Hershey loves it when the USPS, UPS or FedEx delivery man comes to the door. He goes nuts! They don't even have to ring the bell. I know immediately some package has arrived. I'm a big online shopper and look forward to my packages arrival. I track them and look with anticipation on the date they are due. I am currently waiting on an item I ordered on February 5th. It was supposed to be delivered with expedited shipping in two days. It is now the 19th and still no package. I have contacted the seller three times, explaining that I have still not received the package nor am able to track it. The seller promised it has now been sent, but I do not trust this person because of her faithfulness to her promise.
Again, I am studying Revelation this year and am discovering much about God's faithfulness to His promises to us. It is revealed in Old Testament of God's intention for us, His plan for our redemption and judgment in the end. Most of us fear the idea of His judgment and some don't even believe in it. Yet, throughout the Bible, God proves he keeps his word. Throughout history, his Word has been proven faithful. Now, as I study Revelation, I discover that the end times are a fulfillment of his promises. In other words, He will faithfully keep his promise to redeem all who love and believe in Him and we will live with Him eternally. It also means those who refuse Him will be judged.
So...the question lingers.....why wouldn't someone believe someOne who is ALWAYS faithful to his word? As humans, we are sinful and cannot be trusted to ALWAYS act according to our words. So why not trust the One who is?
I am grateful for Him who is faithful and has redemptive plans for me. I am grateful I can depend on Him when others let me down and are untrustworthy. I am grateful I have the privilege to know such a holy and wondrous Lord.
Do you know Him - who is ALWAYS faithful and has such a glorious plan for you? If you want to know Him...check out His Word. He ALWAYS delivers!
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