As we get older, somehow, someway, some family members seem to grow closer and closer while others drift away and some exit forever. Take mine. As young children, we were each other's play friends. We did everything together. We not only played together, but laughed together, cried together, fought together, slept in the same room or same bed together, even bathed together. It's funny...after all that togetherness, as we grew to teenagers and young adults, we all seemed to drift apart. We went our own directions, married, had kids, moved away, and all the togetherness seemed to drift. No one said a just happened.
But the older we got, we seemed to drift back together again. It seemed, the togetherness that made us so close as young children came right back up to the surface . Though each of us have very different personalities, the bonds that formed in our younger years were never to be broken. Blood is blood. Family will always be family.
I often wonder if my own children will feel the same. I believe they will. Though we only have two...I pray the bonds that were so tight in their childhood and seem to have continued through their youth and young adulthood, will only become stronger as they get older. Families are vital to a person's well being.
We are a part of God's family. Though adopted, we are still His. We are blood brothers to all the rest. Christ made that possible. His blood was shed so that we may all belong to the family of God. Since we Christians are family, we are here to support one another. Our personalities and our quirks are different and none of us are perfect...but we love each other the same. We have a common bond - Jesus Christ. It's wonderful to know we have family that loves with the same love our heavenly Father does.
So today my friends, I am thankful for families. My parents who gave me a wonderful home and family. My siblings who give me such joy in saying I am a part of their family. My husband, for making us a new family of our own and making me a part of his, whom I truly love. And lastly, but most of all, my children and their families...for the joy the bring me each and every day.
I hope everyone is as thankful as I am today for families. I also hope they are prettier than mine!!!(ha!) - see below!

Roger, Tommy, Judy, Me, Frank Jr.
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