Tuesday, November 24, 2009


When a person thinks about showers, one usually thinks about getting clean or perhaps the rain outside. Usually, we think of showers as great! The ones that clean you are warm and refreshing. The ones outside are cool and breezy, cleansing of all the ugly things that are floating around in the air and making us sneeze. But the best kind, are showers that are given by friends for things like weddings and babies. Showers that are thrown by those who love you and want to share good news and help you begin a new chapter in your life. These type of showers bring a different type of joy than the others. In the process of other showers, we do things alone, enjoy alone, think alone, relax, pray, contemplate, plan and simply be alone. Showers thrown by friends are filled with excitement, fun, gifts, looking ahead and anticipating with others what will be in the future.

This past weekend, Alix, her mother, Kristi and I had the privilege of hosting a baby shower for Alix's sister-in-law, Daphne La Montagne. It was so much fun. I must say, I had more fun, even hosting it, than I've had at any shower I've ever even been to! The friends were fun and adorable, the gifts given Daphne were fantastic and the planning of it was worth all the work. giving of one's self is more fun and rewarding than receiving any thing in the world.

Showers make me think of Christ. How He showers us with the gift of His love. How He showers us with His blood, cleansing us of all impurities/sin. How He showers us with the freshness of eternal life - His righteousness. Yes, showers are wonderful in every sense. What a beautiful word picture of God's love.

Here a few of the pictures we took of Daphne's shower. Enjoy! I hope you are showered today!

Thursday, Alix and I began our cooking for the shower. Alix is
a little surprised at my need for caffeine!

YUM! Macadamian nut cookies...now, if I can just keep Miss Sweet Tooth
out of them till the shower!

Surf board cookies. The theme of the shower was based around the decor
of little Mac's room - surfing

The tables were decorated as beds with surfing fabrics, little stuffed animals

dressed in jams and books about surfing

"Momma Lou" King helped Saturday morning with early prep for the shower.

"Grandma" Kristi, Alix's mom, also a hostess, was there bright and early Saturday

morning to assist in the prep

Alix prepping the chicken skewers with pineapples and cherries

Kristi finishing her fruit tray

Alix and Momma Lou preparing melon balls - poor Lou, she worked sooooo hard

on those bowls and they got thrown out!

Lou was so sweet to serve for us. What a trooper!

The main table with a leaf canopy for the baby's bed.

The hostess' - Alix, Kristi and me

Daphne's Mom Jean, Alix, Kristi, Daphne,

Jackie & Kathy Langdon (Daphne's step sister & mom)

Daphne, Jean, Jackie, Kathy, Kristi & Alix

Billie Grey, another lady & Nina Gunter

Daphne's friend, Daphne, Kathy and Jackie Langdon

Me giving out the answers to the surfer game

Oh my...who could guess the answers to this game?!!!!

Loads of wonderful gifts for Big Kahuna Mac!

Jean Axtell, Daphne's mom, looking over gifts

Daphne and friend who won a "Build-a-Bear" for Big Kahuna Mac

Alix with a teacher from SAC who taught Alix, Daphne, Robb and others

Daphne opening gifts

Lane Hooten, Alix, Chris Benke's daughter, Rachel Grey

Guests watching the opening of gifts

Mac's surf board mat - daddy Robb will be soooo proud!

Visiting guests

Daphne with Jackie, opening gifts

Ginger and Lane Hooten

Kay and Anne

Kay, Kristi and Ann visiting over table

Rachel and Billie Grey holding up gift

Step mom Jackie Langdon, mom Daphne La Montagne,

mother-in-law Kristi La Montagne and mom Jean Axtell

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