My husband and I have been together for 50 years. We've made many moves to several different Texas cities. Since I don't get attached to "things", such as homes, cars, furniture, etc., I have always supported him in our moves. I've always said, "our home is where you are" and been eager to set roots wherever he takes us.
We are about to move again. This time, we are, for the first time in many moves, empty nesters. We are moving to a location where we know no one. We will be leaving family and very close friends. That is all okay...our home is where my husband is.
I've struggled with this move. This is a different kind of move for me. No children at home to give me moms to connect with. No Bible study class to connect to. No church yet. No grand children's Saturday games to go to. No "besties" to have lunch, play cards and see every week. I will know no one and it will be difficult to find my place. Yet...this is okay....our home is where my husband is.
Emotions run deep and wide, from exciting to mourning. My roots are deep here as never before. Tears flow often and my heart sometimes feels as if it is breaking. Yet....this is okay....our home is where my husband is.
So, I have to ask myself, what do I do? Where is my strength? Who will I depend on in my loneliness? Who will be my comforter? Who will wipe my tears when I am gone from this home in this city near my family, grandchildren and the closest friends I've ever had? Who will give me the physical strength and stamina to make the move? Family/Besties?
There is only One who can meet all my needs. There is only One I can rely on. There is only One who has always been faithful all these years to comfort me, encourage me, give me strength and excite me. Yes, THE One and only One -
My Lord...Jesus.
Where do you gather all you need for difficult times? I know, my situation seems so frivolous when there is so much pain elsewhere. We are so blessed, yet moving from all we have been blessed with, can be painful too. Everyone goes thru times of pain, whether with our children, our families, our marriages, our jobs, and losses of all kinds. Still, our pain is great and there is only One who can meet our needs during those times.
Call His name....He is already beside you. It is okay...."your home is where He is".
A changed life built on a thankful heart
Friday, July 14, 2017
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Is it really important? I mean really? Is a home really a woman's identity?
Two of my youngest sons are buying homes. One son, for the first time. I tell my sons to let their wives create and design the interior of their homes. I've said many times that a home is woman's identity. It is a picture of who they are, what they like, their creativity, and the feeling they want to express when someone enters their home. I tell them to let their wives express themselves with the decor design of their home. They can set the budget, but let their wives make the design choices.
One son is very creative and wants to be a part of every decision. As much as I have encouraged each son, (I'm a mother of 3 sons), to leave these decisions to their wives....this one son feels absolutely determined to put his mark on their home. I understand...he truly is creative and has good ideas. But again, a mother has her opinion.
My husband and I are in the beginning stages of remodeling our own master bath. He's great about letting me make the choices, within budget of course. I've looked through Houzz, Pinterest and other great "redo" magazines and articles. I've captured pictures, made a design book and visited tile stores. We've discussed options, costs and are beginning the process of interviewing contractors. He's been great about letting me design the project to meet our needs...put my "touch" on what's to be.
As I began to think about this master bathroom remake and the remarks I've made to my sons, I've had to rethink the "identity" word. Is my "identity" really summed up and identified when someone walks into our home? I love to change things every so often. Brighten, rearrange, recover, re-frame and etc. But does that really say who I am? Do I want it to be the total of my identity? Do I want it to even be a part or the most of my identity?
As I study this year in the book of John, I've recognized the most important part of my identity and the one I most want to be known for. My identity is in Christ and Him alone. Yes, decorating is fun and displays my taste in homes. But my true and only identity is being an adopted child of God, who believes and has a personal relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is by my identification with Him that all my true joy and hope is received.
My identity is belonging not to this country or state but belonging to a different kingdom....citizenship in the kingdom of God.
Who or what do you identify with? With whom or where is your citizenship aligned?
Two of my youngest sons are buying homes. One son, for the first time. I tell my sons to let their wives create and design the interior of their homes. I've said many times that a home is woman's identity. It is a picture of who they are, what they like, their creativity, and the feeling they want to express when someone enters their home. I tell them to let their wives express themselves with the decor design of their home. They can set the budget, but let their wives make the design choices.
One son is very creative and wants to be a part of every decision. As much as I have encouraged each son, (I'm a mother of 3 sons), to leave these decisions to their wives....this one son feels absolutely determined to put his mark on their home. I understand...he truly is creative and has good ideas. But again, a mother has her opinion.
My husband and I are in the beginning stages of remodeling our own master bath. He's great about letting me make the choices, within budget of course. I've looked through Houzz, Pinterest and other great "redo" magazines and articles. I've captured pictures, made a design book and visited tile stores. We've discussed options, costs and are beginning the process of interviewing contractors. He's been great about letting me design the project to meet our needs...put my "touch" on what's to be.
As I began to think about this master bathroom remake and the remarks I've made to my sons, I've had to rethink the "identity" word. Is my "identity" really summed up and identified when someone walks into our home? I love to change things every so often. Brighten, rearrange, recover, re-frame and etc. But does that really say who I am? Do I want it to be the total of my identity? Do I want it to even be a part or the most of my identity?
As I study this year in the book of John, I've recognized the most important part of my identity and the one I most want to be known for. My identity is in Christ and Him alone. Yes, decorating is fun and displays my taste in homes. But my true and only identity is being an adopted child of God, who believes and has a personal relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is by my identification with Him that all my true joy and hope is received.
My identity is belonging not to this country or state but belonging to a different kingdom....citizenship in the kingdom of God.
Who or what do you identify with? With whom or where is your citizenship aligned?
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
I've been thinking a lot about Judas. That name is familiar to us all as one who is envious, selfish, a traitor and evil. Judas was one of Jesus' trusted, chosen 12. Yet Judas proved anything but trustworthy.
I often wondered why Jesus chose Judas as one of the his close disciples. After all, scripture tells us that Jesus knew what Judas would do given the chance. Jesus knew Judas' love of money, yet Jesus put him in charge of the cash. Jesus knew Judas wanted power and wealth much more than he wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus. Jesus even predicted that it would be Judas, himself, that would betray him in the end. Yet...Jesus chose Judas as one of his trusted disciples.
God created each of us with human hearts and desires. He gives each of us a choice in the matters of life just as he did Adam and Eve. Each of us can choose right or's our choice. Either way, we are responsible for our own choices. But those choices have consequences or rewards and each of us will either suffer the consequences for our wrong choices or enjoy the grace from our good choices.
The thing that struck me about Judas' choice was that he really "did" have a choice whether to betray our Lord or not. See, Jesus gave Judas every chance to choose to follow him - meaning to choose intimacy with Jesus instead of self. Judas hung on with the other 11 but held back, in his heart, his secret desires to belong to a kingdom of wealth and power here on earth. Scripture tells us that it wasn't until Jesus handed Judas a piece of bread at the Last Supper, and when Judas "took" the bread from Jesus, that he then passed the point of no return. In an instant! That final decision, at that final moment, was the difference between Judas receiving grace and salvation or eternal death.
Do I do this in my daily life? Do I choose the things of this world because they are comfortable, self edifying, will make me liked and accepted by piers, doesn't cost me anything or will benefit me in some way? What if Jesus was calling me to choose the opposite? Would I follow Jesus or self? Would my choice betray my Lord or glorify Him?
There is a lot of anger in our country today. Both sides claiming hate by the other. Scripture reminds us that to love is the greatest commandment. Will your choice be love or hate? Will it be to follow the example of our Lord or the example of Judas and think only of self? I choose love.
I often wondered why Jesus chose Judas as one of the his close disciples. After all, scripture tells us that Jesus knew what Judas would do given the chance. Jesus knew Judas' love of money, yet Jesus put him in charge of the cash. Jesus knew Judas wanted power and wealth much more than he wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus. Jesus even predicted that it would be Judas, himself, that would betray him in the end. Yet...Jesus chose Judas as one of his trusted disciples.
God created each of us with human hearts and desires. He gives each of us a choice in the matters of life just as he did Adam and Eve. Each of us can choose right or's our choice. Either way, we are responsible for our own choices. But those choices have consequences or rewards and each of us will either suffer the consequences for our wrong choices or enjoy the grace from our good choices.
The thing that struck me about Judas' choice was that he really "did" have a choice whether to betray our Lord or not. See, Jesus gave Judas every chance to choose to follow him - meaning to choose intimacy with Jesus instead of self. Judas hung on with the other 11 but held back, in his heart, his secret desires to belong to a kingdom of wealth and power here on earth. Scripture tells us that it wasn't until Jesus handed Judas a piece of bread at the Last Supper, and when Judas "took" the bread from Jesus, that he then passed the point of no return. In an instant! That final decision, at that final moment, was the difference between Judas receiving grace and salvation or eternal death.
Do I do this in my daily life? Do I choose the things of this world because they are comfortable, self edifying, will make me liked and accepted by piers, doesn't cost me anything or will benefit me in some way? What if Jesus was calling me to choose the opposite? Would I follow Jesus or self? Would my choice betray my Lord or glorify Him?
