I guess it's a guy thing. It must be...they have this thing that a little boy can NEVER have too many Legos. Huston just turned 5 and has begun collecting Lego sets. Jimmy and I gave him the Toy Story train set for his birthday. Then, he earned a "prize" from Lovey (me) for doing something good (I can't really remember what it was that it was so good for a $20 lego set). And now, he has combined all his small lego pieces to make an assortment of things he loves to play with.
Jimmy bought season tickets to Baylor's home games. Huston loves to go to the games so he can eat popcorn and see the bears (he could really care less about the game!). The first game is coming up on September 4th. (Jimmy has already asked permission for a boy trip - guess he felt he needed to since it's our 39th anniversary.) Huston is really pumped and decided he needed to show just how excited he really is - to be sure and snag a seat and transportation for the big day. We received a text from Clark today with a picture of Huston's rendition of the upcoming festivities. As you can see....he's ready to GO - SIC 'EM BEARS!
Isn't it fun to be a part of a university's alumni? To feel so excited to be on campus, remembering those fun times with friends and family, those years you spent there? Isn't it fun to bring your children back with you and tell the stories of where you met your wife, hung out with friends or did some mischief? I'm sure Jimmy and Clark will both have those moments as Huston grows and they get to share their fun memories with him. I'm praying Huston and Emery will want to continue their education at Baylor and become a part of this legacy too.)
Legacies are wonderful. In fact, our family has a number of bricks bought that now lay in the Burleson Quadrangle with Jimmy, Clark, Alix, Graham and Whitney's names on them, along with Jimmy's dad's, aunt, uncle, and cousin's. This legacy of Allen family bricks proclaim a history of men and women who proudly and lovingly walked the halls, lived in housing and worshiped in Chapel at this wonderful institution. This legacy is one we hope future generations will be added.
But the greatest legacy of all, is that our name be placed in God's book of life. Our name be known to the Father as belonging to Him forever. A legacy to be passed down from generation to generation. Though we are born into a family who are God's, this does not guarantee we will be a part of that legacy. It is our personal choice, to accept the offer of unconditional love and forgiveness by the blood of our Lord Jesus that we become adopted children of God and a part of His family and the legacy of believers.
So, what legacy do I want to leave my children? I want them to always know and remember; I am a believer of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was only by His personal choice that His blood was shed and He became the sacrificial lamb for the redemption of my sins. It is only by my complete reliance on His power for all things that I can do anything. It is by the power of His Holy Spirit that dwells within me that I can know Him personally and stand firm in my faith, making me a part of His family, His legacy.
So today, I am thankful for the legacy of my family at Baylor University. Thankful for their example of loyalty and pride in this fine institution. It is this example that reminds me of the loyalty, faithfulness, and devotion God expects from me each and every day because He has been loyal, faithful and devoted in His love for me first.
Hmmmmm...I wonder if I can make ballet shoes out of legos? Wonder if Emery will take up ballet like her Lovey? Kind of hard to pass along a legacy of love for ballet with a family of all men!!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE EMERY!
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