Saturday, May 28, 2016


A lot has been going on within our family's beloved university.  Scandal, scandal and more scandal.  Word travels fast and furious when scandal is involved.  There are emails, texts, posts and tweets exchanged at a furious pace.  National news picks up the information and carries it over the airways.  I just want to say STOP!  Enough already.  Let's just wait for the true facts to come out, make an announcement and then go on from there.

Information can be gathered with a click of a button (or keyboard as it is).  It travels through airways in nano seconds.  Amazing how fast the "word" can get around.

I'm guilty too of emailing, texting, posting and tweeting.  I'm either excited or traumatized with information and want to discuss it with my family.  I want to be in the know, know the truth.

In John 1:43-50, scripture tells us in early days, word spread by mouth.  Jesus called Philip and Philip followed.  Excited Philip found Nathanael, told him what he saw and knew and Nathanael followed.  The simple words "Come follow me" or "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law" was all that needed to be spoken.

You know, in emails, texts, posts and tweets, words can be misinterpreted, misunderstood and can often cause anxiety when read without actually hearing the writers voice for interpretation.  Yet, somehow, God's words have power just as they are written - no other interpretation needed.  There is no contradiction, no misinterpreting His true meanings.  God's Word has the power to draw people to Himself, instruct, reprimand, build up and change lives for eternity (in the best way).

Do your words in emails, texts, post and tweets gather people to our Lord or do they simply spread news, gossip or scandal?  Do they build up or cause anxiety.  Jesus' words were powerful and always built up, comforted, guided, instructed and poured out love.  They were so powerful people would follow Him when he called.  

I am grateful for God's Word and pray my next email, text, post or tweet will be words to draw people to follow Christ.

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