Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Princess Day with Emmy, God's Little Princess...the pink ballerina

What a great day today was. Jimmy, Clark and Huston had planned to go to Waco for the Baylor game and Alix was to attend a women's retreat at her mother's church. I offered to sit with Emery since I had never had her alone for the day. I took special care and planned for a couple of weeks to make the day very special - something Emery would find fun and I could scrapbook for her so she could one day look back on with the two of us together. Since I never had girls, I wasn't sure what to do with a little girl. A friend in BSF told me about these special little books called Gigi, God's Little Princess. It's about a little dark, curly headed girl who's parents tell her she's truly a princess - God's princess. So, I decided I would have a special day for our little princess and have very girly things to do and EVERYTHING in PINK - her favorite color, of course!
Alix left for her retreat early Saturday morning. Though Jimmy and the boys decided not to go to Waco, I had decided to keep my Princess Day with Emery anyway. I picked Ems up at around 10:30 am. When I arrived to pick her up, she wasn't dressed to go yet...Clark was dealing with both kids and hadn't quite gotten to dressing her for her departure.
I asked what she would like to wear to start the day. She had been playing in princess dresses (costumes really) and decided that those were just the ones she wanted to wear. I figured...what the heck...why not...after all...she IS the princess. Alix had already packed the outfit I requested for later in the day, so off we went in her little princess dress for the day.

Tell daddy and the little prince (brother Huston) bye bye!
Careful not to trip!
No, you boys cannot come!
All buckled in!
These princess shoes are already killing me! Where's my glass slipper?

Our first stop was for some royal lunch at the Golden Arches...just the proper place for a princess with expensive taste. Yummy golden nuggets and fries with apple juice and a Barbie ring prize! Soooooo Exciting!
No one better touch my golden nuggets!
Hey Princess, watch that dress...this ain't no strip joint!

Back on the road to the royal mall for a little shopping! Lovey says Target has lots of special toys for every little princess. I wonder what I shall buy?
Barbie Princess' everywhere...Aunt Whitney would be proud!
Now THIS looks promising!
By George, I think I've found it!
The PERFECT princess play house for a perfect little princess...and it's kidding!

After finding the perfect prize to take home, we headed to Lovey's house for the little princess to take a nap on the big Princess bed! Emmy usually sleeps in her pack and play when she's at Lovey's, but today, I thought she might like to play like the princess and the pea and sleep in the big tall bed (what I told her was the princess bed) in the extra bed room. She was excited and went right to sleep without a sound.
The sleeping princess in the royal bed!

While Emmy was asleep, I arranged her attire for the rest of the day. I planned for a special treat that afternoon. I asked Alix to pack her ballerina bathing suit I bought for her earlier in the summer along with some pink shoes. I planned a special outfit for a late afternoon coach ride....wait and see!

When Emmy awoke, we had a special tea party on a blanket upstairs while she watched her Barbie Princess movie. We had pink cupcakes and she had milk in her princess cup. As you can see in the next pictures...the icing was DELICIOUS! and the sprinkles were EVERYWHERE!

This paper is good too!
Barbie doesn't have cupcakes!
No can't have any! ALL MINE!
These sprinkles get EVERYWHERE!
Is this a good look on me?
So I got carried away a little...what's the big deal?

After our picnic, I changed Emmy's clothes, added a crown, boa, and gave her a wand with a princess butterfly on the end and headed to Yardley's Salon for her to get her very own manicure and pedicure. She was given the princess treatment by Maria and the entire Yardley's staff and even got to pick out her very own nail just so happened to be Princess something-or-other pink... Wouldn't your know!

Is this gonna tickle?

While having her pedicure, I read Gigi, God's Little Princess...the pink ballerina to her. It's the sweetest book for the sweetest little princess I know.
Lovey, are you gonna take pictures the ENTIRE time?
I's been WAY to long!
Yes, they are just a mess...can you make them pretty? My mom makes me do dishes and slave work. Can you imagine a Princess doing manual labor? It really messes up my nails! The color is great...don't you think?
You are doing really good, Maria. Good job! I shall grant you many royal wishes!
Thank you my royal subjects! You are the BEST!

After finishing at Yardley's, we headed back to the little princess' palace to show her mommy, daddy and the little prince her BEAUTIFUL toes and nails and how beautiful she looked with her special outfit.
For Lovey -, it was one of the best days I've ever had. What FUN playing princess with one's granddaughter. What a blessing. I hope I get more Princess Days again soon.

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