There is a lot of anger in our country today. Both sides claiming hate by the other. Scripture reminds us that to love is the greatest commandment. Will your choice be love or hate? Will it be to follow the example of our Lord or the example of Judas and think only of self? I choose love.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Fleck of Lead
This year, during my BSF study of John, I've come to notice more than anything the power of my Lord. I recognize his power to change things, his power to heal people, his power to bring new life back into another, his power to give eternal life and his power to help others in every way.
"I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant" (Gen. 32:10)
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Is. 6:8)
Humbled and unworthy, I am grateful to be but a fleck in my Master's hand.
As I think about God's power, I begin to think about the multitude of needs in our leadership circle alone. We pray for his power sanctify us from our sinful natures to a one who loves Him above all things and desires to be more like him. We pray for his power to heal the many ailments of those in our circle, our families, friends and even our neighborhoods and country. Those ailments range from physical pain, broken marriages or marriages on the verge of breaking apart. Suffering from wayward children who are lost and floundering to find their way. Suffering from poverty - loss of jobs or even great wealth that can present much temptation. We pray for those suffering from the loss of loved ones and those with sickness on the verge of death. We pray for removal of depression and loneliness and joy in service. We pray for his power to bring new and eternal life to those who are unsaved, those who do not know him. And we pray for his power to help governments, entities, churches, leaders and those in need of spiritual and emotional help. As much as we pray though, sometimes it seems we forget just how powerful he really is. Sometimes we feel forsaken and troubled.
I've recently had a medical procedure and needed temporary bed res. As I lay in bed thinking about what I've been learning about God, I decided to re-watch the story of Mother Teresa on the Internet. I had seen this story before but decided to watch again. I'm so glad I did because I was able to view it with a different perspective.
Mother Teresa was called to serve God at a young age. She knew her calling and without reservation, committed to that call. She was from Kosovo but felt called to India in her service to God. As you all know, she was drawn through great compassion to serve those who are forgotten, unwanted, unloved, unfed and the poorest of poor. She also suffered. She suffered great loneliness and felt forsaken by her Lord. No matter her suffering, her commitment without reservation to the God she loved and trusted never wavered. She was humble and her single focus was her service to God. When once asked to be interviewed by a radio reporter, she took the pencil from the reporter's hand and said, "I am just a pencil in the hand of God. Those there (the poor), are who you should interview."
That phrase struck me like a lightening bolt and I began to think about that pencil in God's hand. As I began to compare it with my service (though nothing in comparison to the humble, sacrificial service of Mother Teresa), I began to see a vision of what God has called me to do or be in BS (my service).
God is the Divine who holds the pencil in His hand. He is the creator, the Master who has the power to control all things and has the power to direct and use the pencil to lead, guide, inform, show compassion on and direct His universe.
As I looked at that pencil and began to compare it to the leadership in class 721, I see such great similarity. The tip/point of that pencil is our teaching leader, heading/leading the leaders and class members in the direction the Master chooses to reveal Himself to us all. The covering of the pencil is the administrative team who holds together, surrounds in love and keeps the lead straight and on path so His Word is made visible to all. The flecks of lead are the leaders, group and children's, who are laid out as the Master directs, giving out words, love, compassion and gentleness.
We, together as class leaders, simply make up a pencil in the hand of our Lord. Each a speckle of lead, used and directed by Him.
It doesn't matter what our suffering, God can still use each of us for His will and His purpose. We are bound to each other to make a strong instrument/tool for His service. His power sustains our color/intensity to be used by Him in the lives of those we serve. When we feel weak, He is strong. When we feel alone, He is omnipresent. When we feel overwhelmed/burdened, He carries us. And when we feel self sufficient, He breaks us down to look up to Him. His power to be all and do all is so prevalent in every aspect of our life and service, we can only be grateful He chooses to allow us to be the "fleck" of lead in the Creator's pencil.
"I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant" (Gen. 32:10)
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Is. 6:8)
Humbled and unworthy, I am grateful to be but a fleck in my Master's hand.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
I was 16 years old when a young man in a blue cotton oxford, button down collared shirt began walking me down the hall after class in high school. I didn't know him, only his name. I don't remember ever speaking to him before then and didn't know anything about him....except that he was REALLY cute and a SENIOR! Later that day, in my speech class, I asked another senior girl if she knew him and anything about him. She didn't know much but they had been in school together for a while and that he was VERY cute. Yes, I was 16 years old, a junior in high school and never dated before (I wasn't allowed to begin dating till I was 16 - thank you mom and dad - a favor realized much later in life)!
That would make it 50 years ago in December. 50 Years....I was never great at math....but that seems like a long time to me. 5 years later, we were married...I was 20 years old, just shy of 21.
Today, we celebrate 45 years of marriage and the ride has been incredible! We've have 3 children, 3 daughter in laws, 3 grandchildren (to date....just waiting for more!), gone thru job advancements and loss, deaths of loved ones, laughter, tears, moves to wonderful cities, travel to places I never dreamed I would get to go, lots of golf, tennis (when we were young and had good knees - ha!) and much more. In all this time, thru thick and thin, God was with us. His grace sustained us thru it all and blessed us even in the tough times.
People today seemed so surprised when people are married for such a long period. But why? Why does it seem strange to them? Yes, we had to work hard at it. But it was worth the work, worth the joy of accomplishment, worth the result of 45 years with the most precious family we could ever imagine.
There is a reason our marriage relationship is so important to God. It is a picture of His loving relationship with us. He is our bridegroom who will never leave us, always love us unconditionally even when our love for Him isn't as visible as it should, will always be faithful and raise up a family of believers who are strong, loving and kind.
Yes, we all have our quirks and things about each other that drive us crazy. Yet, I've come to discover that these are the very things that we fell in love with. Those individual imperfections that are so endearing when seen in the big picture.
I am grateful God created each of us with special identities. I am grateful God shows us unconditional love even when we run from Him for something greener on the other side. I am grateful He never gives up on us and woos us back to Him. I am grateful he will always be faithful to us and never forsake us. I am grateful He has taught me the meaning of true love and paying it forward. I am in love with my God and the beautiful husband He provided for me.
Who has your everlasting love? Don't wait for this "big" years...celebrate every day!
Thursday, August 25, 2016
I've written several times about words. Words....powerful in every way. Either the words we say, the words we hear or even those we don't say or hear - the lack of.
This week, we've seen on TV the power of words once again. Leslie Jones, the SNL comedian has been attacked again. And for what reason? Did she spew hate? Did she mistakenly hurt another by words or actions? Did she spread gossip? Did she ignore another human being? No, she did nothing. Yet through social media, words have been written. Hateful, awful words. Words used to spread unkindness and prejudice.
I'm studying the Gospel of John this year and the first words in this gospel is about the Word. Right off the bat the gospel tells of the power of the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him (the Word) all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made."
Yes, the power of God's Word did and does many things. With just His Word, God created everything, everything that was made. With His Word, God changed water into wine (help in need). With His Word, God raised a man from the dead (saved). With His Word, God healed a woman with a blood disease (healed), made a lame man walk, fed 5000 with just a few loaves of bread and fish (met someones need), showed righteous anger, taught, rebuked, guided, called, so on and so on. But one thing His Word never does, is tear down his beloved, his creation.
Yet we, as a society, often use our words so differently than our creator. Being from the south, there is a phrase southern women use often. "Bless her heart". Sounds innocent enough. Yet used in some ways can be destructive. Example: "Her mother died? Oh bless her heart" (sympathy); "Bless her heart...she is sooooo sweet! (admiration)"; "Bless her heart, her child is a challenge! (pitty)"; "Look at THAT outfit...bless her heart! (hateful)". See, the same words, expressed in different ways can mean many things. They can comfort, build up, console, destroy and have even started wars.
Then, there are the unspoken words. Silence toward another can hurt or even kill relationships, hurt another's reputation, abuse and destroy. Silence can bless when using self control, comfort when listening to someone who just needs to vent. Silence can point another to the one who can really meet their needs. Christ was silent before his accusers. No words necessary, no words wasted. His silence convicted those abusers.
Scripture tells us that our words are an overflow of what is in our hearts. An old prayer I pray often says, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, oh Lord."
Words can hurt, destroy, cause others to rise to an occasion or fall to an occasion. Words can build up, console, sympathize, guide, teach, rebuke, show love, forgive and so on. Christ's words were always to save and never to destroy.
So, what do my words or silence convey? I am grateful for The Word's example in all He spoke when speaking, and when silent.
So...what do you have to say?
This week, we've seen on TV the power of words once again. Leslie Jones, the SNL comedian has been attacked again. And for what reason? Did she spew hate? Did she mistakenly hurt another by words or actions? Did she spread gossip? Did she ignore another human being? No, she did nothing. Yet through social media, words have been written. Hateful, awful words. Words used to spread unkindness and prejudice.
I'm studying the Gospel of John this year and the first words in this gospel is about the Word. Right off the bat the gospel tells of the power of the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him (the Word) all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made."
