Who do you think you are?
Well, here they go again! Paris may be headed back to jail. Lindsay may be headed back to jail. The Hoff is dancing on TV (if you can call it dancing - more like dancing with the MOUTH). Tiger is back on the course. But "back" may not be what we think it is. Obama and the Democrats are getting hit hard and Madonna, of all people, is teaming with her 13 year old daughter to start a clothing line (THIS I gotta see! Wonder if it will include underwear?) The news goes on and on about "famous" people. In fact, some are called "famous" and making news just because they are from "famous" families or doing stupid things.
Have you ever felt all excited about meeting a "famous" person? Just being in the presence of a "famous" person makes us all tingly inside. Famous people can walk into a room and people go nuts! Magazines are sold because their pictures are on the front. Everyone wants to know them and know all about them. People even stalk them. Some people become famous because they crash parties (reeeeeeealy...the Salahis!) - they even get TV reality shows because of it or because they were once married to someone famous. Even multiple "children" get reality shows and become "famous."
These are the kind of people we consider "famous" today. The kind of people we look to, to emulate. No wonder we are such a messed up group of people.
I had a wonderful day yesterday. After Bible study, I went to meet my mother and friends at lunch. I wasn't sure who would be there, but I thought I would join them for a little while, even though I knew I would be late arriving. WOW, was I in for a surprise! It wasn't until the end of the lunch, we were all visiting, that I discovered just WHO I was lunching with! No, their names are none that would be recognized by the world today. No, they did not do anything terrible to be discovered for or earth shattering by our world's standards. I had lunch with 7 women who I would consider "famous" people. Between the 8 of us, we accumulated approximately 227 years of service in this one area of serving our Lord. Some of these women were "biggies" in my book. Yet, I sat through the entire lunch, not knowing for much time, who they were, except their names. Then, I asked one question, and suddenly I realized the magnitude of "nobility" I was lunching with.
These were not rich, wealthy women. Not women who made the news. Not woman who would boast of their deeds or even presume to be known by anyone. These were humble, unassuming "servants", who I knew were known by the most important King in all the earth. Woman who had the ear of their King, always sitting at His feet, asking His advice and carrying out His will.
You know the thrill I spoke of when in the presence of someone famous? It ran all through me. These women, I knew, were famous for their reliance on their King and their dedication and passion in their service to Him. They were famous for the lives they touched all across the earth, just moving in and out, from place to place as their King directed.
If they knew I was calling them famous or bragging on them, they would poo-poo me. They would only point to their King and give Him all the credit. They want no glory, no recognition for their service. They put on no airs. They are just these non assuming, beautiful servants who want nothing more than to joyfully serve their king with excellence.
I've known several of these woman (from afar) for many years. Held them in high regard. Look at them in awe for the work they have done and continue to do. And today, look at them with even greater awe. These incredible women are of such character that many would look to them as role models for their standard of living. Yet they themselves would only point to their King as the standard by which to follow.
When I got home, I was so excited about my lunch. I was so grateful to have the privilege to sit "at their feet", listening to their stories and wisdom. Yet, in it all, they gave glory and honor to their King. I had to ask...who gets my attention? Who am I most in awe of? By who's standard do I purpose to live? Who's feet do I wish to sit at the feet of? To whom do I give the glory for all good things? You see, their King is the Lord God. Their standard is that of their King, the Lord God. Their attention is captivated by their King, the Lord God. It is their King, the Lord God's, who's feet they sit at, to whom they give all glory and honor.
What do my family and friends see in me? How will they see me and will they see me pointing to me, or to my King - the Lord God?
Today, I am thankful for the opportunity to lunch with such beautiful, incredible women of God. Women, known by many of a certain group, not by much of the world, but truly known by their King. And women who point all of whom they know to Him and Him alone. What an example they provide for the rest of us to point all others to God and not ourselves. Point others to THE "famous One"!
Do you want to be "known" by the world or do you want to be "known" by the Lamb of God and have your name written in His book for eternity?
Ladies.....thanks for including me!