Monday, November 16, 2015


Foodie....that is what I call my husband.  He plans weekends and trips around when and where we will eat.  Though both of us are watching our still plays a great part in our daily lives (I think Jimmy's more than mine.)  Though I often say I eat for sustenance, Jimmy eats for pleasure.  Whatever the is still important.  I thought about this and came up with the following reasons food plays such an important roll.

1.   It gives energy and builds strength
2.   It comforts like nothing else
3.   It hydrates and keeps things flowing
4.   Tastes brings great pleasure or sometimes disappointment
5.   It heals when we are sick
6.   It provides great conversation
7.   It removes hunger

I'm sure there are more, but these are just a few I could come up with.  Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I've begun to plan the menu.  Then, I realized Jimmy and I would be home alone for this holiday and I wouldn't need to cook.  This is disappointing, but also, I must admit, comforting.  I can still receive the above blessings without the work of cooking since we will probably eat out.  Free blessings at someone else's cost (time, energy, money, etc.)  This makes me think about the free blessings I receive when I study or partake of God's Word.

1.   It gives energy and builds strength
2.   It comforts like nothing else
3.   It hydrates and keeps things flowing
4.   Tastes (intake) brings great pleasure or sometimes disappointment (due to conviction)
5.   It heals when we are sick (physically, emotionally and spiritually)
6.   It provides great conversation
7.   It removes hunger (for anything other than God's desire)

Hmmmmm.....these two lists look a LOT alike!  Yes, if I think of food as a means of sustenance, doesn't it seam to make sense that God's Word is a means of even greater sustenance?  Perhaps not just momentarily but eternally?  I'm grateful for His Word that gives me strength and courage when I'm down....comforts me and heals me.  Gives me living waters that flow within to bring me great pleasure and conviction.  And it's free...paid for by someone else.  It also reminds me of my brothers and sisters in Christ, with whom I have relationships that provide great conversations about our loving and wondrous Father.  All this....and it's not temporary but eternal.

Hmmmmm....I'm hungry.....what will I turn to?  Man made food or spiritual food?  What are you hungry for?

Friday, October 30, 2015


We all face trials, things that happen to us or things we may even cause.  Often times these trials boil up in us those things we find most disturbing and unpleasant in others.  We sometimes feel entitled to those feelings, therefore bringing us to a feeling of despair and anguish.  

I have a friend who "appears" to be to handle most all these feelings.  I envy her in her no-nonsense approach and dignified manner in which she works through problems and heartache.  I wish I could handle things the way she does.  There is no self pity, no complaining.  Simply quiet resolve and steadfastness.  

Yet, I really don't know what's inside her heart or mind.  I don't know the hurt she may be feeling or if she too feels despair or forsaken.  I only know what appears on the outside.  Perhaps she too, has the the feelings that overcome me, but somehow has the power rid herself of them.

In Ephesians 4:31-32, Paul reminds us to "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every for of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  

But how do I do this when feeling hurt, angry, bitter and rage?  My only resolve is to remember the description of the "Sender" to the saints of the seven churches in Revelation.  He is described as the "holder of the seven stars (angels) of the churches and the One who walks among the churches.  He is the First and Last who died and came to life, the One who has the sharp, double-edged sword (has divine judgement), the Son of God, who's eyes are like blazing fire (has penetrating insight), feet are like burnished bronze (strong and mighty.  He is the One who holds the seven spirits of God (God's Spirit) and the seven stars (the seven churches), Holy and True and holds the keys of David (possesses absolute authority).  He is the Amen (one true God), the faithful and true witness and the ruler of God's creation.  He is the Truth and supreme over all His creation."

If He is all this,  He was and is and is able to forgive me of these iniquities and His Spirit gives me strength to overcome that which He calls me to get rid of.  Along with this, He also calls me to rid myself of guilt, for His blood has covered it all.

I am grateful for the Word.  I am grateful for His conviction, forgiveness and grace.  For as He convicts me, it is not for my punishment but to make me pure and holy.  

