I love to read. In fact, I don't read any ONE kind of book. I like a variety of books. When I was in school, I HATED to read. I would fall asleep when I had to read or study. I can't remember one book I read in high school or college. (Hmmmmm, hope that doesn't mean I didn't read any of them???????) Anyway, I began reading when I was about 30 years old. I was living in the Dallas area and took a 50 minute park and ride to and from downtown Dallas. Since there was nothing to do on the bus for that amount of time, I began reading James Mitchner's books. (What a way to begin, right???) I fell in love with reading. Yes, Mitchner is very detailed, very, very loooooooong, and begins each book from the very beginning of time. But his writings are fantastic. I loved reading his work. I read fiction, autobiographies, history and comedy. I read for entertainment. I don't like self help books. I figure if I have to go to another person who had to go to therapy, and took years to work out their own problems, how could they help me work on mine? Besides, their problems aren't like mine, right? And anyway...what problem was I going to work on? I can't remember....? Oh well....couldn't be tooo bad.
I didn't read to my children when they were small. Jimmy and I both worked, and like I said, I took a 50 minute park and ride home before picking up two little boys from nursery school and rushing home to feed them, bathe them and put them to bed. Reading just wasn't in the picture. Another 30 minutes was just waaaaay too late for two little guys.
My son and daughter-in-law, however, read to our two grandchildren. In fact, Alix, our daughter-in-law, take the kids to the library at least once a week for them to pic out books and movies for their enjoyment. The kids LOVE the library! (Laura Bush would be so proud!) They each get to pick out books of their choice, and at night, before bed, they get to choose the book of their choice that is read. Emery likes her princess books and Huston likes an assortment of books.
I babysat for them last week while Clark and Alix had a date night for their anniversary. Since it was a school night for Huston, I went to their house to sit. After fun time and baths, they chose their books for Lovey to read. Emery chose some short, cute, book and was lights out and fast asleep quickly. Next, Huston was busy choosing just the right one for our time together. It was interesting how he carefully chose between the number of books he brought home from the library. After careful survey, he decided on Curious George. Funny how this little monkey, George, has been such a popular book for so many little kids for so long.
Curious George, and his keeper/master - the man in the yellow suite and hat - are quite a pair. The man is this patient, kind, helpful and protective owner. George, a curious little fellow, cannot help himself, but constantly gets into trouble because he doesn't follow the instructions of his keeper/master in the yellow suite and goes on about his own, curiously seeking something he shouldn't. Sometimes George causes all kinds of trouble, even though his intentions are not to do so. He is just curious. He just can't help himself. He is just following his own desires. Even when his keeper/master would tell him not to do one thing, George could not help himself.
Sometimes, I think I am like George. I am curious. I like to check things out myself. I like to do things or see things or go to things that look good to me, even if I know I shouldn't. Somehow, I convince myself it will be okay and not so bad after all. Like George, I get into trouble. Except my trouble, unlike George's, is sin. You see, my master has given me instruction (in His WORD). They are very clear. His Word is my standard. His yes is yes and his no is no. His basic standard of behavior is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. But in my humanness, I want to explore things MY way. I want to try to do things in MY way, with MY attitude, within MY rules and with MY expectations. Like George, this only causes me trouble. My bailout must come from my keeper in the yellow suite and hat, my Lord. Like Curious George, why do I never learn?
One thing is good to know though, the man in the yellow suite and hat is ALWAYS there for George in the end. He never leaves George. Never forsakes George. That is true for my Lord too. So why do I continue to test Him? Hmmmmm....will I EVER learn?
Today, I am thankful for the unconditional love and support of my Lord, my "MAN" in the yellow suite and hat. The ONE who never leaves me, but is always there when I goof, get into trouble and call for help. The ONE who gives me freedom to choose Him but does not forsake me when I goof and return to Him to repent.
So today, how curious am I to know the ONE in the yellow suite and hat...to know what His desires are for me and His standards are for my life?
Hmmm....I wonder if His glorious suite sparkles like gold? A little glitter, bangles, sequins or beads? Sassy!
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