Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Wind Beneath our Wing

It was early this morning, before the sun rose, with just a little light in the sky.  Hershey wanted out to do his "thing" and I always go out with him for a little fresh air.  I was standing on the porch and noticed Hershey looking up into the sky.  Then I heard.  The a host of angels...voices in one accord.  Though all were in their own pitch and singing their own praises, it was heavenly.  And in a  minute, it quieted...and I heard Him speaking to them as they bowed in reverence.  Then they began again.

If Hershey and the birds in the air begin their day in total adoration of their Creator and He speaks to them as the wind blows through the trees, why don't we, sinful men, understand the Creator is in our presence and sing our praises the minute we awake each day and all day long.  Though we don't see Him, he's as real as the wind we feel.

That crazy secular song from a while back...."the wind beneath my wing"...that is our Lord, our Creator, our Love.  SING!

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