Yes, the power of God's Word did and does many things. With just His Word, God created everything, everything that was made. With His Word, God changed water into wine (help in need). With His Word, God raised a man from the dead (saved). With His Word, God healed a woman with a blood disease (healed), made a lame man walk, fed 5000 with just a few loaves of bread and fish (met someones need), showed righteous anger, taught, rebuked, guided, called, so on and so on. But one thing His Word never does, is tear down his beloved, his creation.
Yet we, as a society, often use our words so differently than our creator. Being from the south, there is a phrase southern women use often. "Bless her heart". Sounds innocent enough. Yet used in some ways can be destructive. Example: "Her mother died? Oh bless her heart" (sympathy); "Bless her heart...she is sooooo sweet! (admiration)"; "Bless her heart, her child is a challenge! (pitty)"; "Look at THAT outfit...bless her heart! (hateful)". See, the same words, expressed in different ways can mean many things. They can comfort, build up, console, destroy and have even started wars.
Then, there are the unspoken words. Silence toward another can hurt or even kill relationships, hurt another's reputation, abuse and destroy. Silence can bless when using self control, comfort when listening to someone who just needs to vent. Silence can point another to the one who can really meet their needs. Christ was silent before his accusers. No words necessary, no words wasted. His silence convicted those abusers.
Scripture tells us that our words are an overflow of what is in our hearts. An old prayer I pray often says, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, oh Lord."
Words can hurt, destroy, cause others to rise to an occasion or fall to an occasion. Words can build up, console, sympathize, guide, teach, rebuke, show love, forgive and so on. Christ's words were always to save and never to destroy.
So, what do my words or silence convey? I am grateful for The Word's example in all He spoke when speaking, and when silent.
So...what do you have to say?
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
For a couple of months now, I've not felt well. I went to the doctor about some very intense neck and shoulder aches. The doctor told me I was very tense and it was muscle spasms in my neck. He gave me a prescription for some muscle relaxers and said to take when needed. I don't like taking these types of meds because they make me sleepy. Therefore, I would take 1/2 of one at night in order to help me sleep. Even laying my head on a pillow was painful at night. I thought it might be my pillow or even too much reading on my iPad (neck tilted down). Nothing helped. I began going to my deep tissue massage therapist, again to no avail. Therefore, I decided to do my best and live with it in hopes it would go away. I hate having to constantly go to a doctor for something that hurts. I just want things to go away.
This past week, Jimmy and I took the grand kids to Port A for a few days. We decided to go to Schlitterbaum in Corpus. I love roller coasters and water slides but I was a little hesitant since my neck was hurting. I was also a little hesitant because I had begun to feel a little nauseated and knew Huston (11 years old) was depending on me riding the huge water slides with him. I didn't want to let him down so I agreed to ride, much to my fear.
The first two times were good. We then road the lazy river and did other activities. He asked to go again on this large water slide that flew us through the air and around in a long dark tube. I agreed to one more ride wishing inside I had another option. As we took off down the slide and became airborne, we landed with a jolt and as we did, I heard loud cracks in my neck. I wasn't sure what I did, but feared something really bad.
When we got down to the bottom and I exited the ride, I noticed the movement in my neck was much looser than before. The pain was gone and I had much greater range when turning my head. Conclusion....the pop/whip lash, realigned my neck. That evening, there was no nausea and no pain when I laid down. All I could think was, "Thank you Lord"!
As I lay awake thinking of what could have been and what did happen, I asked God what He wanted me to learn from this.
Yep....always a lesson. As I go through life, there is sin in my life that causes pain and misery. I sometimes think I'm sick of myself, like nausea. I try to fix my sin myself. I even seek others for help and understanding. But in reality, my "self help" methods always fail. What I need is a good "whip lash" from God to realign me and make me better. You see, only He can cure me. Only He can make me "right" with Him again. Only He can take a brokenness and heal it.
Why do I try to my methods? Who knows....guess it's just another sin of "self" confidence instead of "God" confidence. Another sin of rejecting Him and wanting to do things my way.
I am grateful for His healing, both physical, spiritual and even emotional. I am grateful to the Master for touching this depraved soul and making me new.
Do you need a "whip lash" to make you whole again? I know where you can get one!
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
I was just reading an article about George Straight and listening to one of his songs I never heard before. I'm not a big country western fan. Most of the songs seem to simply be about lost loves, cheating hearts, etc. They are slow, melodic and often sad. I'm not a rap fan either...most of these encourage sex, violence or vulgar language. Then there are religious songs. The current "praise" songs often repeat the same lyrics over and over. Not that they aren't worth repeating, but I prefer verses with different phrases of praise instead of repetitious ones. I'm more a rock or pop fan myself. Granted, some of these also encourage sex and vulgar language. But most are pretty good and I love the beat. Sometimes, when singing along with a love song, I pretend I'm singing to the love of my life, the Lord. Remember "You Light Up My Life", by Debbie Boone? Most thought it was just a love song. When interviewed, she admitted it was a song about the Lord.
As I was listening to this song of George Straight's, I began to cry. Songs often point us to events in our lives, longings for love and affection, missed opportunities we regret and so forth. But George's song hit to the heart of my soul. It is about forgiveness and root of forgiveness. The song is titled, "Three Nails and a Cross". The picture displayed representing this song is:
1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Giveness
Now you can see why I began to cry. During times of hurt, anger, bitterness, frustration and loneliness, what is needed is Forgiveness. And Forgiveness begins with 3 nails and 1 cross. God teaches us Christ came to this earth, to hang on 1 cross by 3 nails in order that we would be forgiven. And during His perfect life, Christ command us to forgive as He forgave us first.
In the midst of all the current tragedy, I believe each day should begin with 1 Cross and 3 Nails. Begin with me Lord, you paid the price. Give me heart that forgives and encourages forgiveness, not hate. Give me a heart to "pay forward" the love, kindness and forgiveness you gave first.
I am grateful for 3 Nails and 1 Cross...the reminder of God's ultimate love we are to "pay forward".
Look up and listen to George's too, will weep with joy and desire to "pay it forward!"
As I was listening to this song of George Straight's, I began to cry. Songs often point us to events in our lives, longings for love and affection, missed opportunities we regret and so forth. But George's song hit to the heart of my soul. It is about forgiveness and root of forgiveness. The song is titled, "Three Nails and a Cross". The picture displayed representing this song is:
1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Giveness
Now you can see why I began to cry. During times of hurt, anger, bitterness, frustration and loneliness, what is needed is Forgiveness. And Forgiveness begins with 3 nails and 1 cross. God teaches us Christ came to this earth, to hang on 1 cross by 3 nails in order that we would be forgiven. And during His perfect life, Christ command us to forgive as He forgave us first.
In the midst of all the current tragedy, I believe each day should begin with 1 Cross and 3 Nails. Begin with me Lord, you paid the price. Give me heart that forgives and encourages forgiveness, not hate. Give me a heart to "pay forward" the love, kindness and forgiveness you gave first.
I am grateful for 3 Nails and 1 Cross...the reminder of God's ultimate love we are to "pay forward".
Look up and listen to George's too, will weep with joy and desire to "pay it forward!"
Monday, June 13, 2016
Whooh! I'm exhausted! This weekend I hosted my granddaughter's 9th birthday party. Eight little girls for 3 full hours can really tire a grandma out! However, I must say, I think I had as much fun as the little girls did.
I planned the party for months, wanting to make it very special for Emery. We had painting, Bingo, Match games and more. There was plenty of adult help to go around, but I think we were all as tired as the girls were. One little girl went home and told her mom, "Emery's party was 'Epic'!" I felt great that I could give my precious granddaughter a special day just for her.
My husband's grandfather used to say that "every day is someone's birthday"....meaning it's no big deal. But as a child with a Christmas Eve birthday, and not ever really having a "special day" for my birthday, it always seemed like a big deal to me.
It made me start thinking about the special birthdays we celebrate in our country...our country's birthday, important people's birthday (i.e. Lincoln, MLK, etc), even the birthdays for important events that happened in our country (i.e. 9/11). But there is one birthday that started out great and has been slowly degraded to just a "holiday", instead of it's original birthday celebration. That birthday is Christmas. Yes, we used to celebrate the birth of the One who really deserves to be recognized in this world. The One, who chose to come to this earth, live perfectly in love and obedience to the Lord. The One, who chose to hang on a cross and take the punishments for all the evil of mankind in our place. The One who has prepared a place in eternity for those who love and believe in Him. Yes, we now are encouraged to simply say, "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christ's Day" in celebration His memorial birth!
Yes, every day is someone's birthday. But Christmas is some ONE's birthday and should be recognized as such.
I am grateful for birthdays as a reminder of the One who was born to take my sins on His shoulders on a cross, shed His blood for mine, so I may live eternally with Him one day. Therefore, I celebrate birthdays in grand fashion as a reminder to me to celebrate His in the GRANDEST of all.
Happy Birthday sweet Emery!
Friday, June 3, 2016
The floors in our home have needed replacing for some time now. The "new" carpet, three years ago hasn't worn well at all. I picked a carpet that was "supposed" to be almost commercial grade. It wasn't!!! The narrow 2", red wood floors were a bone of contention with me. So....this year, we decided to put wood flooring throughout the down stairs and staircase.
