Saturday, July 31, 2010


JoEllen (Elle), Frankie (Dunior), Joe (Bubby), Margaret (Maggie), Sue

Last night, Jimmy and I went to the movies. It was my night to choose. He gets to choose a movie one time (usually some shoot-em-up and some huge explosion) and then I get the next choice. Last night was my turn. His last two choices were soooo bad - even he thought so:(, that he couldn't complain at my "G" rated movie of "Ramona and Beezus." Yes, I know it's as Jimmy says, "a little girl movie," but I wanted something fun and light and not an explosion in it! Plus, the little girl sounded soooo cute!

I was expecting "Beezus" to be the name of the young girl in the movie. As it turned was her older sister. When Ramona was little, she couldn't say Beatrice, so it came out Beezus. Isn't it funny how we all have nick names for other people? Or how as little children, others names come out not quite right and seem to stick. For instance...I had an uncle Franklin we called FaFa, an Aunt Juanita we called NiNi, a great aunt Bess we called Titi (don't ask!!!), aunt MaryJo we called JoJo. My friend Judy, I call Juju or Puti (again...don't ask!!), my mom calls me Kak (who knows???), we called a cousin Bubby (he later made everyone call him Joe) and my brother Frank was called duniorr for Junior, (man did he hate that!). My grandfather always called me Sugar and Jimmy is known to an old high school buddy in his Spanish class as Jimmy (pronounced Himmie!). My aunt would never let anyone call my cousin Margaret, Maggie (guess she either didn't like Maggie or just loved Margaret.) Some of us like our nick names given to us. Some people don't like theirs at all and love it when they get old enough to change it or tell others to no longer call them that.

Nick names can be wonderful or can be cruel. I guess it just depends on how it is bestowed or received. God has given each of us a special nick name..."His own". He is our Father. He loves us. He would never do anything to hurt us, embarrass or belittle us. He only builds us up in His image. So whatever He calls us, we can be sure would be a delightful sound to hear. And what about the names we call our Father? Is it always a delight to Him? So often we hear the "God" name with a last name that starts with "D". Is that a delight to Him? Are we offended? We should be careful when calling our Father's name. We should be careful to delight Him with our words.

So today, I am thankful for nicknames that bring joy to people's hearts. Nicknames that express tenderness and love, and are a delight to others. I am especially thankful for the name given to me by my heavenly Father, "His own." I am also thankful for the reminder to be doubly aware to delight Him with the "nicknames" I give Him each day.

Hmmm.....I better go check on Himmie.....I think I hear my name (hey, woman!) being called!

Friday, July 30, 2010


I am sooo excited! I received a call today that my materials for our Bible study workshop are ready for pickup. Workshop is such a great time. This is when all the leaders get together for the day and train with the materials needed to use during the year. "Materials" meaning those resources, whether verbal, paper, intellectual or whatever, that we will use to accomplish the work we are called to do throughout the year.

I wrote before about certain "words" that connote things in our minds the minute we hear them. "Workshop" is one of those words for me. It always excites me. It means a time to get our minds working together. A time of planning. A time for building a team. A time to build a plan for the year. A time to gather the tools and materials we will need and get them in order. A time to get ready to lead.

This year, for some reason, it brings to mind the workshop of Jesus. It brought to mind that Jesus' earthly father, Joseph was a carpenter. Joseph must have had a type of workshop. He must have taught Jesus how to gather the tools He would need before beginning a project. Make a plan, order His day, follow a pattern, use just the right tools for its purpose. Work diligently in the workshop to accomplish the final product. Then, to step back upon completion, take an assessment of the work to be sure of its excellence and readiness for its purpose. As a carpenter after His father Joseph died, Jesus must have done all the things just as Joseph taught Him. If He did, Jesus would be assured to have a beautiful product completed for the purpose and person for whom it was designed.

So today, I am thankful for Jesus' example and standard. The standard by which I can follow in order to fulfill anything God calls me to do. The standard to begin with prayer for wisdom of His plan, in His order, following His plan/pattern, using the tools He has given me, with the desire to do it for His purpose, depending on Him as my helper, working diligently to completion, all without reservation until completion of the work and until He receives all glory and honor.

