Mother and I both had to have some blood work done this past week. It wasn't for anything special - mine was just some annual stuff and mother's was for a new doctor's records. I took mother to her doctor to go over her results and medications she was taking. It's funny how after one reaches a certain age we begin to compare medications with our parents and find we are taking some of the same prescriptions or similar ones for the same treatment.
Mother mentioned how she never used to have any medications till a couple of years ago and now, she has quite a few. It made me start thinking about the ones I take for various "ailments" and the number of vitamins my doctor "highly recommends" I take. "Highly" meaning...DO IT! I don't know about others, but when I pulled out all my prescription bottles and vitamin bottles, I was shocked. When did I get so needy of help with blood pressure medication, medicine for Barret's, seizure medication for migraines, six different vitamins "highly" recommended by my doctor and several other medications I can't remember what they're for? When did I become so dependent on physicians? Was I not handling my body good enough by myself? Was I not taking care of myself properly? Was I just not paying attention to the things that were good or not good for me and doing just what I wanted to no matter the cost to my health?
It is the same with my spiritual health. I am totally dependent on THE Great Physician. I am totally dependent on Him to show me where I need help, where I am failing and sick. Dependent on Him to heal me from the sickness I have brought upon myself through sin. Sin of doing just what my heart desires without thought of what it would do to my spiritual well being. Without thought to how my soul would suffer by its separation from God. Without thought that I am taking in impure, bad, dirtiness that would corrupt my soul. I am totally dependent on His medicine (His Word) to keep me healthy, to keep my heart working properly - available to others. Dependent on His medicine and vitamins (daily supplement of prayer and time with Him) to supply me with the energy and sustenance to carry on each day depending on Him for all I need.
So today, I am thankful for THE Great Physician and HIS medicine (His WORD) and HIS vitamins (my daily supplement of time spent with Him in prayer). I am thankful to Him for the health and well being of my soul for eternity.
What condition is your soul? Sick or well? What physician prescribing you medication are you dependent on? I can recommend One if you don't have one or don't know THE ONE!
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