If you've never lived through replacing flooring, you have missed a true learning experience in patience. However, I must say, it was worth all the blood, sweat and tears in packing, living in dust, early morning workers and unpacking and cleaning. Everything is now back in it's place and looking good. I am grateful we were able to do this little "reno".
I've discovered, when redoing parts of a home, I seem to want to change things up a little. Move pictures in different locations, add a piece of furniture or a mirror, replace an accessory with one stored in the closet or paint a little in a needed area. This time, I've ordered a new mirror for my entrance hall and moved a painting from upstairs to over my entrance hall chest. I love the look (as you can see above) and enjoy answering my front door just to walk through and see the revived little space.
Renovating makes me think about sanctification. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us and makes us clean, holy, more Christlike. We aren't replaced, just made pure, clean and acceptable to our Lord. Think of how He must feel when we are sanctified, as I do my new renovated little space? Does He say, "Ahhh, now that's beautiful - just as I created her?" My old space was tired and needed refreshing. I need cleansing and refreshing through sanctification. Do you need to be cleansed and refreshed too? Ask the Master to sanctify you through repentance and grace.
I'm grateful for my "reno", at home and in my heart.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
A lot has been going on within our family's beloved university. Scandal, scandal and more scandal. Word travels fast and furious when scandal is involved. There are emails, texts, posts and tweets exchanged at a furious pace. National news picks up the information and carries it over the airways. I just want to say STOP! Enough already. Let's just wait for the true facts to come out, make an announcement and then go on from there.
Information can be gathered with a click of a button (or keyboard as it is). It travels through airways in nano seconds. Amazing how fast the "word" can get around.
I'm guilty too of emailing, texting, posting and tweeting. I'm either excited or traumatized with information and want to discuss it with my family. I want to be in the know, know the truth.
In John 1:43-50, scripture tells us in early days, word spread by mouth. Jesus called Philip and Philip followed. Excited Philip found Nathanael, told him what he saw and knew and Nathanael followed. The simple words "Come follow me" or "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law" was all that needed to be spoken.
You know, in emails, texts, posts and tweets, words can be misinterpreted, misunderstood and can often cause anxiety when read without actually hearing the writers voice for interpretation. Yet, somehow, God's words have power just as they are written - no other interpretation needed. There is no contradiction, no misinterpreting His true meanings. God's Word has the power to draw people to Himself, instruct, reprimand, build up and change lives for eternity (in the best way).
Do your words in emails, texts, post and tweets gather people to our Lord or do they simply spread news, gossip or scandal? Do they build up or cause anxiety. Jesus' words were powerful and always built up, comforted, guided, instructed and poured out love. They were so powerful people would follow Him when he called.
I am grateful for God's Word and pray my next email, text, post or tweet will be words to draw people to follow Christ.
Information can be gathered with a click of a button (or keyboard as it is). It travels through airways in nano seconds. Amazing how fast the "word" can get around.
I'm guilty too of emailing, texting, posting and tweeting. I'm either excited or traumatized with information and want to discuss it with my family. I want to be in the know, know the truth.
In John 1:43-50, scripture tells us in early days, word spread by mouth. Jesus called Philip and Philip followed. Excited Philip found Nathanael, told him what he saw and knew and Nathanael followed. The simple words "Come follow me" or "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law" was all that needed to be spoken.
You know, in emails, texts, posts and tweets, words can be misinterpreted, misunderstood and can often cause anxiety when read without actually hearing the writers voice for interpretation. Yet, somehow, God's words have power just as they are written - no other interpretation needed. There is no contradiction, no misinterpreting His true meanings. God's Word has the power to draw people to Himself, instruct, reprimand, build up and change lives for eternity (in the best way).
Do your words in emails, texts, post and tweets gather people to our Lord or do they simply spread news, gossip or scandal? Do they build up or cause anxiety. Jesus' words were powerful and always built up, comforted, guided, instructed and poured out love. They were so powerful people would follow Him when he called.
I am grateful for God's Word and pray my next email, text, post or tweet will be words to draw people to follow Christ.
Monday, May 23, 2016
Sweet and Sour Gospel
Political correctness has become a hot topic over the past few years. We are so afraid of expressing God's truth in love and kindness that it's difficult to say anything these days without offending someone.
It made me think about what I know of God's Word. The truth of it. The fact that it is sufficient to hold it's own. It is enough just as it is because it is pure and perfect just as He gave it.
Debt. 4:2 says we should not add to nor take from God's Word, what He commands. If it is sufficient and perfect, why do so many try to honey coat it by adding or removing things to make it more pleasing to others in hopes they will desire to follow it. Doing this only dilutes God's character and the truth.
If it is sufficient and perfect, why do we make it so sour and burdensome to another that they feel hopeless in living up to God's standards? Burdensome mandates are added in attempt to making people better when all they need is Jesus. Salvation seems unattainable and therefore people want nothing to do with the free gift it really is.
Sweet and sour gospel is what I call it. But the truth is that it is neither. It is perfect, pure and sufficient just as God gave it out.
I am grateful for His true and perfect Word. Do you add to or take from His perfect Word? If so, will you trust Him in that what He has given is sufficient for your salvation and that of others? Will you share His Word just as it is, trusting Him to draw others to Himself?
It made me think about what I know of God's Word. The truth of it. The fact that it is sufficient to hold it's own. It is enough just as it is because it is pure and perfect just as He gave it.
Debt. 4:2 says we should not add to nor take from God's Word, what He commands. If it is sufficient and perfect, why do so many try to honey coat it by adding or removing things to make it more pleasing to others in hopes they will desire to follow it. Doing this only dilutes God's character and the truth.
If it is sufficient and perfect, why do we make it so sour and burdensome to another that they feel hopeless in living up to God's standards? Burdensome mandates are added in attempt to making people better when all they need is Jesus. Salvation seems unattainable and therefore people want nothing to do with the free gift it really is.
Sweet and sour gospel is what I call it. But the truth is that it is neither. It is perfect, pure and sufficient just as God gave it out.
I am grateful for His true and perfect Word. Do you add to or take from His perfect Word? If so, will you trust Him in that what He has given is sufficient for your salvation and that of others? Will you share His Word just as it is, trusting Him to draw others to Himself?
Friday, May 20, 2016
We are in the process of having wood floors installed in the entire downstairs of our house. For those who have ever done this while living in your home, you will know the difficulties of this experience. However, I must say, I am thrilled with the two gentlemen who are installing the floors. George and his son, Richard are what I would consider master floor carpenters. He was recommended after installing floors in my son's home.
The great thing about George and Richard is not only their expertise and quick turnaround, but they conduct the cleanest and tidiest installation I have ever seen. They show up at just the right time, are always working to make everything just right and when the day is over, the work area is pristine. Who wouldn't recommend George and Richard!
Isn't that the way our Lord is? His timing is perfect, not interrupting us but coming along side us to make things just right. His handiwork in our lives is precise. His finishings are pure and spotless at all times. And when He finishes His plans for us, we are made BEAUTIFUL! He is truly the master carpenter of our lives.
I am so grateful....I will not only recommend George and Richard, but give my highest recommendation for others to seek out God's master work in their lives. Allow God to do His work on us and make us into a stunning work of art.
Won't you look to Him and ask for His hand in all you do?
The great thing about George and Richard is not only their expertise and quick turnaround, but they conduct the cleanest and tidiest installation I have ever seen. They show up at just the right time, are always working to make everything just right and when the day is over, the work area is pristine. Who wouldn't recommend George and Richard!
Isn't that the way our Lord is? His timing is perfect, not interrupting us but coming along side us to make things just right. His handiwork in our lives is precise. His finishings are pure and spotless at all times. And when He finishes His plans for us, we are made BEAUTIFUL! He is truly the master carpenter of our lives.
I am so grateful....I will not only recommend George and Richard, but give my highest recommendation for others to seek out God's master work in their lives. Allow God to do His work on us and make us into a stunning work of art.
Won't you look to Him and ask for His hand in all you do?
Friday, April 29, 2016
If I were to ever take a "Selfie" of myself, this is what I would look like:
I heard a sermon last week on humility. In it, the pastor explained that humility is not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less. for severe thought.
Our Lord was humble in every way. He thought of others as he walked this earth. He served others to the point of washing their feet. Would I ever wash another's feet (besides my small child)? Would I clean someone's house if they were in need or would I pay another servant to do so? Would I take the job least wanted for the least pay because there was a need of help? Would I sit in a hospital day after day with someone I didn't know who was gravely ill and tell them about Jesus because they had no one else?
You see, humility is not just not thinking of myself less often, but thinking of and doing for others and their needs before even thinking of myself. What I want my selfie to look like is this:
Yep, constantly AMAZED at my stupidity, lack of self control, open mouth insert foot and lack of humility. What is all this obsession with selfies? Are we so in love with ourselves that we can't help but take our own photo so we can show others just how wonderful we are? Do we think everyone we know wants to know every detail of our existence? Our continuous self observation of what we look like, what we say, what's in our every thought has become so evident of our total lack of humility.