WORKSHOP...Hmmm.....I wonder if Jesus would have liked a chain saw as much as me? Ahhh...power tools!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


This week was a lot of fun. I mentioned before that we celebrated Huston and Emery's birthday at Chuck-E-Cheese. Yes, Emery was three this year and Huston - five years old. They are so darned cute I can hardly stand it. Birthdays are so fun when kids are little. The excitement on their faces is so adorable. Just having people make the day all about them is like becoming king/queen of the world! Then comes the presents. There are so many! Where do they begin...what do they play with they have to share them with someone....aren't the presents just for them? It's a selfish day...but hey! It's THEIR day!

My birthday is Christmas Eve. As a child, it was NEVER a good day to have a birthday. It was NEVER a day just about me. It was NEVER a day of lots of presents, where people gathered around and focused just on me. Well, except once. I had ONE birthday party. However, one mom brought her child with chicken pox and exposed EVERYONE at my party and not long can guess. That was the only party I ever had. Everyone was always focused on Christmas the day of my birthday. All the kids were focused on what they would get the next day. It was really a bummer birthday for a little kid. My parents believed you celebrated one's birthday on the day of their birthday. Therefore...BUMMER day.

Jimmy had a grandfather who believed that no birthday was a big deal. He said that EVERY day was some one's birthday. what! Birthdays were no big deal. Talk about a BUMMER! I bet Jimmy was glad he had HIS parents and not his grandfather for a parent! Could have been a real BUMMER!

However, in saying is true. Every day is some one's birthday. But isn't it a reason to celebrate? Isn't it a reason to be joyful? Isn't it a reason to kick up one's heals and clap one's hands and blow out candles all around? There is a new life born every day. Some parent is joyfully bringing a new life into this world. How exciting that is!

But even more exciting...there is someone, EVERY DAY, getting a new life in heaven. Every day, when someone commits their life to Christ, they are BORN AGAIN. They receive a new life. That is a time to celebrate. That is a birthday in itself! Shouldn't that be a time to celebrate? What about when a Christian dies? They are received in a new body in heaven. Isn't that a new life in heaven? Isn't that a form of birthday too? Shouldn't we be celebrating a birthday again? WOW....there are all kinds of birthdays to celebrate. Jimmy's grandfather was right. Every day is some one's birthday. But that's not a reason to ignore the IS the reason to celebrate! We should be celebrating EVERY day BECAUSE it is someone's birthday.

So today, I am thankful for birthdays. Birthdays of new babies born into this world each day, birthdays of those living on earth, of those who are born again in Christ and of those who are passing from this life to their new life in heaven. Every day is a day to celebrate!

So let's EAT CAKE!

Friday, July 23, 2010


The Nave of St. Peter's Bacilica - The Vatican, Italy
Bridge of Sighs - Venice, Italy

Charles Bridge - Prague, Czech Republic

Gaudi's La Sagrada Familia - Barcelona, Spain

Lippinzzar Horses @ Royal Riding School- Vienna, Austria

Old Jewish Cemetary - Prague, Czech Republic

Stratford-Upon-Avon (Shakespeare's Birthplace)

Vienna Boys Choir - Austria

I love to travel. In fact, my favorite places to travel are in Europe. My sweet husband allows me to take a girl trip every other year with a friend to Europe. I was fortunate to take my first "girl" trip with my late "musketeer", Robbs. We took my mom and her brother, Joey, to Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Though Robbs had a hard time in the mountains, we had a wonderful time and I must say, I feel totally blessed to have had that time with her before she passed away. We were to go again two years later. But one month before our trip to Italy, Robbs went to be with the Lord. Robbs had planned an audience with the Pope in the Vatican, a Vatican mass and much more. She would have loved the trip.

I did get to go to Italy with another friend a year later. My current travel buddy, Juju. While in the Vatican, I reminisced about the joy Robbs would have had and had the opportunity to say a prayer for her. Of course, I know her "view" from where she was sitting was much grander than my own at the time.

