Sunday, February 26, 2017


Is it really important?  I mean really?  Is a home really a woman's identity? 

Two of my youngest sons are buying homes.  One son, for the first time.  I tell my sons to let their wives create and design the interior of their homes.  I've said many times that a home is woman's identity.  It is a picture of who they are, what they like, their creativity, and the feeling they want to express when someone enters their home.  I tell them to let their wives express themselves with the decor design of their home.  They can set the budget, but let their wives make the design choices.

One son is very creative and wants to be a part of every decision.  As much as I have encouraged each son, (I'm a mother of 3 sons), to leave these decisions to their wives....this one son feels absolutely determined to put his mark on their home.  I understand...he truly is creative and has good ideas.  But again, a mother has her opinion.  

My husband and I are in the beginning stages of remodeling our own master bath.  He's great about letting me make the choices, within budget of course.  I've looked through Houzz, Pinterest and other great "redo" magazines and articles.  I've captured pictures, made a design book and visited tile stores.  We've discussed options, costs and are beginning the process of interviewing contractors.  He's been great about letting me design the project to meet our needs...put my "touch" on what's to be.

As I began to think about this master bathroom remake and the remarks I've made to my sons, I've had to rethink the "identity" word.  Is my "identity" really summed up and identified when someone walks into our home?  I love to change things every so often.  Brighten, rearrange, recover, re-frame and etc.  But does that really say who I am?  Do I want it to be the total of my identity?  Do I want it to even be a part or the most of my identity?

As I study this year in the book of John, I've recognized the most important part of my identity and the one I most want to be known for.  My identity is in Christ and Him alone.  Yes, decorating is fun and displays my taste in homes.  But my true and only identity is being an adopted child of God, who believes and has a personal relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.  It is by my identification with Him that all my true joy and hope is received.

My identity is belonging not to this country or state but belonging to a different kingdom....citizenship in the kingdom of God.

Who or what do you identify with?  With whom or where is your citizenship aligned?

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