I heard a sermon last week on humility. In it, the pastor explained that humility is not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less. for severe thought.
Our Lord was humble in every way. He thought of others as he walked this earth. He served others to the point of washing their feet. Would I ever wash another's feet (besides my small child)? Would I clean someone's house if they were in need or would I pay another servant to do so? Would I take the job least wanted for the least pay because there was a need of help? Would I sit in a hospital day after day with someone I didn't know who was gravely ill and tell them about Jesus because they had no one else?
You see, humility is not just not thinking of myself less often, but thinking of and doing for others and their needs before even thinking of myself. What I want my selfie to look like is this:
I want to be the emoji selfie who is looking up to my Lord, not at myself. I am grateful God gives us pictures of ourselves so that we can look up to Him to make us into what we were created to be.
What would your emoji selfie look like?
Friday, March 18, 2016
A CRAZY BUNCH OF THANKFULNESS: IT'S NOT A FAIRY TALE!: As a grandmother, one of my favorite things to do is plan themed birthday parties for my grandchildren. Atlee, our 4 year old has a birthda...
As a grandmother, one of my favorite things to do is plan themed birthday parties for my grandchildren. Atlee, our 4 year old has a birthday coming up in July. I asked her what kind of party she would like. We discussed a few options and she decided on Sleeping Beauty. I was thrilled! There is nothing more fun than a magical fairy tale for a little blond hair, blue eyed princess. Of course, even though it is March, I, as usual, begin to plan early so there is plenty of time to have it just perfect!
I have plans to cut out foam boards in the shape of a princess bed to use for games (i.e. sleeping beauty bingo). I will cut out characters of a princess, prince, evil queen and of course the dragon. I am planning a face painter to paint princess crowns on the girls foreheads, a corn whole game with a rose in the center...get the bean bag in the hole and win a prize. Pink chocolate covered strawberries on a stick with red lines to outline the "rose petals" for a desert. A princess cake, homemade eye masks and more (possibly tutus for all the girls along with nail and toe painting)! I's extravagant....but as grandparents, you have such a small window of time to celebrate their lives.
As I am planning all this, I am studying Revelation 19 in BSF. I'm reading about the day of judgment and BAM!, this real life "fairy tale" came to life. I'm reading and envisioning the following...
John looks into heaven and sees a prince (Jesus - Faithful & True - who will inherit the kingdom) on a white horse, with a white cloak dipped in blood (from those he died for or those who would be concurred). His eyes are like fire (seeing him on a mission), on his head are many crowns and he carries a sword in his mouth with which he will strike down his enemies. His name, Word of God, clearly seen. He is coming with his army to defeat the evil dragon (beast) and his false prophet (evil queen).
Though the beast's army rises up against the magnificent prince, they are unable to overcome him and his army, also dressed in white linen. The prince and his army captured the beast and the false prophet and thew them into the fiery lake of burning suffer. The rest of the beast's army are killed by his sword and birds feast on them.
The prince has come to redeem/save his princess/bride and take her to his kingdom. They are bonded in marriage and she reigns with him forever.
Isn't this a beautiful fairy tale? Except...IT'S NOT A FAIRY TALE! It's true! Every ounce of it is true. We do have a prince/king, who will rise in the end and defeat evil, taking us to his kingdom to reign with him FOREVER! This is the most beautiful love story ever told. A handsome prince - to be king, battling for ME! Defeating evil and carrying me to his kingdom to live and commune with him in the most beautiful love that ever exists.
Do you know this prince, King of kings and Lord of lords? Do you know how much he loves you? Do you know he will reign in the end after defeating the evil of this world? Do you believe this is no fairy tale but the truest and greatest love story ever told?
I am grateful to "The Word of God" for his love and faithfulness. I am grateful this is not a fairy tale but the love of the One, my truest love of all.
I have plans to cut out foam boards in the shape of a princess bed to use for games (i.e. sleeping beauty bingo). I will cut out characters of a princess, prince, evil queen and of course the dragon. I am planning a face painter to paint princess crowns on the girls foreheads, a corn whole game with a rose in the center...get the bean bag in the hole and win a prize. Pink chocolate covered strawberries on a stick with red lines to outline the "rose petals" for a desert. A princess cake, homemade eye masks and more (possibly tutus for all the girls along with nail and toe painting)! I's extravagant....but as grandparents, you have such a small window of time to celebrate their lives.
As I am planning all this, I am studying Revelation 19 in BSF. I'm reading about the day of judgment and BAM!, this real life "fairy tale" came to life. I'm reading and envisioning the following...
John looks into heaven and sees a prince (Jesus - Faithful & True - who will inherit the kingdom) on a white horse, with a white cloak dipped in blood (from those he died for or those who would be concurred). His eyes are like fire (seeing him on a mission), on his head are many crowns and he carries a sword in his mouth with which he will strike down his enemies. His name, Word of God, clearly seen. He is coming with his army to defeat the evil dragon (beast) and his false prophet (evil queen).
Though the beast's army rises up against the magnificent prince, they are unable to overcome him and his army, also dressed in white linen. The prince and his army captured the beast and the false prophet and thew them into the fiery lake of burning suffer. The rest of the beast's army are killed by his sword and birds feast on them.
The prince has come to redeem/save his princess/bride and take her to his kingdom. They are bonded in marriage and she reigns with him forever.
Isn't this a beautiful fairy tale? Except...IT'S NOT A FAIRY TALE! It's true! Every ounce of it is true. We do have a prince/king, who will rise in the end and defeat evil, taking us to his kingdom to reign with him FOREVER! This is the most beautiful love story ever told. A handsome prince - to be king, battling for ME! Defeating evil and carrying me to his kingdom to live and commune with him in the most beautiful love that ever exists.
Do you know this prince, King of kings and Lord of lords? Do you know how much he loves you? Do you know he will reign in the end after defeating the evil of this world? Do you believe this is no fairy tale but the truest and greatest love story ever told?
I am grateful to "The Word of God" for his love and faithfulness. I am grateful this is not a fairy tale but the love of the One, my truest love of all.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
I've been watching the news about Nancy Regan's death. The most wonderful part of the stories being told is her relationship with the late President Regan. Theirs was a true love story. From the love letters he wrote her to their complete devotion to each other, they were what seemed to be the most dedicated couple in the world.
Today, her daughter Patty Davis was interviewed about that relationship and asked if she ever felt left out of their lives. She responded, "It like if a band of gypsies came and took me and Ronnie Jr. away, I knew that they would be sad, but they would be okay because they had each other. They were complete with just the two of them". At first, I sad. Then it began to dawn on me what that meant in my life.
You see, God's love relationship with each one of us is just like that....but even more. Like Job, who lost all his family, wealth, health, etc., he was complete with the Father. In fact, God loves us so much, He sent his son away to take the punishment for our sins so that we could have that infinite, complete relationship with Him. Even if God allowed everything, and I mean everything, to be taken from us, He would still be there. He would never leave us or forsake us. This love story is so much greater than the Regan's. God too, writes us love letters in His word. He promises we could never be snatched from Him. He promises his eternal love, his care and his grace and mercy.
God's love is a love that endures, it is complete and whole. Most humans only know the love of man....incomplete, sometimes disappointing, often abused and rejected. But God's love is totally complete. He gave himself in order that we might know that complete love.
As I read the 10 commandments, I see them as an expression of his love and devotion.
1st & 2nd - God says, "I am your God, who loves you so much, I don't want you to love anyone or anything more than me. I am a jealous lover who offers complete need not look anywhere else."
3rd - "Don't take my love for granted and say evil about me. I will always be there for me and speak of my love for you."
4th - "I give you a day of rest from your labor so that we can spend it together, resting, fellowshipping, laying in my arms....Don't give this up, it is important we spend this time together."
5th - "Love those I have given you in your youth. They raised you and cared for you so that you can I could be together. They taught you of my love. I chose them for you. I entrusted them to care for you, my love."
6th - There is no need to harm another because I have your back. I will judge justly. You can trust me."
7th - "Don't turn to another lover or chase after what you may see as greener on the other side. I will give you all that you need and love you so completely you will need nothing else."
8th - "No need to take from another....again....I will give you everything you need. Even myself on a cross so that we can live eternally together."
9th - "Don't speak harm about another. You don't know their intentions or motivations. I know them. I will take care of any wrongdoing. You need only trust me, my love."
10th - "Don't think about what others have and desire it for yourselves. I promise to love you forever and provide for you, all you need in abundance."
This is the greatest love story ever told. Do you share in his complete love? Do you accept him as the love of your life? Read his 10 commandments and understand His great love for you. It is complete and eternal.
I am grateful for His love, devotion, grace and mercy.
Today, her daughter Patty Davis was interviewed about that relationship and asked if she ever felt left out of their lives. She responded, "It like if a band of gypsies came and took me and Ronnie Jr. away, I knew that they would be sad, but they would be okay because they had each other. They were complete with just the two of them". At first, I sad. Then it began to dawn on me what that meant in my life.
