Tuesday, February 23, 2010


You are sooooo not going to believe this. It SNOWED here in San Antonio. No, I am not crazy. Nor am I seeing things. No, it was not manna from heaven. It was SNOW!!!!!!! No, it did not stick to the ground nor did it look like snow once it even hit the ground. But yes, it was SNOW!!!!! I was sitting in leaders meeting at Bible Study, looked out the window, and there it was, floating in the air. Now it has never been this cold in San Antonio since we moved here approximately six years ago. In fact, there was never even snow in the forecast that I know of since we moved here. But today, it was forecast and it did snow.

Now those of you who live in the north - or even north of us (i.e. Dallas) probably think I'm insane. You wouldn't call what I saw snow. Yes, it sleeted before it snowed, but it was definitely SNOW! For those of us in the central and southern part of Texas, this would have been a holiday if it came anywhere near sticking to the ground. It was beautiful! Did you know that each snowflake is different? There are no two snowflakes exactly alike. Isn't that mind blowing? And...it's sooooo beautiful. It's actually made up of dirty water/precipitation. Yet, when the temperature gets a hold of it, it freezes to just the right temperature, and flakes of soft, almost weightless materials form into beautiful shapes and float through the air, landing on the earth, building mounds of white powder around the shapes of things it lands on. To me, it's heavenly! I love snow.

It makes me think of us. We are like the dirty water/precipitation hanging around, pushed from place to place. But when God touches our life, shapes us, reshapes us, molds and chips away at us, we become formed into the person we were created to be. We then are able to float through our families, neighborhoods, communities, churches, schools, businesses and friends and partner to make life beautiful and pleasing to God and man. Like the snow, we can't become snow/beautiful people without the help of something/someone more powerful than ourselves. Unless we allow God to change us to the person He created us to be, we will just stay like the dirty water/precipitation that moves with the wind and falls to the ground.

So today, I am thankful for the SNOW! Oh come on now...it was snow! And I am thankful for the reminder that like the snow, I am only able to become beautiful, unique, different than the world and a joy to others when I allow the One person who is able to change me according to His will. So, Happy Snow Day everyone!

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