Praise be to Him who is my All and All!

Friday, October 23, 2015


In my last post, I spoke of names and name changes. My son just got married and therefore, his bride's last name changed.  I have discovered that names really are important.  They identify, or connect us with others.  My mother's name was Edna.  Edna means "little seed, kernel".  Her middle name was Louise, meaning "well known fighter". And her last name was Drake, meaning "dragon".  Therefore, mom was a tiny little thing, worked hard and fought for her family like a dragon.  Yep...that probably describes her well.

She was petite and was a mamma bear when it came to her children.  Tough in discipline but loved deeply.  She always made the comment, "hurt me but do NOT hurt my child!"

Mom fought hard these past several months.  Diagnosed with COPD, congestive heart failure and low kidney function, she had to press on with great strength to keep going and stay alive.  She wanted to live and wanted to be with her children.  Yes, she was a petite dragon who fought to care for others and experience the joys of life as long as she could.

During the last month, I had the privilege to be with mom during a hospital stay.  We talked about fears past and present.  We spoke about heaven, seeing daddy again and more importantly, seeing her heavenly Father.  We walked through the steps of assurance and mom prayed the prayer of salvation.  This was my wish for her.  That she would know Jesus as Lord and Savior and have a such a personal relationship with Him that she would rejoice in her homecoming.  My sister had been out of the hospital room during this conversation and when she returned, with mom sleeping, she commented on how peaceful mom was compared to when she left for a short while.  It was like night and day.  Yep...that's what knowing Jesus does.  A peace and assurance of His love and faithfulness brings about an inner peace like none other.  Indescribable! 

Mom went to her new heavenly home last night at approximately 10:00 pm.  My sister and brother-in-law were at her side.  I am grateful for my sissy's love and tenderness in being there at that time.  I am grateful for a mother who worked hard, fought hard and raised 5 children with love and compassion.  But most of all, I am grateful for a heavenly Father who met her in His kingdom with open arms, ready to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant".  And I am grateful for His compassion on this sinner's soul to allow me the privilege of knowing she is with Him.

Where will you be?  In a grave or in His kingdom?  If you're not sure, won't you ask Him how you can be adopted as His child and spend eternity with Him?

Welcome home mommy!

Monday, October 19, 2015


WOW!  What a great weekend we had.  Our middle son was married this past weekend to his beautiful fiance Carissa.  We are so blessed beyond imagination!  Carissa Adamson became the new Mrs. Graham Todd Allen.  One nice benefit to her name change was that she kept her same initials! How many of us get to do that?!

I remember changing my name on my SS card after I was married.  I went from an "R" to an "A". That sounded great to me!  But what was really good, was that I was now identified with a precious family that loved me and took me in as a daughter.  We hope Carissa knows how much we love her and consider her now the next daughter in our family.  Alix now has a sister in crime!

We will have another wedding in February with our youngest, Anthony. Then, Nikki will become the third daughter in the Allen clan.  Our love for each one of these girls is beyond our dreams.  They add a powerful addition to this all male household -  a strength and and assurance of a complete family.

You know, a name change identifies you not as someone new, but as someone claimed.  It's like a seal placed on you as a claim of identifying you to another.

We too, believers in Christ, are given a new name.  A name that identifies our love and faith in the One who has paid the ransom and claims us as His.  We are sealed with this new identity by His Holy Spirit for a lifetime.  My  new name....Christian.  I am claimed by my groom, who chose me to be His bride.  I'm thrilled with my new name.

My prayer is for these two newlyweds to claim their new names.  After all.....adding a "C" to their initials is a blessing and a privilege.

I am so grateful for the blessing of this weekend.  For the beautiful woman my Lord game my sweet son.  Name changes are AWESOME!  Have you added a new initial?

Thursday, October 8, 2015


When we are children, we make friends with classmates, neighbors, other dance or sports team members and etc.  Sometimes these friends are friends we keep a lifetime.  For others, some move away with their families, go to other schools or join other organizations or teams and we loose track.

