Well, my Bible Study year is about to start. Things are rolling along and I am busier than ever! What a job I have. I love what I do...as Class Administrator, I handle all the "behind the scene" stuff for our class of over 500 women and over 150 children. I'm so excited this year, we are studying the book of Isaiah. It will be awesome!
Every three years in this Bible Study. the leaders go on retreat. The "Texas" group of around 3,000 leaders from across Texas will meet in Dallas for the weekend. It's a mountain top experience that we as leaders truly look forward to. And since I have been in classes in Arlington, The Woodlands and San Antonio, I LOVE getting to see old friends I used to be in class with.
In this Bible Study, everyone wears name tags. Not just any name tags, but one made for each person for that particular year. They are usually made about 4 x 6 in size, laminated and hang on ribbons. All small group leaders make a name tag for each person in their group. Each group has a name tag in their group that looks alike. Each week, all class members and leaders wear their name tags for security purposes and so that others can learn their names and recognize and greet each other by name. With a class of 500 women, there are a lot of names to learn.
Well, when leaders go to retreat - especially one with approximately 3,000 people, each class of leaders likes to have name tags that are alike so that people will able to recognize what class, in what city, they are from. Since I am the Class Administrator, I usually make those name tags for the 54 leaders in our class. Jimmy calls me the "craft" lady since I have my own room with walls of ribbons and paper and other necessary equipment for my hobbies. So it's fun for me to be creative and make the name tags for the leaders in our class. I usually look on line, find some wonderful looking card and recreate it on my computer, add each leader's name, print it on 4 x 6 picture paper and laminate it. This year, the colors are blue and brown with brown and cream stripped ribbon. YUM...LOVE the colors. I know...guys could care less!
Anyway, I began thinking about wearing name tags. After a while, I begin to recognize people without their name tag. Some, I can remember their first name, some, their first and last. Others, I still draw a blank. Often I see people at other places around town and know they are in my Bible study class, but can't place their face with a name. That's when I wish everyone wore name tags ALL the time! Don't you like it when people call you by name? I know I do. Maybe I should start a business with cute name tags people could wear all the time - you know, all different colors so women could color coordinate them with their outfits. Men...well I would only have to make them in blacks, blue, brown, olive, khaki or baby blue...to match their suites - or just black and white...they don't care about color coordination. Hmmm...a new business adventure...wonder how long THAT would last!
Okay...sorry, got off track. Anyway, as I was saying, wearing name tags...It made me think about recognizing people with their name tags and without. Think about how many people there are in this world right now. Did you know there are approximately 6 BILLION? Yes, I said B-I-L-L-I-O-N !!!! Who would have known? Well, maybe Douogy Houser! Think about the number of people you know and how many people you would recognize if you saw them on the street. Okay, if you were going to invite everyone you know to your anniversary party, or a child's wedding or birthday or something very important...how many would that be? Do you know all the names of your friends children and/or their spouses and grandchildren? The list could go on forever...yet it doesn't even make a dent in 6 B-I-L-L-I-O-N !
But do you know that God know ALL 6 Billion people by name? He even knows the number of hairs on each one's head. That blows my mind! If He's so big and so mighty and so sovereign and so awesome...why does He care about that many people to the point that He knows them not only by name - WITHOUT a name tag, but that He know them so well and cares so much for them, that He even knows the number of hairs on each one's head? He does, because He's our creator, the lover of our soul. I am one in a B-I-L-L-I-O-N and he loves M-E. Do you know He loves Y-O-U too? He knows my name and your name without a name tag. Do you know Him? What name do you know Him by? Would you recognize Him if you saw Him walking down the street? He could be the One asking directions, asking for job, hungry, homeless, hurt, or just needing a shoulder to cry on.
Today, I am thankful for name tags. They help me learn people's names, identify people I want to know, and serve as a reminder that I am one of 6 B-I-L-L-I-O-N who never need one to be known by my heavenly Father.
Hmmm....now, all I have to do is color coordinate my outfits to match my name tag! Oh the vanity of it all! Too bad I'm not a guy and don't have to worry about this sort of thing!
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