You see, God's love relationship with each one of us is just like that....but even more. Like Job, who lost all his family, wealth, health, etc., he was complete with the Father. In fact, God loves us so much, He sent his son away to take the punishment for our sins so that we could have that infinite, complete relationship with Him. Even if God allowed everything, and I mean everything, to be taken from us, He would still be there. He would never leave us or forsake us. This love story is so much greater than the Regan's. God too, writes us love letters in His word. He promises we could never be snatched from Him. He promises his eternal love, his care and his grace and mercy.
God's love is a love that endures, it is complete and whole. Most humans only know the love of man....incomplete, sometimes disappointing, often abused and rejected. But God's love is totally complete. He gave himself in order that we might know that complete love.
As I read the 10 commandments, I see them as an expression of his love and devotion.
1st & 2nd - God says, "I am your God, who loves you so much, I don't want you to love anyone or anything more than me. I am a jealous lover who offers complete need not look anywhere else."
3rd - "Don't take my love for granted and say evil about me. I will always be there for me and speak of my love for you."
4th - "I give you a day of rest from your labor so that we can spend it together, resting, fellowshipping, laying in my arms....Don't give this up, it is important we spend this time together."
5th - "Love those I have given you in your youth. They raised you and cared for you so that you can I could be together. They taught you of my love. I chose them for you. I entrusted them to care for you, my love."
6th - There is no need to harm another because I have your back. I will judge justly. You can trust me."
7th - "Don't turn to another lover or chase after what you may see as greener on the other side. I will give you all that you need and love you so completely you will need nothing else."
8th - "No need to take from another....again....I will give you everything you need. Even myself on a cross so that we can live eternally together."
9th - "Don't speak harm about another. You don't know their intentions or motivations. I know them. I will take care of any wrongdoing. You need only trust me, my love."
10th - "Don't think about what others have and desire it for yourselves. I promise to love you forever and provide for you, all you need in abundance."
This is the greatest love story ever told. Do you share in his complete love? Do you accept him as the love of your life? Read his 10 commandments and understand His great love for you. It is complete and eternal.
I am grateful for His love, devotion, grace and mercy.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Hershey loves it when the USPS, UPS or FedEx delivery man comes to the door. He goes nuts! They don't even have to ring the bell. I know immediately some package has arrived. I'm a big online shopper and look forward to my packages arrival. I track them and look with anticipation on the date they are due. I am currently waiting on an item I ordered on February 5th. It was supposed to be delivered with expedited shipping in two days. It is now the 19th and still no package. I have contacted the seller three times, explaining that I have still not received the package nor am able to track it. The seller promised it has now been sent, but I do not trust this person because of her faithfulness to her promise.
Again, I am studying Revelation this year and am discovering much about God's faithfulness to His promises to us. It is revealed in Old Testament of God's intention for us, His plan for our redemption and judgment in the end. Most of us fear the idea of His judgment and some don't even believe in it. Yet, throughout the Bible, God proves he keeps his word. Throughout history, his Word has been proven faithful. Now, as I study Revelation, I discover that the end times are a fulfillment of his promises. In other words, He will faithfully keep his promise to redeem all who love and believe in Him and we will live with Him eternally. It also means those who refuse Him will be judged.
So...the question lingers.....why wouldn't someone believe someOne who is ALWAYS faithful to his word? As humans, we are sinful and cannot be trusted to ALWAYS act according to our words. So why not trust the One who is?
I am grateful for Him who is faithful and has redemptive plans for me. I am grateful I can depend on Him when others let me down and are untrustworthy. I am grateful I have the privilege to know such a holy and wondrous Lord.
Do you know Him - who is ALWAYS faithful and has such a glorious plan for you? If you want to know Him...check out His Word. He ALWAYS delivers!
Again, I am studying Revelation this year and am discovering much about God's faithfulness to His promises to us. It is revealed in Old Testament of God's intention for us, His plan for our redemption and judgment in the end. Most of us fear the idea of His judgment and some don't even believe in it. Yet, throughout the Bible, God proves he keeps his word. Throughout history, his Word has been proven faithful. Now, as I study Revelation, I discover that the end times are a fulfillment of his promises. In other words, He will faithfully keep his promise to redeem all who love and believe in Him and we will live with Him eternally. It also means those who refuse Him will be judged.
So...the question lingers.....why wouldn't someone believe someOne who is ALWAYS faithful to his word? As humans, we are sinful and cannot be trusted to ALWAYS act according to our words. So why not trust the One who is?
I am grateful for Him who is faithful and has redemptive plans for me. I am grateful I can depend on Him when others let me down and are untrustworthy. I am grateful I have the privilege to know such a holy and wondrous Lord.
Do you know Him - who is ALWAYS faithful and has such a glorious plan for you? If you want to know Him...check out His Word. He ALWAYS delivers!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Boundless Beauty
The wedding is over. The newlyweds are on their honeymoon. I'm so tired from the fun I hurt. Catching up from being out of town for 5 days. Daydreaming of the joy of having all our family together for the blessed event. Enjoying some of the stunning wedding flowers scattered around my house.

As I look at the flowers, imported from who knows where (certainly not here in Texas) - I marvel at the luxury we have to enjoy God's handiwork. We just order and they are delivered. We pay a price, but the joy in the beauty of it all is worth every cent.
Is that how we view God? A luxury to behold? We don't have to order Him in (in fact we can't). He is not some foreign "being" who just appears when we call or order. He is ever-present - omnipresent, priceless, beautiful, sovereign and ready to show His splendor to any who would look.
He brings joy at getting a good look at Him in His Word - His faithfulness and character. He graciously displays His beauty in His perfect character. He fills our senses with His the sweet aroma of His faithfulness.
I'm so grateful for the beauty that surrounds us in the nature He created. I am grateful of His generosity in sharing this beauty with us. I am grateful for His beautiful splendor revealed in His handiwork, His character and His generosity.
How do you view God? Someone to come at our beckon call, to provide beauty on demands or someone you can love to be with because of who He is?
Thank you Lord for allowing us to see your beauty in nature and in your character.

As I look at the flowers, imported from who knows where (certainly not here in Texas) - I marvel at the luxury we have to enjoy God's handiwork. We just order and they are delivered. We pay a price, but the joy in the beauty of it all is worth every cent.
Is that how we view God? A luxury to behold? We don't have to order Him in (in fact we can't). He is not some foreign "being" who just appears when we call or order. He is ever-present - omnipresent, priceless, beautiful, sovereign and ready to show His splendor to any who would look.
He brings joy at getting a good look at Him in His Word - His faithfulness and character. He graciously displays His beauty in His perfect character. He fills our senses with His the sweet aroma of His faithfulness.
I'm so grateful for the beauty that surrounds us in the nature He created. I am grateful of His generosity in sharing this beauty with us. I am grateful for His beautiful splendor revealed in His handiwork, His character and His generosity.
How do you view God? Someone to come at our beckon call, to provide beauty on demands or someone you can love to be with because of who He is?
Thank you Lord for allowing us to see your beauty in nature and in your character.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Now that my hair is getting longer, it takes me loads of time to wash, dry, straight iron and curl. The last time I had long hair was in college (you can only imagine how long ago that was)!
This morning, as I was going through my hair "routine", I burned the tip of my pointer finger as I was using the curling iron. Wow! You know how a curling iron burn feels! But do you really understand how grabbing a hold of the curling iron (rod) when it's 400 degrees and holding it a minute hurts like nothing else? I screamed and Jimmy came running. MEN, of course, would ask the question, "why did you grab the hot part?" Right, I really meant to! I wasn't paying close attention, looking for something else, thinking about leaving for the wedding and quite frankly, I was board with the entire process! If I had my eyes/mind focused on the delicacy of the hot iron, and its danger, I would have prevented this accident. Now, I'm stuck with a burning sensation and pain until it heals. Aloe helps until the burn is healed. But I will still suffer the consequences for this mistake.
You know, life is like that. When we don't pay attention to the dangerous temptations right before us, looking for something more fun, thinking about our agenda instead of God's and board with the day to day routine He set before us, we get burned by sin - we are separated from God. Why do we KNOW what is right and wrong, KNOW where our focus should be, yet our sinful nature takes us away from the One who can protect us from being burned with our consequences.
People will go through hard times. Believers will go through hard time. We will make mistakes, wanting that which is dangerous for us. And we will get burned. But, there is one thing we can be assured of. Our burns will last only a short period of time (that what God has determined) in relation to eternity. God will be there to carry us through those burning times when we need soothing, encouragement and healing until we are restored to the place we were before, right with Him.
I'm so grateful my Lord soothes my burns with His aloe (love/forgiveness/gentleness). I'm grateful He reminds me to keep my eye on the Him and not look away to those burning temptations. I'm grateful when I do get burned, He is faithful.
Do you have a burn? Are you separated from the One who can sooth your burn and comfort you until it is healed? Did you know Jesus paid the price so you can be healed? Will you keep your eyes, thoughts and heart on the One who is waiting with His aloe?
I do love His soothing aloe!