As we grow older, we make new friends, form new relationships and bonds and become more selective of those we want to keep close.  Women in particular find other women they trust, women with common bonds and likes and those who have shared the similar experiences to form close relationships with.  But I have found that my closest friends have one thing in common.  We are all sisters in Christ.

I once read that sometimes, God gives us a friend for a "season".  I didn't quite understand this when I first heard it, but later, I came to believe it to be true.  It is a painful thought to think we could have a close friend and things happen to diminish what God had once given as a sweet gift.  It often doesn't take much for these "seasonal" friendships to disappear.  Sometimes it's simply a location change, a schedule change or a tragedy that makes one party move in another direction.

If you  have ever experienced this kind of loss, you know what I mean.  Just recently, I was contacted by an old friend I thought had been a "seasonal" friend.  I had mourned the loss for quite a while.  But you see, my friend would not let our friendship go.  In fact, she almost "stalked" me into reconnecting.  I guess my "stalker" friend didn't believe in "seasonal" friendships and knew more about real friendships than me.

It made me think of my very best friend - Jesus Christ.  He's no "seasonal" friend.  He "stalks" me to stay close because He loves me.  He's relentless in His pursuit.  We've shared much together and he is faithful and trustworthy and always has my back.

I'm so grateful for my "stalker" friend who did not let our friendship just disappear.  God has blessed me with a sister in Christ that will stand the test of time and I will love her for never letting go.  I want to be a "stalker".  I want to be a stalker for Christ.

I hope you know who you are sweet friend!  I am so grateful for you!  Love you much!

Thursday, June 25, 2015


American Girl dolls.  Beautiful, lifelike and a little girls dream to own.  Emery, our 8 year old granddaughter got two for her birthday this year.  A blond and a brunet.  They are beautiful dolls and it was just what she asked for.  But even more fun, for me that is, was the opportunity to make clothes for the dolls to give her for her birthday.  I spent hours making approx. 10 outfits. I even went so far as to buy a hanging rack and hangers to organize and hang them on.

One day, before her birthday, I took her shopping to pick out patterns and fabric for four of the outfits.  We had a great time and she was thrilled to see them completed. 

Her mom told me she came down stairs a few days after her birthday and proclaimed that she had 17 outfits for her doll.  More than any of her friends.  She loves changing their clothes.  She has now ordered (from me of course), outfits containing shorts and pants. 

What is it about little girls changing clothes.  Atlee, her little sister changes clothes about 4 times per day.  Changing clothes makes one feel like new, cute.  We feel good about ourselves, noticed and loved when someone comments on how nice we look in what we wear.

I got to thinking about "new clothes".  It reminds me of the "robe of righteousness" we get when we place our faith in the Lord Jesus.  We shine, are like new, and know we are loved because of the price that was paid for this "robe". 

I spoke at the beginning of spring how the blood of our Lord Jesus often repulsed many these days.  Yet, the cross, and the blood of Jesus reveal the most dynamic love story every.  The love of our Lord Jesus and the price He paid to give us this "robe" demonstrates the powerful love He has for all who believe.  It's the greatest love story every told (and it's true).

I am grateful for the love of my heart.  The One who loved me enough to pay the ultimate so I could receive the robe of righteousness.  What a gift.  What love.

Have you received your gift?  Do you know He's waiting to give it to you.  It's already paid for.  Won't you go to Him today?

Friday, April 3, 2015


Man have I gotten a lot of catalogues lately.  It's not like I get one a day, but instead, I get 5 or 6 a day.  The stores are really pushing their spring and summer stock.  They know the time is changing and people are ready to be rid of the cold and have a change in their lives.  The cold has been harsh this year for many people.  Even here in San Antonio, it seems the cold started earlier and lasted longer (I guess a couple of freezing mornings is really not so much for us).  The complaints were horrible.  It seems that all we heard about for soooooo many mornings on the news was weather, weather, weather!

