One of my dear friends, Juju, is on a girl trip to Savannah. I love it when Juju goes on trips - (especially with me) but even when she goes with others. I have her e-mail, or in this case, Facebook me to tell me all she is doing and seeing along the way. She sends pictures along with descriptions of the various sights and foods she experiences. Juju takes great pictures. We scrapbook our trips together and she has begun, I believe to do a little digital stuff of her own.
Since she is in Savannah, she has posted, on my behalf (and others - I just like to think it is on my behalf because I BEG her to do so) pictures of some great looking historical sights in Savannah. Savannah is one of the old southern places with huge trees covered with hanging moss. It never stops amazing me how beautiful the south is. The lush foliage really appeals to me..
Today's picture posted was of Johnny Mercer's graveside in Bonaventure cemetery. As you can see from the picture above, it is stunning. The plants, trees and lush foliage is fantastic! I mentioned to Juju that it reminded me of the beautiful cemeteries in Europe where each grave sight was sectioned off, usually by a small cement border. Inside the border, families brought flowering plants and ferns, etc. to fill in over the grave. They were beautiful places for their loved ones, cared for, manicured, tended to and nurtured for one they lost. Each plot was different in its own unique way. Each with a different and unique headstone. I loved taking pictures of the cemeteries in Europe. They were tranquil, peaceful, beautiful, tender and one could tell, tenderly cared for.
It makes me think of the way our Lord cares for us. We are each individual to Him. Not just bunched in with others, but sectioned off, made seperate and special. He is so tender and nurturing. He tenderly prunes and fertilizes by guiding, comforting, teaching and providing. He receives great joy as we bloom and produce fruit. He must smile when we please Him as we grow the way He planned.
So today, I am thankful for the loving, tender care of my Lord. The times he must prune to make me grow more beautiful in His sight. The times He fertilizes to grow me, weed out the bad, help me grow anew and nourish me with His Word. Thank you Father for your tender, loving care.
And Juju, thanks for the beautiful, visual reminder. You are a sweet aroma to the Lord!
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