This morning, as I was going through my hair "routine", I burned the tip of my pointer finger as I was using the curling iron. Wow! You know how a curling iron burn feels! But do you really understand how grabbing a hold of the curling iron (rod) when it's 400 degrees and holding it a minute hurts like nothing else? I screamed and Jimmy came running. MEN, of course, would ask the question, "why did you grab the hot part?" Right, I really meant to! I wasn't paying close attention, looking for something else, thinking about leaving for the wedding and quite frankly, I was board with the entire process! If I had my eyes/mind focused on the delicacy of the hot iron, and its danger, I would have prevented this accident. Now, I'm stuck with a burning sensation and pain until it heals. Aloe helps until the burn is healed. But I will still suffer the consequences for this mistake.
You know, life is like that. When we don't pay attention to the dangerous temptations right before us, looking for something more fun, thinking about our agenda instead of God's and board with the day to day routine He set before us, we get burned by sin - we are separated from God. Why do we KNOW what is right and wrong, KNOW where our focus should be, yet our sinful nature takes us away from the One who can protect us from being burned with our consequences.
People will go through hard times. Believers will go through hard time. We will make mistakes, wanting that which is dangerous for us. And we will get burned. But, there is one thing we can be assured of. Our burns will last only a short period of time (that what God has determined) in relation to eternity. God will be there to carry us through those burning times when we need soothing, encouragement and healing until we are restored to the place we were before, right with Him.
I'm so grateful my Lord soothes my burns with His aloe (love/forgiveness/gentleness). I'm grateful He reminds me to keep my eye on the Him and not look away to those burning temptations. I'm grateful when I do get burned, He is faithful.
Do you have a burn? Are you separated from the One who can sooth your burn and comfort you until it is healed? Did you know Jesus paid the price so you can be healed? Will you keep your eyes, thoughts and heart on the One who is waiting with His aloe?
I do love His soothing aloe!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
I love movies. Jimmy and I go often and consider movies one of the great entertainments. One of our favorites is Forest Gump. Forest was such a good soul. Always kind, always generous, always ready to help another, very innocent. Of course, the best line in the movie was "Like my momma always said, life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get".
That line in the movie has made history...probably because it is so true. Our lives are like a box of chocolates. Each day brings new experiences, new challenges, new joys, new disappointments, new temptations and new hope. The question is, how will we view each new day of our lives? Forest always seemed to view it with hope and amazement. He was made fun of, rejected, bullied, persecuted, his love rejected and ignored. Yet, Forest still seemed to meet each day with joy and hope. He suffered through his challenges with confidence.
Some may say Forest was able to survive because he was challenged or disabled. They might say he was unable to comprehend what was going on. But I say Forest survived because he looked at life through the eyes of love and hope.
You know, studying Revelation this year reminds me of Forest. In the end, when our Lord returns, those left on earth will face the same, though even worse, challenges as Forest. Rejection, bullying, persecution, acts of unkindness, wickedness of other human beings, violence, immorality, depravity and more. Yet those who's faith is in our Savior, will look at each day with joy, love and hope. They'll have joy because God's plan will be coming to completion - when His Son will take the throne and be glorified .... every knee will bow and every tongue will confess He is Lord. Love and gratitude, because of what our Father has done in order to allow them to spend eternity with Him - sending His own Son to be our Savior. Hope, because their hopes will be fulfilled in eternity with Him - in a place He has prepared for us.
I am grateful for the joy, love and hope I have and will have when my Savior returns.
Was Forest challenged or did he have something others only think they have? What will you have when the race is finished? Will you have the love, joy and hope God gives to all believers?
Run Forest Run. Finished the race victoriously! Rejoice when the Lord says, "Well done my good and faithful servant".
That line in the movie has made history...probably because it is so true. Our lives are like a box of chocolates. Each day brings new experiences, new challenges, new joys, new disappointments, new temptations and new hope. The question is, how will we view each new day of our lives? Forest always seemed to view it with hope and amazement. He was made fun of, rejected, bullied, persecuted, his love rejected and ignored. Yet, Forest still seemed to meet each day with joy and hope. He suffered through his challenges with confidence.
Some may say Forest was able to survive because he was challenged or disabled. They might say he was unable to comprehend what was going on. But I say Forest survived because he looked at life through the eyes of love and hope.
You know, studying Revelation this year reminds me of Forest. In the end, when our Lord returns, those left on earth will face the same, though even worse, challenges as Forest. Rejection, bullying, persecution, acts of unkindness, wickedness of other human beings, violence, immorality, depravity and more. Yet those who's faith is in our Savior, will look at each day with joy, love and hope. They'll have joy because God's plan will be coming to completion - when His Son will take the throne and be glorified .... every knee will bow and every tongue will confess He is Lord. Love and gratitude, because of what our Father has done in order to allow them to spend eternity with Him - sending His own Son to be our Savior. Hope, because their hopes will be fulfilled in eternity with Him - in a place He has prepared for us.
I am grateful for the joy, love and hope I have and will have when my Savior returns.
Was Forest challenged or did he have something others only think they have? What will you have when the race is finished? Will you have the love, joy and hope God gives to all believers?
Run Forest Run. Finished the race victoriously! Rejoice when the Lord says, "Well done my good and faithful servant".
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Two down and one to go! Yep....our last son is getting married in February. Preparations are almost complete, dress bought, shoes on the way, Spanxs in the suitcase, reservations made and the rest is down hill from here.
To me, weddings are a total joy. I cry at weddings. Not tears of sadness, but of great joy. Weddings take place because two people have "chosen" to be joined together for a lifetime. They pledge their love and devotion to one another. They make a solemn oath and commitment before others and to each other. Two people begin their life with great joy and jubilation. What a wonderful time in one's life! Why not cry tears of joy?
True, marriage is a lifetime of commitment and work. Working to keep the relationship fresh. Working to please one's love. Working to do for the other what no one else would ever do because you love them. It is a work that brings great joy and intimacy.
True, there are those marriages, when two people do not keep the same commitment to one another, to do all the things they promise and pledge. But then....was that commitment/pledge ever really true to begin with? Was it simply one sided with selfish desires by one party? We are never promised marriage would be easy.
It reminds me of our true commitment and pledge to our faith - our love for the Lord Jesus. The Bible says He is our bridegroom and we are his bride. When we truly get to know Him, what is not to fall in love with? He's truthful, faithful, loving, merciful, kind, generous, slow to anger, eager to show love and desires to have an intimate relationship with us.
In these times of uncertainty, there are not many we can rely on. Not many we can trust to always be truthful, faithful to their word. Not many who are willing to give forgiveness and mercy, wanting only for us to love them with all our heart. The world is full of sin and wickedness, yet there is one who is all these good things and more.
When He returns, He will take those of us who love Him to His home. We will share in His wealth and glory, bask in His love. And all the pain and hurt, fear and injustice we experience here will be wiped away.
Is He your bridegroom? Have you committed to Him for eternity?
My prayer for Nikki and that they will pledge to each other, their commitment to love each other for all their earthly lives. To promise to the best of their ability their faithfulness, love, mercy, kindness, gentleness, slowness in anger and generosity. But most of all, together, pledge to their heavenly bridegroom, all the above, for eternity.
Who could possibly live a more joyful life than those who commit to Him?
I am grateful for the loves of my life, both my earthly groom and my heavenly groom. And, I am grateful for their love for me.
Love you Nikki and Anthony!
To me, weddings are a total joy. I cry at weddings. Not tears of sadness, but of great joy. Weddings take place because two people have "chosen" to be joined together for a lifetime. They pledge their love and devotion to one another. They make a solemn oath and commitment before others and to each other. Two people begin their life with great joy and jubilation. What a wonderful time in one's life! Why not cry tears of joy?
True, marriage is a lifetime of commitment and work. Working to keep the relationship fresh. Working to please one's love. Working to do for the other what no one else would ever do because you love them. It is a work that brings great joy and intimacy.
True, there are those marriages, when two people do not keep the same commitment to one another, to do all the things they promise and pledge. But then....was that commitment/pledge ever really true to begin with? Was it simply one sided with selfish desires by one party? We are never promised marriage would be easy.
It reminds me of our true commitment and pledge to our faith - our love for the Lord Jesus. The Bible says He is our bridegroom and we are his bride. When we truly get to know Him, what is not to fall in love with? He's truthful, faithful, loving, merciful, kind, generous, slow to anger, eager to show love and desires to have an intimate relationship with us.
In these times of uncertainty, there are not many we can rely on. Not many we can trust to always be truthful, faithful to their word. Not many who are willing to give forgiveness and mercy, wanting only for us to love them with all our heart. The world is full of sin and wickedness, yet there is one who is all these good things and more.
When He returns, He will take those of us who love Him to His home. We will share in His wealth and glory, bask in His love. And all the pain and hurt, fear and injustice we experience here will be wiped away.
Is He your bridegroom? Have you committed to Him for eternity?
My prayer for Nikki and that they will pledge to each other, their commitment to love each other for all their earthly lives. To promise to the best of their ability their faithfulness, love, mercy, kindness, gentleness, slowness in anger and generosity. But most of all, together, pledge to their heavenly bridegroom, all the above, for eternity.
