Thursday, March 10, 2016


I've been watching the news about Nancy Regan's death.  The most wonderful part of the stories being told is her relationship with the late President Regan.  Theirs was a true love story.  From the love letters he wrote her to their complete devotion to each other, they were what seemed to be the most dedicated couple in the world.  

Today, her daughter Patty Davis was interviewed about that relationship and asked if she ever felt left out of their lives.  She responded, "It like if a  band of gypsies came and took me and Ronnie Jr. away, I knew that they would be sad, but they would be okay because they had each other.  They were complete with just the two of them".  At first, I sad.  Then it began to dawn on me what that meant in my life.

You see, God's love relationship with each one of us is just like that....but even more.  Like Job, who lost all his family, wealth, health, etc., he was complete with the Father.  In fact, God loves us so much, He sent his son away to take the punishment for our sins so that we could have that infinite, complete relationship with Him.  Even if God allowed everything, and I mean everything, to be taken from us, He would still be there.  He would never leave us or forsake us.  This love story is so much greater than the Regan's.  God too, writes us love letters in His word.  He promises we could never be snatched from Him.  He promises his eternal love, his care and his grace and mercy.  

God's love is a love that endures, it is complete and whole.  Most humans only know the love of man....incomplete, sometimes disappointing, often abused and rejected.  But God's love is totally complete.  He gave himself in order that we might know that complete love.

As I read the 10 commandments, I see them as an expression of his love and devotion.

1st & 2nd - God says, "I am your God, who loves you so much, I don't want you to love anyone or anything more than me.  I am a jealous lover who offers complete need not look anywhere else."

3rd - "Don't take my love for granted and say evil about me.  I will always be there for me and speak of my love for you."

4th - "I give you a day of rest from your labor so that we can spend it together, resting, fellowshipping, laying in my arms....Don't give this up, it is important we spend this time together."

5th - "Love those I have given you in your youth.  They raised you and cared for you so that you can I could be together.  They taught you of my love.  I chose them for you.  I entrusted them to care for you, my love."

6th - There is no need to harm another because I have your back.  I will judge justly.  You can trust me."

7th - "Don't turn to another lover or chase after what you may see as greener on the other side.  I will give you all that you need and love you so completely you will need nothing else."

8th - "No need to take from another....again....I will give you everything you need.  Even myself on a cross so that we can live eternally together."

9th - "Don't speak harm about another.  You don't know their intentions or motivations.  I know them.  I will take care of any wrongdoing.  You need only trust me, my love."

10th - "Don't think about what others have and desire it for yourselves.  I promise to love you forever and provide for you, all you need in abundance."

This is the greatest love story ever told.  Do you share in his complete love?  Do you accept him as the love of your life?  Read his 10 commandments and understand His great love for you.  It is complete and eternal.

I am grateful for His love, devotion, grace and mercy.  

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