I have to admit, Boston and the rest of the East coast was hit hard.  But the people in Chicago are used to that type of weather.  Yet, weather had a hold on our news for quite a long time.  People wanted change.  They were tired of old man winter.

With the new spring weather comes freshness, newness, beauty, clear air and freshly mowed grass.  Flowers bloom and people are out walking with their kids or dogs.  It seems all is made clean and new.  

Easter is this weekend and ladies are shopping for the newest spring fashion to wear on Sunday.  They feel beautiful and sophisticated in their Easter hats.  Even the little girls are all gussied up.  Smiles fill the mall and excited talk passes between friends.  Spring weddings have even begun.  This is THE time of year for a wedding, a new beginning on life for many.  The word "spring" gives everyone a feeling of relief and joy.  Fresh, new, joy.

But then again, it is Easter.  And Easter is a time of newness, cleanliness and joy.  Yet there is one thing so many seem to stumble over.  The blood of our Lord Jesus and His resurrection.  Some are repulsed, some hesitant, some horrified and some apathetic.  Yet for those of us who believe Christ's blood was shed for our redemption and yet conquered death by rising in 3 days, this blood brings newness of life, cleansing and abundant joy.

If we are so excited about a new dress or a basket full of eggs or toys, a magical bunny or a picnic and egg hunt, why are we not overjoyed to celebrate and praise the One who paid so dearly for us to have new life, eternal salvation and the presence of our Lord for eternity?  How am I going to display my joy in the real celebration of Easter this year?  How will I share with another, they too can have this new life and eternal joy in the presence of our Lord?  How will I tell my grandchildren the desire of my heart, for them to KNOW the One of whom we celebrate at Easter?

I am so thankful and grateful to this One and only One who gives me life.

Do you stumble, or believe?  Call me, let me share Him with you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


About four weeks ago, we had a small slab leak under Jimmy's bathroom lavatory.  The water leaked into my closet and almost into his study. It took a couple of weeks to get it repaired and returned to normal but finally, everything is complete.  While repairing the damaged line, the two faucet valves under this sink had to be replaced.  They were old and rusted and broke off when trying to turn them to shut the water off.  The project was quite and ordeal.

Two weeks ago, Jimmy had a complete knee replacement.  His knee was damaged for many years and therefore needed the surgery.  Yep, even our bodies get old and weak and need repairs or replacement parts.  He already had a hip replacement 25 years ago and now the opposite knee was having it's turn.

It seems we are a country of throw away parts and items.  Things break and we replace.  Some replacements are needed, some wanted and much is frivolous desires.  Things get old and not working as well and we throw away and replace.

Our master bath is our next upcoming project.  It's time for updating and we are currently working to gut it and remodel.  Does is absolutely need it?  No. Might it help the resale in the future?  Yes. Do I have grand ideas for a lovely, new design?  Yes.  Will it cost?  Yes.  But really, why am I replacing everything? Because I want new.

I began thinking about all this "replacement".  Even the necessary ones like Jimmy has had.  When our hearts and souls become rusty, damaged, not working properly or envious, jealous and materialistic, does God just replace us? Does He believe that He would be happier if He had someone "New" to take our place?  As detestable and broken as we are, is it necessary for Him to do away with us and begin again?  No!  No!  Though we truly deserve it, He loves us and restores us like new.  He doesn't just bandage us up and return us to our previous state. His love and mercy restores us like new.  He loves us so much that He would never throw us away when we are His.

Do I throw Him away, look for another "god" who will "meet my needs" when He doesn't answer my wants and desires?  Do I blame Him for the difficulties in my life?  Remembering God is Good all the time helps me to understand that even in those difficult times that aren't working like I want, and the times I feel He isn't there helps me understand that no matter what, He has my back and will never forsake me.  He is with me through thick and thin and.

Are you replacing Him with something or someone else?  I am grateful He doesn't reject me, forsake me or replace me.  God is Good all the time.