Friday, April 29, 2016


If I were to ever take a "Selfie" of myself, this is what I would look like:

Yep, constantly AMAZED at my stupidity, lack of self control, open mouth insert foot and lack of humility.  What is all this obsession with selfies?  Are we so in love with ourselves that we can't help but take our own photo so we can show others just how wonderful we are?  Do we think everyone we know wants to know every detail of our existence?  Our continuous self observation of what we look like, what we say, what's in our every thought has become so evident of our total lack of humility.

I heard a sermon last week on humility.  In it, the pastor explained that humility is not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less. for severe thought.

Our Lord was humble in every way.  He thought of others as he walked this earth.  He served others to the point of washing their feet.  Would I ever wash another's feet (besides my small child)?  Would I clean someone's house if they were in need or would I pay another servant to do so?  Would I take the job least wanted for the least pay because there was a need of help?  Would I sit in a hospital day after day with someone I didn't know who was gravely ill and tell them about Jesus because they had no one else?

You see, humility is not just not thinking of myself less often, but thinking of and doing for others and their needs before even thinking of myself.  What I want my selfie to look like is this:

I want to be the emoji selfie who is looking up to my Lord, not at myself.  I am grateful God gives us pictures of ourselves so that we can look up to Him to make us into what we were created to be.

What would your emoji selfie look like?

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