Since then, Juju and I have traveled a lot...Italy, Spain, Austria, The Republic of Czech, and more. I love history, and Europe is just the place to see and learn. I love to touch and feel and taste and listen to the sounds of all the different places in this world. In Toledo, Spain...the cobble stoned streets that narrowly wind around the buildings with the light peaking in and out and the laundry hanging over the streets. Venice's canals that smell like no other place I know and flower boxes hanging on windows...and the beauty as you pass under the Bridge of Sighs, as the gondola driver sings while taking you along. The beautiful architecture by Gaudi in Barcelona of the La Sagrada Familia Cathedral or the Charles Bridge and Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague and the beauty of the Lipizzaner horses at the Royal Riding School and the privilege of attending a church service and listening to the Vienna Boys Choir at mass.

I have been truly blessed to visit so many places to see so many different parts of the world. The people we have met along the way have been fascinating! While I worked shortly as a flight attendant, I traveled to Hawaii, Paris, London, Manchester and Stratford-Upon-Avon (Shakespeare's birthplace) England, Lima Peru, different parts of South and Central America, Rio, Mexico, Japan and others. From many of those places, I took day trips to other locations to sight see. Traveling is an enormous interest to me and I can't believe I have been so blessed to see the world as I have.

Still, no matter how awe struck I get, no matter dumb struck I feel, or wide eyed or fascinated...I never failed to stop in a cathedral in one of those cities, kneel, look around at the beauty of what has been created for our heavenly Father and and bow in awe and gratitude that I get to see it all. But even more, I NEVER stop to think, not only are the sights and sounds and tastes so much more wonderful will it be one day when I reach the place Christ has prepared for me. If this on earth, what man has created, is so magnificent and beautiful out of what God gave much MORE will there be in heaven? WOW!!!

So today, I am grateful for the privilege I've had to travel the world. Grateful to see the beauty God has given men the talent to create. Grateful that I can share with family and friends the bounty of His generosity and how we can look forward to how much more He has for us.

Thank you Jimmy for letting me have the time to travel. Thank you Father for your abundant generosity. Hmmmm.....let's see....where to go next???!!! I better get Juju on the phone.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Do you ever think that when you say a name of a person or a place or an object or a business or something very specific, how it truly identifies exactly who or what you are speaking about? For instance, my name is Kathryn. The origin of my name is Greek and the meaning is "pure". HA! See there! You know immediately that it's ME when someone say the name Kathryn!!! (Yeah, riiiiiiiight! There goes THAT theory!).
Anyway, a better example is this. This weekend, was Huston and Emery's birthday celebration. Clark and Alix held it at Chuck-E-Cheese. Now you all know about Chuck-E-Cheese. As Clark described it to another dad asking about what kind of place it was..."it's like a Dave and Buster's"....(I don't think so!). The dad was a bit shocked when he arrived and saw the place. (Nothing like Dave and Buster's!) Clark then said..."well...a child's version!"...(men are clueless!).
Anyway, when my sweet husband arrived, he asked if we were having dinner. I said, "sure," grab a slice". He look puzzled and said, "Pizza? I'm not eating THAT!" I looked at him and asked what he thought we would eat here. He didn't know. I said, "Hence...Chuck-E-Cheese! CHEESE PIZZA!" Somehow, since our children stopped being 5 years old and quit having THEIR parties at Chuck-E-Cheese, Jimmy has forgotten all about the joint and what goes on here. I wasn't sure what he expected, but obviously it wasn't pizza! He cracked me up...he really was confused as to the ambiance and make up of the place. In fact...I wasn't sure the name even rang a bell that our kids had their own birthday parties at a Chuck-E-Cheese many times. Could it be dementia or just selective memory? Hmmmm....guess I'll have him tested.
And what about "Sonic". When you hear the word think about a drive in where wait people come to check on you wearing roller skates. (at least they used to.) It's a newer version of the 50's drive through/in eating establishment. Sonic is also known for their tater tots. When a person says "tater tots"...I ALWAYS think of Sonic because they have the BEST!
It's the same with God. There are so many words that describe God. When we think of them, it makes us immediately think of the Lord. Examples: Sovereign, almighty, omnipresent, Alpha, Omega, Lover of our Souls, Savior, Redeemer, Faithful, Giver of all good things, etc.....I could go on and on. I bet I could fill an entire book of just words I could say, that when said, would make us immediately think of God and would be a significant trait that people would immediately recognize as Him alone. You know, when I listen to secular music and I listen to the lyrics, I often think of my Lord as the one the artist is singing about or pretending to be singing as, because the words could so describe or sound so loving and pure that they could come from Him and Him alone.
So today, I am thankful for those "ah ha" moments when I hear a word or a name or a phrase that makes me think of my Lord. Something that makes me associate it or an action with Him because it helps me to remember and recognize that He is in every part of my life, no matter how minute or seemingly meaningless that part may feel, He cares and is here with me, caring, loving, protecting, guiding and watching over me.
Jimmy (James)...meaning "supplier"....maybe he can supply himself some dinner next time! PIZZA anyone?

