Next week, Alix and I have our monthly day to cook at church on Thursday. I follow that with continued preparations for the next Thursday when I am in charge of our Lunch Bunch (Senior Adult game day and lunch) Valentine/50th Anniversary Reception after lunch. I have been preparing a lot already. But always forget how much preparation goes into these things to make them nice. I do love planning this reception though. We acknowledge those couples in the church who have been married 50+ years with a reception of wedding cake, roses, punch, etc. It's really a nice time and the senior adults love it. We usually have about 100 people attend and it's quite festive.
This year, our colors are white, green and a touch of pink. I'm hoping to have pink roses to hand the ladies this year instead of red. Jimmy is shaking his head with all the decorations hanging out in our dining room. I'll try to remember to take pictures while at the party. Hope I'm not too busy having fun! Since Jimmy and I have celebrated our makes me realize our close we are coming to one day being a part of this group.
Thinking today what I would be thankful for, I think it is the wonderful example I see in the precious couples who attend this annual party. What an inspiration they are. My own parents had the privilege of living and celebrating their 50th. I think we often forget now a days what a rare find that is. We wonder how people who never lived together before marriage, who never had pre-marital sex before marriage, who married young and who hung in there when things were good and when things were really rough did it! But they DID IT! And I think now, I can positively say, it was by the hand of God and making Him center of their marriage, they achieved this wonderful status. Walking by His direction and by His standards set down in the Bible - His Word, lead these couples to lead a life filled with love, dedication, mutual respect and consideration for each other.
So today, I'm thankful for the example all those who hang in there, who celebrate joyfully and with exuberance, 50+ years of marriage to the same partner. I am thankful you care to share.
Large Vase Near Wedding Cakes
White & Green Hydrangeas w/pink flower, clear stones, green ribbon
Hurricanes Near Wedding Cakes
Green Hydrangeas w/pink flowers & white candles
Green & White Hydrangeas w/ pink flowers, clear stones, green ribbon
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