I was looking through a list of registrants for our Bible study this morning, noting occupations of some of the members in order to find certain ones that might be willing to serve in some specific capacity in our class. It got me thinking about the different occupations we all have during our lifetimes. It's funny, but most of us don't even stop to think about the shear NUMBER of occupations we can count as having had. Many of the sheets I looked through had "retired" written on them. Yet, were they really retired?
Take me...I made a list from birth to present...I had to think really hard to remember them all, but here goes:
1. Baby
2. Middle Sibling (not always the best job, but hey...someone had to do it on
our family!)
3. Red Cross Representative in school (at least my school annual said I was)
4. Volunteer in School (plays, etc.)
5. Ballet student
6. Ballet assistant
7. Ballet teacher (loved all the ballet years)
8. Girlfriend (now I REALLY liked that one! Especially since I married the guy!)
9. Baby sitter (prepared me for later years and made some cash)
10. WIFE - Yeah!
11. Sales clerk (YUK)
12. Receptionist (Hello!)
13. Insurance whatever (at a bank)
14. Property Manager for a Real Estate Firm (2 actually - one in Beaumont and
one in Dallas)
15. Bookkeeper/Business office (Ho-hum)
16. Executive Assistant to the President of a Data Processing Firm (Downtown
Dallas was really fun - during the "Dallas" TV show time)
18. PTA President (worst job ever!)
19. Home Room Mom (for two children - wild!)
20. Asst. Coach (soccer team - 1 yr.)
21. Sewer of costumes (Halloween)
22. Volunteer/Committee head for fundraisers in community (Wifely duty)
23. Bible Study leader
24. Sunday School Preschool Teacher/Class Leader
25. Church Yard Maintenance (Corralled the boys to help serve)
26. Children's Choir costume maker
27. Legal Secretary (interesting job)
28. Preschool/Children's Ministry Coordinator (Kids say the darnedest things!)
29. Asst. to the Minister of Education
30. International Flight Attendant (LOVED TO TRAVEL)
31. Author (Book for flight attendants)
32. Painter (our homes)
35. Housekeeper (sucks!)
36. Cook (sucks worse!)
37. Ironing Queen (worst sucks ever!)
38. Listener and encourager
39. Household Shopper (HATE the other kind - no kidding!)
40. Best Friend
41. Blogger
These are just some of the ones I could think of. There are probably many, many more I can't even remember. With all these jobs/activities/responsibilities, how in the world could any of us really be good at any ONE of them? We are one big balancing act! I don't work outside the home, yet I don't consider myself retired. I have much to do.
It made me think about our Lord. Scripture tells me that our Lord is the Alpha and the Omega. He was always and always will be. He never stops, never ends, never retires. He never leaves us, never gives up on us, never retires from us, and has NEVER said we are to retire from Him or His work! So why do so many of us think as we move on into the later years of our lives that we have "done" our time and we can "retire," let another have a turn?
God calls us to a "lifetime" of relationship with Him. Relationships don't retire, they don't stop "doing" or "being" or "producing" or "stop". Relationships love and serve each other. God calls us to a lifetime of service to Himself. A lifetime of living that glorifies Him in every way, in everything we do and are. So in all my "jobs", whatever that may be at this time of my life, (including my blogging), it is my "job", out of great love, appreciation and honor that I glorify my Lord in all things said and done.
Today, I am thankful for the opportunities God has given me to work for Him as I have worked for others in my lifetime. It was and is, in these opportunities, I have had the honor and opportunity to bring honor and glory to Him in all things.
My challenge today...how in the world will I bring Him honor while I clean these commodes? (Surely HE will figure out a way!)
This one is great! Hope your having a wonderful week!