Monday, July 19, 2010

C-A-N-C-E-R Survivor

I just found out tonight that an old high school classmate of mine was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Early detection was good news and warm wishes and prayers from old classmates and friends was great to hear. But is always a jolt to hear that news about someone you know or have known. That word C-A-N-C-E-R is a scary word. It usually always evokes fear in the hearts someone as soon as they hear it. It's like it's a mortality check.

I've had several classmates succumb to cancer. Our friend Shelly spent a long time fighting it. Two of my "3 Musketeers" - Robbs and Donna, both were diagnosed. Precious Robbs is no longer here but Donna was blessed and is one of the sweet survivors. There have been more not only from my class but family members too. Even my best friend Glenda was diagnosed years ago with breast cancer, but is today living strong as a survivor. Some live on this earth strong and others live strong with the Father.

I know it must have crossed all of our minds to wonder how we would react or respond if we got the news we had cancer. We can never take it for granted that it could never happen to us. Especially those of us who grew up in a city filled with oil refineries that emitted vapors each day, sulfur plants that we smelled in the air and paper mills that we could smell from across the freeway. Water skiing in the Neches River with oil floating along its shore was never given a thought. So much we lived near and yet we never gave a second thought to any danger.

But C-A-N-C-E-R, we stand up and take notice when we hear that word. Especially when it's close to home - when loved ones are affected, classmates are diagnosed and workmates enter treatment. Cancer is a violent sickness. It eats away at you. Attacks you. Destroys your insides. And the only way to stop it is to use some of the most expensive and violent drugs available that make one think twice about why they decided to use them in the first place.

You see, I think C-A-N-C-E-R is another word we could use for S-I-N. Sin is something that eats at us inside. Destroys us from within. Unless it is completely destroyed, it continues to live and grow until we nothing but an ugly mass of nothing - dead spiritually. There is only one cure for sin. Only one drug for sin. That drug or cure is the blood of Jesus Christ. Unless we C-H-O-O-S-E to accept the blood of Christ, we will not live. We will die in our S-I-N-S.

So, today, I am thankful for the blood of Jesus Christ. Thankful for His gift of life. My only cure for eternal life. My only cure to rid me of the cancer that grows each time I refuse to accept and acknowledge my unchecked sin and ask forgiveness. It's already available and it's free.

I'm no longer scared. I'm a survivor!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

THE Great Physician

Mother and I both had to have some blood work done this past week. It wasn't for anything special - mine was just some annual stuff and mother's was for a new doctor's records. I took mother to her doctor to go over her results and medications she was taking. It's funny how after one reaches a certain age we begin to compare medications with our parents and find we are taking some of the same prescriptions or similar ones for the same treatment.

Mother mentioned how she never used to have any medications till a couple of years ago and now, she has quite a few. It made me start thinking about the ones I take for various "ailments" and the number of vitamins my doctor "highly recommends" I take. "Highly" meaning...DO IT! I don't know about others, but when I pulled out all my prescription bottles and vitamin bottles, I was shocked. When did I get so needy of help with blood pressure medication, medicine for Barret's, seizure medication for migraines, six different vitamins "highly" recommended by my doctor and several other medications I can't remember what they're for? When did I become so dependent on physicians? Was I not handling my body good enough by myself? Was I not taking care of myself properly? Was I just not paying attention to the things that were good or not good for me and doing just what I wanted to no matter the cost to my health?

