Today is April 14th. A normal day by most standards. But today is a special day for some people. One of those people who consider this day special is a little boy (or should I say a big little boy) grown up. Yes...grown to be a real adult...in fact, heading to the seniors! He's always been considered a baby by some. Mostly because he is the baby of the family. He was a funny little boy. Bigger than his siblings when they were his age, cute as a button, funny as the dickens and very, very mischievous! Remembering back on events of their childhood brings much laughter and rolled eyes when commenting about some of the antics of this little boy.
There was one event when he and a brother were playing a game called "split." "Split" is where two opponents face each other with feet together. One holds a knife and throws the knife to the outside of one of the opponent's foot and the opponent must move that foot out to reach the distance of knife from where his foot previously lay. This action is repeated by the receiving opponent to the other. The action plays out until one of the opponents have stretched his feet and legs so wide, they are open to a split and he can't stand up. The one who falls first, looses. Well, you can imagine two young boys with a knife!!! Can you say EMERGENCY ROOM too often????? Yes, this little boy and his older brother were an accident ready to happen. I'm not sure which had the emergency room appointment, but you can be sure, but no one was surprised the little boy was involved.
Then there was the time when he and his siblings were lined up by their mom to receive a liquid dose of medicine for fighting outside and embarrassing her in front of the neighbors. The older four took theirs like champs (at least that is how they remember it). But the baby brother bolts out the door, down the street. Well, the siblings weren't going to let the little guy get away with that....so they chased after him, drug him home, forced him to the floor only to have his mom unsuccessfully try to force feed his dose of medicine down his throat. He was in hot water that night - by Mom, Dad and his siblings.
Yes, this little guy was a master of energy and talent. Adorable, mischievous, tough and a force to deal with. Sometimes too cute for his own good.
He's a big boy now. All grown up. In fact, today, that big little boy is approaching the senior adult stage. He's still bigger than his siblings, can arm wrestle any one of them and win. Still has that big smile and belly laugh. That twinkle in his eye is a dead give away of the mischief still in him. Yes, this little guy is my baby brother and today, is his birthday.
What a special day birthdays are. They are days we remember special people in our lives and the things about them we love. Days to remember people here and people who are no longer here. Days to remember the sweet memories of times past. Days that are a time to celebrate, a time to remember, a time to be thankful. Thankful for the memories, the laughter, the tears of joy, the tears of sadness even though what brought sadness may have grown the person in a special way. Thankful for joyful moments when we see them again after a long period, thankful for the privilege to watch them grow and leave, making lives of their own. Thankful for the memories of how much we loved them when they were still with us and now they are no longer here on earth.
So today, I am thankful for birthdays. One in particular...our Lords. I am thankful because I not only remember the reason he was born (sent by the Father to free me from sin so I may have everlasting life with Him), but a time to remember that He still dwells within me through His Holy Spirit, living inside me, counselling, guiding, comforting and loving me each day.
Yes, I am thankful for birthdays. And what a great day each day is. Because an old man once said..."Every day is some body's birthday!" What a great day today is! Happy Birthday Roggie!!!!!! Let's celebrate!
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