Hey! Are you packin? If so...you better be carryin! Isn't it funny how words can be perceived to mean several things? Take for instance, "packin". In this case, is meant to mean "carrying" a gun." And "carryin," to mean a "license to carry a firearm or a gun." But there can be other meanings too.
My mom went to the hospital last Thursday to have a stint put into the artery along her right femur. She had two blockages in the artery of her right leg. One 99% blocked below the knee, and one 80% blocked above the knee. In order to clean out the artery, they went through the groin area to clean out the veins where the blockages were and put a stint in the artery above the knee (apparently they do not put stints below the knee). Years of bad eating habits and a family history of high blood pressure were probably the cause for the blockages.
Mother had the same procedure done in October on the left leg. The procedure worked so well, she was looking forward to this one. Her left leg no longer had pain when she walked and she could walk further and longer than before. With the right leg cleaned out and the artery opened up, she was looking forward to exercising and feeling better without experiencing pain.
The first procedure went by without a hitch, except that the nurse caused her much pain AFTER the surgery when he had to press on the artery opening in the groin area until the compression stopped the bleeding (about 20 minutes). She hated that. There was much complaining over THAT procedure! Otherwise, she felt no pain the day after and was ready to walk down the hall. However, this time, the cardiologist chose a different device to stop the bleeding. It is called an Angio-seal Device. It is an anchor placed into the opening of the incision, and is drawn together with the collagen with an absorbable suture, stopping the bleeding. After 60-90 days the anchor, collagen and suture, naturally absorb into the body. Before leaving the hospital, mother was given a card to carry with her for 90 days, until all was absorbed, in case of an accident, or medical emergency, so EMS workers or doctors would be notified of the device. NOW, mother is known as "carryin!" Yes, my 85 year old mom is a "carryin" grama!
Staying at the hospital with my mom, made me realize I have blockages myself. I too, have needs to be cleaned and opened so the blood of Jesus can flow through me. My blockages have been cause by years of unconfessed sin, pridefulness, arrogance, lack of faith and unbelief. These sins have cause callouses to form inside me that needed to be cleaned out - "rotor rooted" as one might say. Opened to allow God's goodness and mercy to flow through to others.
That's exactly what the Lord Jesus did for me on the cross. His blood, shed on the cross, cleansed me and freed me from the sins that blocked me from having that wonderful relationship with the Father. This whole procedure makes me realize that I too, am "carryin." I too, carry notification of something inside. I too, am cleaned out, cleaned so there is nothing "blocking" God's freshness and purity flowing through me. I too, am sealed with identification that I have been healed and have new life within. That "seal", God's Holy Spirit, is what I "carry." It identifies me as being healed and cleaned out. It says God has touched me. God has healed me. I belong to Him.
Yes, I am "carryin!" I'm a "CARD CARRYIN BELIEVER!"
So today, I am thankful for two things. One, to God for the wonderful knowledge, skill and ability He gives our doctors, nurses, scientist, and etc., who are able to give my mom newness in her physical life - new energy and time to enjoy the time she has without pain. But also, I am thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ, for the healing He has done in me, my mom and my family and friends. For giving me new life, new energy, no more agony over sin, no more burden and shame for confessed sin, but joy in my repentance as He has paid the cost that I may have eternal life now, in abundance.
Are you "carryin?"