It is the same with my spiritual health. I am totally dependent on THE Great Physician. I am totally dependent on Him to show me where I need help, where I am failing and sick. Dependent on Him to heal me from the sickness I have brought upon myself through sin. Sin of doing just what my heart desires without thought of what it would do to my spiritual well being. Without thought to how my soul would suffer by its separation from God. Without thought that I am taking in impure, bad, dirtiness that would corrupt my soul. I am totally dependent on His medicine (His Word) to keep me healthy, to keep my heart working properly - available to others. Dependent on His medicine and vitamins (daily supplement of prayer and time with Him) to supply me with the energy and sustenance to carry on each day depending on Him for all I need.

So today, I am thankful for THE Great Physician and HIS medicine (His WORD) and HIS vitamins (my daily supplement of time spent with Him in prayer). I am thankful to Him for the health and well being of my soul for eternity.

What condition is your soul? Sick or well? What physician prescribing you medication are you dependent on? I can recommend One if you don't have one or don't know THE ONE!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

78_ _ _

All week, I've been trying to organize my upstairs closet, (you know...the one I reserve for my BSF materials), to get some kind of "system" back to order since we broke for the summer. After our last class day, I just sort of threw things in the closet and hurried off to help my mom pack and make arramgements to move here to San Antonio. This last month and a half have been focused on getting her settled. I looked in the closet over the weekend and almost died! I couldn't believe what a mess it was! You know me and my feelings about organization...for some reason...I get this wonderful feeling of accomplishment, security, pride and WHATEVER when things are in their place and lined up. closet was NOT! Not only was the closet a mess, but even the materials inside boxes were a mess. I knew it was time to begin some minor preperations for our class "kick off" in September, but organization HAD to start first!

After getting everything in it's place and running through all my 2009-2010 files on the computer, I began making 20010-2011 computer files and making church maps, leaders' name tags, adding registrants to the data base and so on. I also remembered an item with instructions I usually gave each leader toward the beginning of the year. I wanted to be sure to make them to hand out early this next year. The item was a business card with the leader's zip code on it. As the leader sat in the leader's circle at leaders' meeting next to someone with their same zip code, she could see who lived near her in case of an absence and she would need someone close by to bring an item to class for her.

I pulled up a Bexar County zip code map to help me in finding the different locations for the 23 different zip codes represented in our leadership. Looking at the map, the area codes appeared to be divided into three very distinctive areas...those inside Loop 410, those between Loop 410 and Loop 1604 and those outside Loop 1604. There only 4 zip codes inside Loop 410. The majority of zip codes are between Loop 410 and Loop 1604 - 11 in all. And there are 6 outside of Loop 1604. Yet, our class location is located INSIDE Loop 410. Hmmmm...very interesting.

Looking closely at zip code map brought to mind man's relationship with the Lord. We all are to have our Father as the center of our lives - just as our class meeting location is really in the center of this map. Yet there are only a few who are centered around Him (as those inside Loop 410). These are the people who truly love Him, walk with Him daily, hold Him as their standard for living, have Him as their hope, trust Him alone and accept His will in all things.

Then, there are those like the ones who live between Loop 410 and Loop 1604. These are the ones who know Him as Lord and Savior, but only saved by fire. Still continue to live in their own way. When trouble comes, forget to call on the One who can help, comfort and hold us up. Forget to thank the One who gives us all good things but takes the glory for themselves. They are the ones who do believe, but that's the extent. These are the majority of people.

Lastly, there are those who do not know Him at all. Those on the outside (those outside Loop 1604). Those who do not belong to Him. Those who have rejected Him, refuse to believe He exists, refuse to call on His name, believes only in themselves. How lonely they are on the outside.

What a picture the zip code map tells. And what's even more amazing...All the roads on the map lead to the center of the map - to Him. WOW!

So today, I'm thankful for my map. For the picture God gave me in this map. For the desire to be "inside" the loop with Him at the center. For the wisdom to see that all roads lead to Him.

HMMMM....with our zip code, I wonder if Jimmy and I need to move....naaaaaa....I think He knows my heart! What's your zip?

