Friday, June 3, 2016


The floors in our home have needed replacing for some time now.  The "new" carpet, three years ago hasn't worn well at all.  I picked a carpet that was "supposed" to be almost commercial grade.  It wasn't!!!  The narrow 2", red wood floors were a bone of contention with me.  So....this year, we decided to put wood flooring throughout the down stairs and staircase.  

If you've never lived through replacing flooring, you have missed a true learning experience in patience.  However, I must say, it was worth all the blood, sweat and tears in packing, living in dust, early morning workers and unpacking and cleaning.  Everything is now back in it's place and looking good.  I am grateful we were able to do this little "reno".

I've discovered, when redoing parts of a home, I seem to want to change things up a little.  Move pictures in different locations, add a piece of furniture or a mirror, replace an accessory with one stored in the closet or paint a little in a needed area.  This time, I've ordered a new mirror for my entrance hall and moved a painting from upstairs to over my entrance hall chest.  I love the look (as you can see above) and enjoy answering my front door just to walk through and see the revived little space.

Renovating makes me think about sanctification.  The Holy Spirit sanctifies us and makes us clean, holy, more Christlike.  We aren't replaced, just made pure, clean and acceptable to our Lord.  Think of how He must feel when we are sanctified, as I do my new renovated little space?  Does He say, "Ahhh, now that's beautiful - just as I created her?"  My old space was tired and needed refreshing.  I need cleansing and refreshing through sanctification.  Do you need to be cleansed and refreshed too?  Ask the Master to sanctify you through repentance and grace.

I'm grateful for my "reno", at home and in my heart.

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