Travel...yes, I love to travel. It is one of my favorite pastimes. Even the "transportation" which I usefor travel is interesting. Sometimes, I take a car (my least favorite mode of transportation). Cars are okay...but on long trips, and I mean anything over five hours, a car is not my favorite way to get from one place to another. Especially if I must go in Jimmy's Corvette! I hate his car. It is VERY uncomfortable for me to travel in. There have been times when Jimmy and I took his parents motor home. Our children were little and we would take family trips to the beach and stay in the motor home. My idea of "camping" is in a motor home that is air conditioned, with a restroom that has a shower; a kitchen; bedroom (at least one for me) and a table one can eat at and play games at. "Camping" need not be toooooooo outdoorsy! But I do like a motor home. You see, I don't have to do any of the driving. After all, I'm a girl who has never driven a HUGE RV and don't intend to learn how to drive one. I can travel just fine walking around in an RV, getting people food, going to the bathroom when need be, playing games, etc. when we are on our way to wherever our destination is. The only problem with an RV is that you have to pull a car along with it. An RV is hard to park in the middle of big city you are trying to tour. Jimmy likes to drive THROUGH the city and SAY he has been there and seen whatever is in the city. NOT my idea of travel. I'm a touch it, feel it, taste it, experience it kind of traveler. So RVs aren't my favorite mode of travel either.
Planes are good. However, Osama has ruined that for all us good Americans. It has become a hassle to get on a plane anymore. I'm not complaining that we need to keep the security of our air travel safe...it's just that when trying to look nice when I travel, even for a short distance, I have to undress in line in order to go through security. Taking off most of what I wear in order for that security thing not to blow up is kind of tricky. Then, trying to put it all back on in front of everyone after you get on the other side...well, I might as well have done a strip show! By that time, I no longer look as nice as I did when I started out. What's a girl to do? Sometimes I bring socks to put on my feet so when I am expected to take my shoes off, I don't have to walk on that cold marble floor through security. The floor MUST be filthy with all those feet that were in other's shoes. Can we say foot odor, fungus, etc.? YUK! Then I have to put the nasty socks back in my bag when I take them off to put my shoes back on. The list just keeps going on! Have you ever had to sit in a seat on the plane with someone who hasn't bathed in a while? I worked a flight once (when I was a flight attendant) when a couple asked it they could be moved because the man next to them smelled so bad they couldn't think. The fact was...when I walked down the aisle, and he was sitting by the window, I could smell him several rows BEFORE I ever reached him! It was a LONG, LONG flight overseas! Then of course, the bathrooms on planes...well, we just won't go there! Still, a plane is best for long distances.
What a bout a bus? Do I dare go there? Have you really ever ridden a bus? Now that is a trip!!! I have on occasion ridden a bus. Not here in the states that I remember, but I have overseas. The seats are even more uncomfortable than those of a plane. Then you have people getting on and off at different locations. They too, have luggage. There's the sway and stop and go and of course, the dreaded "bathroom"! I'm not going to say anything else about a bus...you will just have to use your imagination...because whatever you think...think 10 times worse!
What about a train? I know, they are slow. But I like trains. You can move around on a train. There are stops with people getting on and off. BUT...think about this...you have assigned seats. There are some seats where there is a table where others can sit across from you. If you are with a group, you can play games. Trains have a dining car. They even have sleepers if you are traveling over night. They travel through cities and through the country. The view ranges from sad to beautiful. You can take your time and see the country. You can walk around. You can sit, sleep and eat. There are even trains who have private (glassed in) seating areas. You can reserve non smoking areas. I've traveled on trains in Europe and I love trains. Fast trains are the best. Yes, here they are longer. But with the right friends and family...they could be some really great times together.
I have an opportunity to take a train in March to Dallas for our Bible Study Retreat. I hope I can find some friends to travel with me by train. I think it would be great. What a way to really get to know people. Train travel here in the states, consists of moving along, slowly and surely, making necessary stops to add people and drop people off, pick up necessary supplies, times for eating meals, times for rest, times for conversation, times to just relax, times to take care of business (by phone or e-mail) and even time for fun. On a train, one can manage all those things that you can do some of on a plane, some of in a car, some of on a bus, but all of on a train.
