Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Off to the Coast

On their way out of town, Huston and Emery dropped by the house to leave Arnold (Huston's blue fish) and Edwina (Ems' pink fish) in my care until their return. Huston also had to give me instructions on just how much to feed the little buggers. "Only this much, Lovey," he said! He's such a bossy thing - like I don't know how to feed fish? (In reality...I don't!) It has been so long since Jimmy and I had FISH, I was very nervous about taking care of their prize possessions. What if I killed them? What if I overfed them? What if they went down the drain by accident when I changed the water? What if I put too many drops in their water when I changed it? What if...what if...what if.............................? Am I being a little paranoid here? Alix said I could just buy another if something happened...but I know Huston would know the difference! He KNOWS things! He's like an ELEPHANT in the room! I can't get a thing around him. He was very nervous leaving them with me. He was afraid he wouldn't get them back when he returned. (I think he remembered never getting Chula or Bell-Bell or Bailey back). The fish are one thing the kids are not allergic to. Oh my...what is a grandmother to do but PRAY they stay alive! Heaven help me!

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