Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, it's 11:10 pm and I jumped out of bed remembering I forgot to blog today. My resolution was to blog each day with a mention of one thing I am grateful for.

Today has been a quiet day for a Monday. Nothing earth shattering. No emergency or last minute detail to take care of for family or BSF. No sad story to tell. Just a regular, normal (as normal as one would say as the setting on the dryer) as one could have.

It is funny however, that I received a text from Clark asking if I had some blankets and a dog belonging to Huston. I replied that Huston left them at my house when he spent the night on Friday evening. His dog, Fella, as I always knew him, was upstairs on the bed waiting for him to arrive tomorrow night - his usual overnight with Emery. When Huston was here and I mentioned I was glad to see Fella, Huston said that was not his name. I was was what I had been calling him for over a year now and he had never corrected me before. When Clark responded back to my text, he said the dog's name was something else...Feddle or something. Not sure where H came up with that one, or how long it has been the dog's name. Guess I'm either hard of hearing or really out of the loop. Kids really do keep you on your toes. Fella really is a cute dog. I think I will still call him Fella though. Feddle, or whatever his name is, just doesn't fit this cute pup.

So Fella, I'm thankful I am able to have grandchildren that come over and spend the night at our house, go to the movies with us, eat Krispy Kream donuts on Saturday mornings with us and remind us when we don't have a clue to the names of their special friends like you! And I am thankful they have adorable friends like you who share these wonderful years of immagination and creativity!

Good night Fella!

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