Isn't that the way it is with our Lord. We all have one final place to go. One place that can only be reached by His help. Only be reached when we "hitch hike" a ride with Him. He is the only one who can take us there. He is the only one who has the "ability" or the right "passage" to take us there. HE is the ONLY WAY. Do you have your thumb out?
So today, I am thankful for transportation. For trains, planes, buses, cars, horses, motorcycles, bicycles and feet. I'm sure there are others....I just haven't tried them. Thankful for transportation that gets me to the places I need to go and the places I like to go. But most of all, I am thankful for my Lord. Because HE is "the way", the only "way" by which I can arrive to my ultimate destination...eternity with Him. HE is the way, the truth and the light.
Anyone need a ride?
Planes are good. However, Osama has ruined that for all us good Americans. It has become a hassle to get on a plane anymore. I'm not complaining that we need to keep the security of our air travel safe...it's just that when trying to look nice when I travel, even for a short distance, I have to undress in line in order to go through security. Taking off most of what I wear in order for that security thing not to blow up is kind of tricky. Then, trying to put it all back on in front of everyone after you get on the other side...well, I might as well have done a strip show! By that time, I no longer look as nice as I did when I started out. What's a girl to do? Sometimes I bring socks to put on my feet so when I am expected to take my shoes off, I don't have to walk on that cold marble floor through security. The floor MUST be filthy with all those feet that were in other's shoes. Can we say foot odor, fungus, etc.? YUK! Then I have to put the nasty socks back in my bag when I take them off to put my shoes back on. The list just keeps going on! Have you ever had to sit in a seat on the plane with someone who hasn't bathed in a while? I worked a flight once (when I was a flight attendant) when a couple asked it they could be moved because the man next to them smelled so bad they couldn't think. The fact was...when I walked down the aisle, and he was sitting by the window, I could smell him several rows BEFORE I ever reached him! It was a LONG, LONG flight overseas! Then of course, the bathrooms on planes...well, we just won't go there! Still, a plane is best for long distances.
What a bout a bus? Do I dare go there? Have you really ever ridden a bus? Now that is a trip!!! I have on occasion ridden a bus. Not here in the states that I remember, but I have overseas. The seats are even more uncomfortable than those of a plane. Then you have people getting on and off at different locations. They too, have luggage. There's the sway and stop and go and of course, the dreaded "bathroom"! I'm not going to say anything else about a bus...you will just have to use your imagination...because whatever you think...think 10 times worse!
What about a train? I know, they are slow. But I like trains. You can move around on a train. There are stops with people getting on and off. BUT...think about this...you have assigned seats. There are some seats where there is a table where others can sit across from you. If you are with a group, you can play games. Trains have a dining car. They even have sleepers if you are traveling over night. They travel through cities and through the country. The view ranges from sad to beautiful. You can take your time and see the country. You can walk around. You can sit, sleep and eat. There are even trains who have private (glassed in) seating areas. You can reserve non smoking areas. I've traveled on trains in Europe and I love trains. Fast trains are the best. Yes, here they are longer. But with the right friends and family...they could be some really great times together.
I have an opportunity to take a train in March to Dallas for our Bible Study Retreat. I hope I can find some friends to travel with me by train. I think it would be great. What a way to really get to know people. Train travel here in the states, consists of moving along, slowly and surely, making necessary stops to add people and drop people off, pick up necessary supplies, times for eating meals, times for rest, times for conversation, times to just relax, times to take care of business (by phone or e-mail) and even time for fun. On a train, one can manage all those things that you can do some of on a plane, some of in a car, some of on a bus, but all of on a train.
Isn't that the way it is with our Lord. We all have one final place to go. One place that can only be reached by His help. Only be reached when we "hitch hike" a ride with Him. He is the only one who can take us there. He is the only one who has the "ability" or the right "passage" to take us there. HE is the ONLY WAY. Do you have your thumb out?
So today, I am thankful for transportation. For trains, planes, buses, cars, horses, motorcycles, bicycles and feet. I'm sure there are others....I just haven't tried them. Thankful for transportation that gets me to the places I need to go and the places I like to go. But most of all, I am thankful for my Lord. Because HE is "the way", the only "way" by which I can arrive to my ultimate destination...eternity with Him. HE is the way, the truth and the light.
Anyone need a ride?