Saturday, October 9, 2010


Well, Graham and Whit finally moved into their new place. Though still in some boxes, furniture is arranged, some pictures hung, dog kennels out and ready for the pups to use and beds ready to collapse in. They still can’t use their kitchen...still waiting on the remodel to be completed and having to eat out and keep dishes, pots and pans and utensils in boxes until the wood floors are in place, cabinets are up, appliances in place and hooked up and painting done. Ahhhhh, the joys of moving!

I talked with Graham last night and asked him to send me pics to see the place so far. He said they weren’t ready to take pics yet. No painting has been done and no drapes bought or put up. I sort of laughed. Their bedroom has a window that is wide open for the neighbors next door to step out on their balcony and see right into their bedroom, looking at them in bed! Oooooops! However...the view out of ALL their windows throughout the apartment is breathtaking. Amazing how we all view the “undone things” with frustration, yet forget to notice the unbelievable beauty right around us.

But back to my point...Graham’s statement that “he wasn’t ready or had the time right then to send pics.” It’s funny that “that statement,” was the same one a sibling of mine said one day when we were talking and I asked him about his relationship with our Lord. His very comment was that he just “didn’t have time for that right now”. Really? Seriously? No time at all? Hmmmm. I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant, but my hunch was that he wasn’t ready to deal with what he thought would cost him something or that he would have to give up...i.e. money, time, conviction, personal standards for living, etc. He wasn’t ready to give up “his” idea of what “he” wanted to do or how “he” wanted to live “his” life. It really saddened me. Because, you see, I knew how much he was really missing out on. How much “more” he would have. Since I’ve truly known my Lord, I’ve known the abundance of life one has when they know the Lord Jesus as Savior. Only those who truly know him understand all one forfeits when they refuse to take time to know Him AND what MORE they have to gain by doing so.

So today, I am thankful for time. God has allowed me to stay at home and not work outside the home. I am thankful for the available time I have to spend with Him in prayer and study. The time I have to serve Him in my church, in BSF with my family and friends. I am thankful for His Words in the scriptures that promise He will make up for those years I have wasted. That my time is not measured the same as His time. That thee will be a “time” when He will draw my sibling to Himself and that my sibling will have such a passion to know Him that “time” will not exist, but only moments with our Lord. But mostly, I am thankful there will be a “time” when he will come again and we who know Him will face Him face to face and “time” will not longer exist.

My prayer is that, especially for my family and friends, ALL will take the “time” to come to know Him as their personal savior. All will have “time”, God’s time, to spend with Him and one day have an intimate relationship with Him.

How much time do I spend with Him daily? Is it like time in a bottle, measured, calculated, no more or no less than what is measured in the bottle? Only a measured amount? Or is it uninterrupted? Passionate? Time I can’t live without?

Hmmm...I better get moving today...Jimmy will be home soon from his errands and will be asking what I did with MY time! (What a slave driver! Ha!)

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