Foodie....that is what I call my husband. He plans weekends and trips around when and where we will eat. Though both of us are watching our still plays a great part in our daily lives (I think Jimmy's more than mine.) Though I often say I eat for sustenance, Jimmy eats for pleasure. Whatever the is still important. I thought about this and came up with the following reasons food plays such an important roll.
1. It gives energy and builds strength
2. It comforts like nothing else
3. It hydrates and keeps things flowing
4. Tastes brings great pleasure or sometimes disappointment
5. It heals when we are sick
6. It provides great conversation
7. It removes hunger
I'm sure there are more, but these are just a few I could come up with. Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I've begun to plan the menu. Then, I realized Jimmy and I would be home alone for this holiday and I wouldn't need to cook. This is disappointing, but also, I must admit, comforting. I can still receive the above blessings without the work of cooking since we will probably eat out. Free blessings at someone else's cost (time, energy, money, etc.) This makes me think about the free blessings I receive when I study or partake of God's Word.
1. It gives energy and builds strength
2. It comforts like nothing else
3. It hydrates and keeps things flowing
4. Tastes (intake) brings great pleasure or sometimes disappointment (due to conviction)
5. It heals when we are sick (physically, emotionally and spiritually)
6. It provides great conversation
7. It removes hunger (for anything other than God's desire)
Hmmmmm.....these two lists look a LOT alike! Yes, if I think of food as a means of sustenance, doesn't it seam to make sense that God's Word is a means of even greater sustenance? Perhaps not just momentarily but eternally? I'm grateful for His Word that gives me strength and courage when I'm down....comforts me and heals me. Gives me living waters that flow within to bring me great pleasure and conviction. And it's free...paid for by someone else. It also reminds me of my brothers and sisters in Christ, with whom I have relationships that provide great conversations about our loving and wondrous Father. All this....and it's not temporary but eternal.
Hmmmmm....I'm hungry.....what will I turn to? Man made food or spiritual food? What are you hungry for?
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