Tuesday, January 29, 2013


http:www.facebook.com/loveysDiaryI had the privilege of attending a wonderful lunch today.  The lunch was a fundraiser for a local Young Lives chapter.  This group is a division, I think, of Young Life that mentors to young, unwed, high school girls.  These young women are remarkable.  They come to this group, many from the most devastating situations and difficult home and/or personal situations, with no where to go or no one to look to.  Here, they're shown unconditional love, acceptance and the One who can meet all their needs and provide the hope they need for a future  - a future already planned in advance for them from the beginning of time.  These young women are the Hagar's of our day.  Women with children born out of wedlock and often looked down on, despised, mocked and turned away.  Women who are left with children to care for alone.  Young women who are cast out but found by their Redeemer who "sees them" where they are at their lowest point.

I guess many of us feel as Hagar did at one point.  Though we may not have an illegitimate child, we are in the position of feeling alone, cast out, ridiculed and despised because in our sinfulness, we failed to trust God and tried to do things in our own way and in our own timing.  We too have had haughty attitudes, despised another, mocked another and even hated in our hearts.  We have been Hagars at some point.  We have hit our Hagar moment.

What is your name right now?  Is it Hagar?  How are you feeling?  Did you know that someONE sees you right where you are?

I'm thankful HE has seen me

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