were giving way to doubt.  It was truly depressing.  But...we knew our team was a 4th quarter fighter.  They could wear the other team out and come back.  The question, would we be victorious in the 4th quarter?  We were given a 7 point spread with us as the victor.  But we were now BEHIND 21 points (three touchdowns).  Do we sit and watch this game to the end and give up on our team?  Or do we have hope, unfailing hope in a team that fights to the end, believing the CAN?

One touchdown, two touchdowns, 3 touchdowns and now we are TIED!  OH MY!  Will it be an overtime game or will we be able to score one more point to win?  Our field goal kicker is a freshman and not all that dependable.  But so far, he's hit every one this game.  We have possession of the ball and on the other team's 20 yard line.  One second left in the game and the kicker is ready to go.  Oh please God, give this young man victory!!!!!!

HE MAKES IT AND WE WIN THE GAME!!!!!  He's a hero and our quarterback just gets a little closer to a possible Heisman candidate (sainthood in the game of football)!

WOW!  This was a nail biter to the very end.  We were worn out praying and rooting for our team.  But in the end, they came through and walked into the locker room victors!

The game of life is the same.  Sometimes people finish with a victory because they have followed God throughout their lives, followed His leading, followed their Lord Jesus and entered His kingdom with assurance and hope answered.  Then, there are others that are in the nail biting stage.  At the very end of their lives, in the final seconds, they victoriously follow the Lord and enter too with assurance and hope answered.  See, it doesn't matter how long it takes, only that before the final second, you accept without a shadow of doubt who you will follow.  The ruler of this corrupted world or the One and only Ruler, King, Father and lover of our souls?

Are you following some One to eternal victory or the other to eternal defeat?  Do you have assurance and hope in the One and only One who can lead you to eternal victory?  Don't be a nail biter.  Follow the One and Only to victory now!