Friday, July 9, 2010

DESPICABLE ME I love popcorn! Tonight, Jimmy and I are taking Huston to the movies. The funny thing is, I believe Huston's favorite thing about the movie is the children's "package" that includes popcorn, soft drink and candy that they enjoy during the movie. With that, any child can sit through a movie for as long as they need....or at least until they must potty.

We are taking him to see a new movie, just out, called "Despicable Me". It's about a loathsome man named Gru who delights in all things wicked until one day, he runs into three little orphaned girls who see "something" in him no one else sees....a dad. Gru, the despicable man is a large man with a pointy nose. Huston doesn't like scary movies or scary characters. So, I hope he's not afraid during this movie and wants to leave. He's so innocent...whereas his sister, though 2 years younger can watch anything!

I have to admit...there is a joy seeing and knowing an innocent heart who desires all things good, all things righteous, nothing scary or bad or despicable. It makes me think that the desire to have that pure, clean, innocent, perfect heart is the same that God wants for each of us. We, as human beings, could each point to ourselves and say, "Despicable Me." Admit it...sin is FUN! But only until we must face the consequences of our actions or thoughts or deeds. Then those despicable actions or thoughts and desires become the albatross around our necks to the eternal punishment we so righteously deserve.

However, like the three little orphan girls, there is someone who sees something in us that no one else can see. Something that was placed in us before the creation of time. Something that only our creator could put there and only our Creator can see. That something is our soul. Like Gru, who has the potential to be a "dad" to three little orphan girls, we too have a potential to be something "special" because our Creator made us that way. We no longer have to choose to be "despicable." But by accepting the sacrifice made by our Lord on our behalf, we are made new again, innocent, pure, clean and perfect in His sight. No longer "despicable."

So today, I am thankful for the creativity of movie makers. I know that seems a funny thing to be thankful for, but God gave each of us talents and He did that for writers and movie makers and everyone connected who make films. Thankful for their creativity. Thankful that some movies remind us in fun humorous ways of the gift we received that made us whole and pure and righteous and one with God.

Are you still "despicable?" Or are you made new - innocent, pure clean and perfect in His sight? You no longer have to be an orphan, but can now be an adopted child of God.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am so excited! Yesterday, in the mail, came the digital photo book I put together for Huston's birthday, of the pictures we took on trip to Disney World. It was such a fun trip taking him to Disney World. The awe and magic of seeing his face each morning and watching him sleep so sound from exhaustion at night was amazing! His birthday is in a couple of weeks and along with a special gift we ordered from Disney World, I decided to make this special book for a keepsake and give it to him along with his gift.

I had so much fun putting the book together. I loved looking at all the pictures. Loved putting captions under each and remembering the things Huston would say at different moments along the way. He's so funny and fun. Though Jimmy and I have been to Disney Land and Disney World, seeing it through the eyes of four year old Huston was a whole new thing. It is what Disney "magic" is all about.

Huston and Emery love to read. In fact, they love for Alix to take them to the library to "check out" books to take home and read to them before they go to bed. I hope this little book I made for him will be a lasting treasure he will love to look at and read for a long time. Perhaps one day he can read the captions to Emery and tell her the things he remembers about the trip.

Reading is such a good habit to get into. I remember a verse in the Bible that says something along the lines..."what comes out of the mouth is what is in the heart." It must be because of what we put in our bodies and allow to stay in and blossom or fester as to what comes out. The things we read, or watch or listen to or participate in will determine what we believe, how we react or respond, what we say and even how we feel about what we see or what someone says or does to us.

This makes me understand how important it is to be sure to not only "read" God's Word, aka scriptures, but to digest them, really chew on them, make them a part of my very being so that what comes out of me is is not a disgusting, vulgar, bitter, vicious, ugliness. But what comes out is truly loving, nurturing, joyful and pleasing to my Lord.

So today, I am thankful for "The Book", God's Word, the Bible, that doesn't just have stories in it, but nourishes me and gives me life. I am thankful that as I read it and study His Word carefully, it fills me with joy, comfort, peace, satisfaction, confidence, trust and hope that none other can. What a great "summer, fall, winter or springtime" read. I dare you to try it! It can be addictive!