Who could possibly live a more joyful life than those who commit to Him?
I am grateful for the loves of my life, both my earthly groom and my heavenly groom. And, I am grateful for their love for me.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Foodie....that is what I call my husband. He plans weekends and trips around when and where we will eat. Though both of us are watching our still plays a great part in our daily lives (I think Jimmy's more than mine.) Though I often say I eat for sustenance, Jimmy eats for pleasure. Whatever the is still important. I thought about this and came up with the following reasons food plays such an important roll.
1. It gives energy and builds strength
2. It comforts like nothing else
3. It hydrates and keeps things flowing
4. Tastes brings great pleasure or sometimes disappointment
5. It heals when we are sick
6. It provides great conversation
7. It removes hunger
I'm sure there are more, but these are just a few I could come up with. Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I've begun to plan the menu. Then, I realized Jimmy and I would be home alone for this holiday and I wouldn't need to cook. This is disappointing, but also, I must admit, comforting. I can still receive the above blessings without the work of cooking since we will probably eat out. Free blessings at someone else's cost (time, energy, money, etc.) This makes me think about the free blessings I receive when I study or partake of God's Word.
1. It gives energy and builds strength
2. It comforts like nothing else
3. It hydrates and keeps things flowing
4. Tastes (intake) brings great pleasure or sometimes disappointment (due to conviction)
5. It heals when we are sick (physically, emotionally and spiritually)
6. It provides great conversation
7. It removes hunger (for anything other than God's desire)
Hmmmmm.....these two lists look a LOT alike! Yes, if I think of food as a means of sustenance, doesn't it seam to make sense that God's Word is a means of even greater sustenance? Perhaps not just momentarily but eternally? I'm grateful for His Word that gives me strength and courage when I'm down....comforts me and heals me. Gives me living waters that flow within to bring me great pleasure and conviction. And it's free...paid for by someone else. It also reminds me of my brothers and sisters in Christ, with whom I have relationships that provide great conversations about our loving and wondrous Father. All this....and it's not temporary but eternal.
Hmmmmm....I'm hungry.....what will I turn to? Man made food or spiritual food? What are you hungry for?
Friday, October 30, 2015
We all face trials, things that happen to us or things we may even cause. Often times these trials boil up in us those things we find most disturbing and unpleasant in others. We sometimes feel entitled to those feelings, therefore bringing us to a feeling of despair and anguish.
I have a friend who "appears" to be to handle most all these feelings. I envy her in her no-nonsense approach and dignified manner in which she works through problems and heartache. I wish I could handle things the way she does. There is no self pity, no complaining. Simply quiet resolve and steadfastness.
Yet, I really don't know what's inside her heart or mind. I don't know the hurt she may be feeling or if she too feels despair or forsaken. I only know what appears on the outside. Perhaps she too, has the the feelings that overcome me, but somehow has the power rid herself of them.
In Ephesians 4:31-32, Paul reminds us to "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every for of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
But how do I do this when feeling hurt, angry, bitter and rage? My only resolve is to remember the description of the "Sender" to the saints of the seven churches in Revelation. He is described as the "holder of the seven stars (angels) of the churches and the One who walks among the churches. He is the First and Last who died and came to life, the One who has the sharp, double-edged sword (has divine judgement), the Son of God, who's eyes are like blazing fire (has penetrating insight), feet are like burnished bronze (strong and mighty. He is the One who holds the seven spirits of God (God's Spirit) and the seven stars (the seven churches), Holy and True and holds the keys of David (possesses absolute authority). He is the Amen (one true God), the faithful and true witness and the ruler of God's creation. He is the Truth and supreme over all His creation."
If He is all this, He was and is and is able to forgive me of these iniquities and His Spirit gives me strength to overcome that which He calls me to get rid of. Along with this, He also calls me to rid myself of guilt, for His blood has covered it all.
I am grateful for the Word. I am grateful for His conviction, forgiveness and grace. For as He convicts me, it is not for my punishment but to make me pure and holy.
Praise be to Him who is my All and All!
I have a friend who "appears" to be to handle most all these feelings. I envy her in her no-nonsense approach and dignified manner in which she works through problems and heartache. I wish I could handle things the way she does. There is no self pity, no complaining. Simply quiet resolve and steadfastness.
Yet, I really don't know what's inside her heart or mind. I don't know the hurt she may be feeling or if she too feels despair or forsaken. I only know what appears on the outside. Perhaps she too, has the the feelings that overcome me, but somehow has the power rid herself of them.
In Ephesians 4:31-32, Paul reminds us to "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every for of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
But how do I do this when feeling hurt, angry, bitter and rage? My only resolve is to remember the description of the "Sender" to the saints of the seven churches in Revelation. He is described as the "holder of the seven stars (angels) of the churches and the One who walks among the churches. He is the First and Last who died and came to life, the One who has the sharp, double-edged sword (has divine judgement), the Son of God, who's eyes are like blazing fire (has penetrating insight), feet are like burnished bronze (strong and mighty. He is the One who holds the seven spirits of God (God's Spirit) and the seven stars (the seven churches), Holy and True and holds the keys of David (possesses absolute authority). He is the Amen (one true God), the faithful and true witness and the ruler of God's creation. He is the Truth and supreme over all His creation."
If He is all this, He was and is and is able to forgive me of these iniquities and His Spirit gives me strength to overcome that which He calls me to get rid of. Along with this, He also calls me to rid myself of guilt, for His blood has covered it all.
I am grateful for the Word. I am grateful for His conviction, forgiveness and grace. For as He convicts me, it is not for my punishment but to make me pure and holy.
Praise be to Him who is my All and All!
Friday, October 23, 2015
In my last post, I spoke of names and name changes. My son just got married and therefore, his bride's last name changed. I have discovered that names really are important. They identify, or connect us with others. My mother's name was Edna. Edna means "little seed, kernel". Her middle name was Louise, meaning "well known fighter". And her last name was Drake, meaning "dragon". Therefore, mom was a tiny little thing, worked hard and fought for her family like a dragon. Yep...that probably describes her well.
She was petite and was a mamma bear when it came to her children. Tough in discipline but loved deeply. She always made the comment, "hurt me but do NOT hurt my child!"
Mom fought hard these past several months. Diagnosed with COPD, congestive heart failure and low kidney function, she had to press on with great strength to keep going and stay alive. She wanted to live and wanted to be with her children. Yes, she was a petite dragon who fought to care for others and experience the joys of life as long as she could.
During the last month, I had the privilege to be with mom during a hospital stay. We talked about fears past and present. We spoke about heaven, seeing daddy again and more importantly, seeing her heavenly Father. We walked through the steps of assurance and mom prayed the prayer of salvation. This was my wish for her. That she would know Jesus as Lord and Savior and have a such a personal relationship with Him that she would rejoice in her homecoming. My sister had been out of the hospital room during this conversation and when she returned, with mom sleeping, she commented on how peaceful mom was compared to when she left for a short while. It was like night and day. Yep...that's what knowing Jesus does. A peace and assurance of His love and faithfulness brings about an inner peace like none other. Indescribable!
Mom went to her new heavenly home last night at approximately 10:00 pm. My sister and brother-in-law were at her side. I am grateful for my sissy's love and tenderness in being there at that time. I am grateful for a mother who worked hard, fought hard and raised 5 children with love and compassion. But most of all, I am grateful for a heavenly Father who met her in His kingdom with open arms, ready to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant". And I am grateful for His compassion on this sinner's soul to allow me the privilege of knowing she is with Him.
Where will you be? In a grave or in His kingdom? If you're not sure, won't you ask Him how you can be adopted as His child and spend eternity with Him?
Welcome home mommy!
Monday, October 19, 2015
WOW! What a great weekend we had. Our middle son was married this past weekend to his beautiful fiance Carissa. We are so blessed beyond imagination! Carissa Adamson became the new Mrs. Graham Todd Allen. One nice benefit to her name change was that she kept her same initials! How many of us get to do that?!
I remember changing my name on my SS card after I was married. I went from an "R" to an "A". That sounded great to me! But what was really good, was that I was now identified with a precious family that loved me and took me in as a daughter. We hope Carissa knows how much we love her and consider her now the next daughter in our family. Alix now has a sister in crime!
We will have another wedding in February with our youngest, Anthony. Then, Nikki will become the third daughter in the Allen clan. Our love for each one of these girls is beyond our dreams. They add a powerful addition to this all male household - a strength and and assurance of a complete family.
You know, a name change identifies you not as someone new, but as someone claimed. It's like a seal placed on you as a claim of identifying you to another.
We too, believers in Christ, are given a new name. A name that identifies our love and faith in the One who has paid the ransom and claims us as His. We are sealed with this new identity by His Holy Spirit for a lifetime. My new name....Christian. I am claimed by my groom, who chose me to be His bride. I'm thrilled with my new name.
My prayer is for these two newlyweds to claim their new names. After all.....adding a "C" to their initials is a blessing and a privilege.
I am so grateful for the blessing of this weekend. For the beautiful woman my Lord game my sweet son. Name changes are AWESOME! Have you added a new initial?
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