This past week, I had the opportunity to be in Chicago to visit Graham and Whitney. I had a great trip - loads of fun. During my time there, they asked if I would help pick out paint colors for the new apartment they found and were soon to move into. Their new landlord was in town and wanted me to go with them to meet "Dave", look around the apartment, do a little measuring and possible room arrangement.
We met Dave at his place, previously occupied by a med student for three years. The apartment was in a beautiful location in Chicago proper, with a view to die for! Looking out the living/dining combination, the entire wall faced Lake Michigan. There was nothing blocking their view. It was truly stunning. Though the apartment is old, a little worn (in fact, it still had metal kitchen cabinets with mismatch appliances, pink tile bathroom and baseboards that had been painted a dozen times without being scraped or caulked), the amenities of the building far made up for interior beauty needs. There is underground valet parking with many interior amenities for each apartment owner. We met many neighbors who own their place and all were gracious and hospitable.
After getting to know Dave a little better, he sat down with the kids and worked out the lease. In fact...he gave them a "sweetheart" deal. As we talked, Dave asked my opinion on some design details he wanted to do to improve the kitchen. We aren't talking just a little paint here, we are talking new kitchen cabinets, new appliances, granite counter tops, hardwood floors (the real thing) and more. He asked if we would accompany him to Lowes to pick out the improvements he had in mind. He wanted help to make this apartment warm and inviting - but something of his taste, and something the kids would like.
We had a fact, we worked at Lowes all the way through lunch. Dave chose only from the best cabinet line, best wooden floors, granite counter tops, beautiful paint color, and beautiful stainless appliances. The kitchen will be wonderful once it is done. We talked about permission for Graham and Whit to take down old vertical blinds and replace with a different window treatment. Ideas were flowing and fun was had by all as each of us envisioned the potential and reality of what the place would look like.
After the full day of picking, choosing, imagining, getting excited over choices, we went to dinner and had a wonderful time visiting and getting to know each other better. We told Dave we had adopted him as a member of our family. It seemed that Dave thought it odd we would welcome him so quickly into the fold. He asked me why I felt that way. My answer was simple...He had welcomed my children, was taking care of their needs, being their friend, watching after them and was interested in them. Anyone who unconditionally accepts my family the way Dave did, is certainly welcomed and considered "family" to us.
You see, Dave was riding a bike and stopped at a light when he heard Whit speaking to someone and mentioned she was looking for a new apartment. Things don't just happen - God has a plan, and we are in His plan. Graham and Whitney took to Dave and Dave to them. They bonded and Dave had a place for them...just the size, in just the right location, at just the right price, with wonderful amenities, wonderful neighbors, and he welcomed them to come and stay at his place.
Now doesn't that remind you of what our Father does? Our Father always knows our needs. He is right where we are. He hears our needs, He offers us what is right for us, with the best view (HIS) of what He has for us, providing all our needs and even more. He not only has what we need, but He provides the best of what we need, His best, without reservation, and at a sweetheart deal - one He has already paid for.
So today, I am thankful for our new friend Dave. For Dave reminding me of our generous Father who provides all my needs. Not just my needs, but in the right time, with the very best of everything, at a price that is already paid for by Him - my sweetheart deal. And the view - "Heavenly!!!!"
Hmmmm...what's reeeeeealy cool....I'm not the only one who gets this deal! Anyone can have it - you just have to accept it. What a Sweetheart deal!!!
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