Friday, March 29, 2013


Several years ago,my earthly father died the day before Easter.  It took several days to plan the funeral because of the celebration of our dear Lord's resurrection.  It was a very difficult time for our family.  We should have been celebrating, but instead, we were grieving.  

I wonder when Jesus was hanging on the cross with all the sins of mankind, past, present and future placed upon Him, how God felt to make Himself "unavailable" to His son?  I'm sure He was there (like a parent watching their small child from the shadows, unseen by the child).   But making Him bear those sins alone for 3 dark, lonely and painful hours must have been excruciating for our Father.  I can only imagine the pain He must have felt, the grieving He must have been going through.  To "assign" your loved one that duty because you love others soooo much.

As I remember and feel my grief and miss my dad, I must also remember how much my heavenly Father loved me to give up His son on my behalf and for those that have preceded me to be with Him.  I rejoice in my grief as I look forward to the day I will see  Him face to face and also see my earthly father seated with Him in heaven.

He is not here....He is Risen!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I was watching Dancing With The Stars last night.  Dorothy Hamill is a competitor this year and has had an injury.  She came on at the end of the first elimination show and announced she would be leaving the show because of injuries even though she had not been in the bottom two in scoring.  I joked, she needed a Dr. Oz that night.  (Get it....Dorothy and Oz?  I know...lame!)

Funny how we often turn to our great "Ozs" when things go wrong.  Or the great Oz of "good luck" when things go our way. Perhaps the great Oz when we just want a parking space or want to win the lottery.  Apparently the great "Oz" is designed to be our own personal assistant and provider.  But the funny thing in the movie....he's just a dream with no real power.....a wanna be.

Yet scripture says in "Him" all things are possible.  "He" has a plan for us, a plan to prosper us, not to harm us...a plan for us to have a hope and a future.  I rejoice when singing "turn your eyes upon "Him" (Jesus), look full in "His" wonderful face.  Then....the things of the earth will grow strangely dim in the light of "His" glory and grace."  He's no Oz....He's oh so much BETTER!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nailed Wide Open

My grandchildren live about a mile away.  I know that is not far.  But every time I go over to their house and see my little one year old grand daughter, I open my arms wide and she runs to me for a big hug.  What a joy it is for this old gal.  That sweet smile.  Those dimples.  The sparkle in her eyes.  She's such a joy to see.

I wonder if that is how our heavenly father feels when we finally decide to spend a little time with Him?  But He doesn't have to come to our house.  He's always here, waiting with arms open wide.  Waiting for those moments when we'll recognize He is standing there waiting for us to notice Him.  Waiting for just a few moments of our time.  I read recently, His arms are open all the time, just waiting.  In fact, so that we will know they are open and waiting and that they never shut, He nailed them open.  How can I resist a love like that?  How can I not claim Him as my own?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Wind Beneath our Wing

It was early this morning, before the sun rose, with just a little light in the sky.  Hershey wanted out to do his "thing" and I always go out with him for a little fresh air.  I was standing on the porch and noticed Hershey looking up into the sky.  Then I heard.  The a host of angels...voices in one accord.  Though all were in their own pitch and singing their own praises, it was heavenly.  And in a  minute, it quieted...and I heard Him speaking to them as they bowed in reverence.  Then they began again.

If Hershey and the birds in the air begin their day in total adoration of their Creator and He speaks to them as the wind blows through the trees, why don't we, sinful men, understand the Creator is in our presence and sing our praises the minute we awake each day and all day long.  Though we don't see Him, he's as real as the wind we feel.

That crazy secular song from a while back...."the wind beneath my wing"...that is our Lord, our Creator, our Love.  SING!