To me, weddings are a total joy. I cry at weddings. Not tears of sadness, but of great joy. Weddings take place because two people have "chosen" to be joined together for a lifetime. They pledge their love and devotion to one another. They make a solemn oath and commitment before others and to each other. Two people begin their life with great joy and jubilation. What a wonderful time in one's life! Why not cry tears of joy?
True, marriage is a lifetime of commitment and work. Working to keep the relationship fresh. Working to please one's love. Working to do for the other what no one else would ever do because you love them. It is a work that brings great joy and intimacy.
True, there are those marriages, when two people do not keep the same commitment to one another, to do all the things they promise and pledge. But then....was that commitment/pledge ever really true to begin with? Was it simply one sided with selfish desires by one party? We are never promised marriage would be easy.
It reminds me of our true commitment and pledge to our faith - our love for the Lord Jesus. The Bible says He is our bridegroom and we are his bride. When we truly get to know Him, what is not to fall in love with? He's truthful, faithful, loving, merciful, kind, generous, slow to anger, eager to show love and desires to have an intimate relationship with us.
In these times of uncertainty, there are not many we can rely on. Not many we can trust to always be truthful, faithful to their word. Not many who are willing to give forgiveness and mercy, wanting only for us to love them with all our heart. The world is full of sin and wickedness, yet there is one who is all these good things and more.
When He returns, He will take those of us who love Him to His home. We will share in His wealth and glory, bask in His love. And all the pain and hurt, fear and injustice we experience here will be wiped away.
Is He your bridegroom? Have you committed to Him for eternity?
My prayer for Nikki and that they will pledge to each other, their commitment to love each other for all their earthly lives. To promise to the best of their ability their faithfulness, love, mercy, kindness, gentleness, slowness in anger and generosity. But most of all, together, pledge to their heavenly bridegroom, all the above, for eternity.
Who could possibly live a more joyful life than those who commit to Him?
I am grateful for the loves of my life, both my earthly groom and my heavenly groom. And, I am grateful for their love for me.
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